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Exploration Learning Targets. 9 December 2015 Learning Target: Explain characteristics of medieval trade. 1.GT/CE, assessments 2.Vocabulary: define/answer/illustration.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration Learning Targets. 9 December 2015 Learning Target: Explain characteristics of medieval trade. 1.GT/CE, assessments 2.Vocabulary: define/answer/illustration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration Learning Targets

2 9 December 2015 Learning Target: Explain characteristics of medieval trade. 1.GT/CE, assessments 2.Vocabulary: define/answer/illustration for guessing game… 3.Trade notes 4.Simulation tomorrow

3 10 December 2015 Learning Target: Students will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of trade centers located along the Silk Road and Africa. 1.What’s happen’, Games… 2.Directions/setup 3.Trade simulation 4.Discussion with teams/whole group recap…

4 11 December 2015 Learning Target: Analyze the effects of medieval trade. 1.What’s happen’, 2.Recap game: war, disease 3.Trade Notes 4.Trade video (3-2-1)

5 14 December 2015 Learning Target: Analyze the effects of medieval trade. 1.What’s happen’, 2.Recap game: war, disease 3.Trade Notes 4.Trade video (3-2-1)


7 5 February 2015 LT: Explain the motives for voyages of exploration. 1.GT/CE, test completion 2.Achieve3000: Did Weather Change History 3.Discussion Questions 4.Exploration motives (Notes on 3G’s)

8 6 February 2015 LT: Analyze the accomplishments of Zheng He 1.GT/CE, test completion 2.Finish Exploration motives (Notes on 3G’s) 3.Zheng He reading, RAP, answer w/partner 4.Zheng He Video w/guide

9 9 February 2015 LT: Analyze the accomplishments of Zheng He 1.GT/CE, test return/corrections 2.Finish Exploration notes (technology) 3.Zheng He in America slide & video 4.Paragraph written response

10 11 February 2015 LT: Analyze the impact of Christopher Columbus 1.GT/CE, DBQ recap… 2.Scheduling talk… show the course options 3.Columbus intro pictures and fact/opinion? 4.Columbus controversy… read/annotate 5.Groups of four (A’s and B’s) -Best evidence, statements/record -consensus -reflection

11 12February 2015 LT: Analyze the impact of Christopher Columbus 1.Scheduling talk… show the course options 2.Collect DBQ’s 3.Columbus intro pictures and fact/opinion? 4.Columbus controversy… read/annotate 5.Groups of four (A’s and B’s) -Best evidence, statements/record -consensus -reflection

12 13 February 2015 LT: Analyze the impact of Christopher Columbus 1.GT/CE, missing work & grades 2.Columbus controversy… read/annotate, whole class, partner 3.Achieve3000: Drake’s Secret (Columbus when done) 4.Groups of four (A’s and B’s) -Best evidence, statements/record -consensus -reflection

13 17 February 2015 LT: Analyze the impact of Christopher Columbus 1.GT/CE, missing work & grades, classes, vocab 2.Columbus controversy… best evidence/decision 3.Achieve3000: Three Worlds Meet: A 400-Year-Old Mystery Solved 4.Columbian Exchange Notes 5.Video clip of Columbus

14 18 February 2015 LT: Select courses for next school year 1.Attendance 2.SSS presentations *Vocab (Mon)

15 19 February 2015 LT: Analyze factors for European dominance of natives. 1.GT/CE, grades 2.Finish Columbus controversy 3.Cortez/Pizarro notes 4.Guns, Germs and Steel *Vocab (Mon)

16 20 February 2015 LT: Analyze factors for European dominance of natives. 1.GT/CAchieve3000: Age of Revolution: Was This Blackbeard's Ship? 2.Guns, Germs and Steel (13min) *Vocab (Mon)

17 23 February 2015 LT: Analyze factors for European dominance of natives. 1.Guns, Germs and Steel (17.5min/guns) 2.Vocab Kahoot and collect 3.Note on triangle trade *Vocab Quiz (Tue)

18 24 February 2015 LT: Explain key aspects of the African Slave trade 1.Recap G, G, & S… missing work, vocab 2.Achieve: England's Terrible Trade 3.Vocab Kahoot 4.Note on triangle trade

19 25 February 2015 LT: Explain key aspects of the African Slave trade 1.Collect vocab & quiz time 2.Slavery documents: 3 groups, then present best 3.Exploration Maps

20 26 February 2015 LT: Explain key aspects of the African Slave trade 1.Complete Slavery documents: last group then recap 2.Amistad clip 3.Achieve3000: Remembering the Amistad 4.Exploration Maps


22 18 February 2014 LT: Select courses for next school year 1.Good things/current events 2.SSS scheduling and testing 3.Vocab/Intro exploration

23 19 February 2014 LT: Evaluate student samples of CER skills (claims, evidence, reasoning) 1.GT/CE, SSS recap 2.CER Workshop/evaluating student samples 3.Return tests/work-time/corrections *Vocab (Fri) *Green sheets (2/28)

