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Midwest Regional Advisory Council (MRAC) Proposal for Meeting Structure Presented by: Wendy Balman Anne Olson Susan Slocum March 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Midwest Regional Advisory Council (MRAC) Proposal for Meeting Structure Presented by: Wendy Balman Anne Olson Susan Slocum March 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midwest Regional Advisory Council (MRAC) Proposal for Meeting Structure Presented by: Wendy Balman Anne Olson Susan Slocum March 22, 2013

2 Background The Midwest Regional Advisory Council (MRAC) began in 2011 as a group of chapter leaders who wanted to share best practices. This gathering evolved into a regional conference and the current MRAC. The desire to share learnings and best practices across the regional chapters still exists. The following proposal is with this in mind. 90 minute – once a month meeting of MRAC Moderator of the MRAC will lead the calls and hold the agenda Assumptions Spread the wisdom and provide support among ICF Midwest chapters Develop intentional knowledge management and legacy within/between chapters Revisit same topics on a yearly basis to deepen and advance the learning Goal of proposal

3 Proposed structure of future MRAC meetings First 60 minutes of MRAC monthly meeting: Share best practices, learnings and brainstorming of new ideas between the regional chapter leaders One focus area per month; i.e., February = Membership; March = Programming; etc. These focus areas could be referred to as Special Interest Groups (SIGs): –Champions (2 or more people) for each topic »These champions will gather "what's working" and what's not working" from the chapters to share with the MRAC 1 week before the monthly call –Any initiatives that are formed based on this discussion can organize offline conversations and report back at following monthly call(s) during the last 30 minutes of the monthly calls. January meeting to include: Introduction of MRAC members and roles of the MRAC. After introductions at this meeting, define interest of who will champion the various topics throughout the year.

4 Proposed structure for future MRAC meetings December meeting to include: Harvest the learning from the year –What worked? –What didn't work? –What to keep and what to change for the next year? Incorporate upcoming chapter leaders on this call so they can also benefit from the learning as they take the reins in the new year. Last 30 minutes of MRAC monthly meeting: Short check-ins of ongoing projects and initiatives of the MRAC SIG/committee reports can be used to report back to MRAC Best practice is to provide updates and clear agenda requests for any group discussion at least 1 week in advance

5 Potential SIGs List of Potential Topics : (Coordinate with ICF calendar when appropriate.) * Membership * Programming / CCEUs * Marketing / Branding / Website / Technology / Communications / Social Media / Internal Focus for Coaches / External Focus for Outside Community * Chapter Organization / Legal / Branding? * Finances * Intl Coaching Week / Community Connection * Sales / Sponsorship * ICF Credential Process * Board Role Fulfillment / Food & Venue for chapter meetings * Leverage ICF Better / Chapter Leader Development * Board Support /Administrative Assistants

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