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By Ms W. Bentil INFS 111. The Concept of Information Ms Bentil2.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ms W. Bentil INFS 111. The Concept of Information Ms Bentil2."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ms W. Bentil INFS 111

2 The Concept of Information Ms Bentil2

3 What is information?  It is often defined as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient.  Message received and understood. Ms Bentil 3

4  Stair and Reynolds (2006) define information as a collection of facts organised in such a way that they have additional value beyond the value of the facts themselves. Ms Bentil4

5 Machlup and Mansfield (1983)  Increasing the state of knowledge of the recipient  Resolving uncertainty  Value in decision making  The physical surrogate (i.e. representation of knowledge Ms Bentil 5

6  Buckland (1991) also identified three aspects of ‘information’ namely:  a)Information as a process b)Information as knowledge c)Information as a thing. Ms Bentil 6

7  Generally, information is best explained in the context of what has been described as the Knowledge Pyramid. Ms Bentil 7

8 The Knowledge Pyramid Ms Bentil 8

9 Data  It is simply defined as raw facts and figures. Characteristics:  Raw  Unprocessed  Meaningless Egs are figures, symbols, names etc. Ms Bentil 9

10  Data can be a) alphanumeric – letters, numbers and other characters b) Image – Graphic images and pictures c) Audio – Sound, noise or tones d) Video – Moving images or pictures Ms Bentil 10

11  The base of the pyramid represents data. Ms Bentil11

12 Information  Information derives from data.  The volume of information is smaller than that of data. 12 Ms Bentil

13 Knowledge  Knowledge derives from information that has been assimilated on the basis of: a) Experience b) Analytical ability c) Educational background d) Cultural background.  Knowledge has a smaller volume compared to information. Ms Bentil 13

14 Wisdom  The apex, which is the smallest unit of the pyramid, represents wisdom.  It is simply defined as knowledge applied to the benefit of humanity.  Examples: Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of telephone Ms Bentil 14

15  Bill Gates’ invention of Microsoft.  Louis Pasteur’s discovery of the micro organisms that cause tuberculosis.  Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.  Wisdom occupies the smallest unit of the pyramid. Ms Bentil 15

16  The continuum can also be illustrated in a straightforward diagram. Data Information Knowledge Wisdom Ms Bentil 16

17  Data and information are sometimes used interchangeably but they have different meanings.  NB: What may be data to one person may be information to another depending on relevance. 17 Ms Bentil

18 The Information Age  Information is now regarded as a factor of production.  It has therefore assumed an important position in the society these days. Ms Bentil 18

19  Individuals or countries that have information progress better and faster.  USA and Japan spend so much of their resources in generating information. 19 Ms Bentil

20  Information is also considered as an international commodity  There are now various international agreements dealing with information sharing. 20 Ms Bentil

21  The concept of information has changed in the past 20 – 30 years.  There is an attempt to move into a “paperless society” 21 Ms Bentil

22 The Internet is now dominating the channels of information provision.  Formerly, writing, newspapers, radio and T.V were used. 22 Ms Bentil

23 Tangible and intangible information Ms Bentil23

24 Tangible information  It is information regarded as a thing.  It is recorded and may be in the form of written documents, printed materials or digitized materials.  Egs are books, newpapers, CDs, letters, etc Ms Bentil24

25 Intangible information  It is information described as a process or knowledge.  Information is described as a process when it is performing the function of informing.  It is described as knowledge when it is performing the role of imparting knowledge to an individual. Ms Bentil25

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