24 20 February 2014 LT: Explain the motives for European exploration 1.GT/CE, SSS 2.Test corrections/vocab/missing work 3.Introduce European exploration (notes/discussion) 4.Motives CER *Vocab (tomorrow) *Green sheets (2/28)

25 21 February 2014 LT: Analyze the factors motivating European exploration 1.GT/CE, SSS, correction problems! 2.Collect Vocab 3.Exploration Notes (3G’s) 4.Motives CER (Bal. Inst. Groups) -best evidence/arguing a point *Green sheets (2/28)

26 24 February 2014 LT: Explain who explored key areas of the globe and why. 1.GT/CE, SSS, correction problems! 2.Finish CER’s and graded discussion 3.Finish Exploration Notes (Tech) 4.Exploration competition (Who/when) *Green sheets (2/28)

27 25 February 2014 LT: Analyze the motives for exploration 1.GT/CE, SSS, 2.Finish CER’s and graded discussion 3.Finish Exploration Notes (5 th ) (Tech) 4.Which is the real Columbus? 5.Timeline work time *Green sheets (2/28)

28 26 February 2014 LT: Support a claim using evidence and reasoning 1.GT/CE, SSS, 2.Collect time lines and CER’s 3.Columbus Common CER 4.Exploration Map *Green sheets (2/28)

29 27 February 2014 LT: Analyze the impact of the Columbian exchange 1.GT/CE, SSS, 2.Reflect/discuss Columbus 3.Columbus fact/opinion 4.Cortez & Pizarro *Green sheets (2/28)

30 28 February 2014 LT: Analyze the impact of the Columbian exchange 1.GT/CE, SSS 2.Food activity (which are new/old world) 3.Columbian exchange notes/video 4.Intro Guns, germs and steel *Green sheets (2/28)

31 3 March 2014 LT: Explain reasons for European success against Native Americans 1.GT/CE, green sheets 2.Positive/negative effects of C. Exchange 3.Intro Guns, germs and steel *Green sheets (2/28)

32 4 March 2014 LT: Explain reasons for European success against Native Americans 1.GT/CE, green sheets 2.Finish G, G & S 3.Discuss the video 4.Intro slave trade DBQ

33 5 March 2014 LT: Explain the stages of the African slave trade 1.GT/CE, green sheets 2.Discuss Guns, Germs & Steel 3.Intro slave trade DBQ 4.Small groups for main idea and evidence *Test (Fri)

34 6 March 2014 LT: Explain the stages of the African slave trade 1.Resume small groups on Slave trade (discuss) 2.Amistad clip and storytelling 3.Review and study guides *Test (Fri)

35 7 March 2014 LT: Explain the stages of the African slave trade 1.Collect study guides 2.Exploration test 3.Revolutions vocabulary *Vocabulary (3/14)


37 19 February 2013 LT: Identify motives for European exploration 1.Good things/current events 2.Return Tests 3.Go over Renaissance CER’s (samples)… video 4.Motives for European Exploration notes (Cornell)

38 20 February 2013 LT: Identify motives for European exploration 1.Review/finish 3G’s 2.Motivation CER (model #4) 3.Work time

39 21 February 2013 LT: Identify motives for exploration 1.ACT Bell ringer 2.CER recap/finish -Strengths/weaknesses/questions 3. Admiral Zheng Video w/guide 4. Vocab & work time *Vocab due Tuesday *Books tomorrow

40 22 February 2013 LT: Explain the purpose and impact of Zheng He’s voyages 1.Zheng video clips 2.Zheng reading guide & discussion 3. Vocab & work time *Vocab due Tuesday

41 25 February 2013 LT: Analyze how Columbus changed the New World 1.Art CER recap? 2.Recap Zheng (True & False) 3. Columbus pictures/notes 4. Video (3 impacts he had) *Vocab due Tuesday

42 26 February 2013 LT: Analyze how Columbus changed the New World 1.Vocab & Quiz 2. Map work time 3. New World… pre-Columbus *Map due Wed.

43 28 February 2013 LT: Explain how the Spanish treated the natives Collect maps 1.Bell ringer 2. Europe Notes (Cortez/Pizarro) -On the organizer 3. Other explorers

44 1 March 2013 LT: Explain why conquistadors were so successful against the natives Grades, policies 1.Favorite meal…CE activity 2. Columbian Exchange notes 3. Begin “Guns, Germs, & Steel”

45 4 March 2013 LT: Explain why conquistadors were so successful against the natives Grades, policies 1.Finish Guns, Germs, and Steel 2. Group work assignment 3. Group question

46 5 March 2013 LT: Explain the stages of the African Slave trade Grades Finish Guns, Germs, and Steel 1. Columbian Exchange notes/Middle Passage 3. Slavery documents/CER *Test Thursday

47 6 March 2013 LT: Explain the stages of the African Slave trade Grades 1. Continue Slavery documents 2. Partner to answer the questions on the back/discussion 3. Review questions/game *Test tomorrow

48 7 March 2013 LT: Analyze the impact of exploration 1. Review Q & A 2. Test

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