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GENERAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATE(GEC) ABET Examination Cycle & Related Processes ABET IN THE WORKPLACE INDABA Presented by Mr. D. Govender.

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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATE(GEC) ABET Examination Cycle & Related Processes ABET IN THE WORKPLACE INDABA Presented by Mr. D. Govender."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL EDUCATION CERTIFICATE(GEC) ABET Examination Cycle & Related Processes ABET IN THE WORKPLACE INDABA Presented by Mr. D. Govender

2 The Examination Cycle Service Delivery in the ABET in the Workplace The Right to Quality Public Education The Right to Access to Basic Education The eradication of illiteracy in KZN & SA Access to FET & HE Skills Development Career Pathing A better life for all citizens

3 Goal and Outcomes GEC is an assessment at the end of ABET L4 (Qualification at NQF Level 1) Outcomes Provide information on the Examination Cycle Provide information of Aspects on the Cycle Share information of ABET in the DoE Provide information SBA Processes Facilitate clarity in relationship between the sectors Provide promotion Requirements


5 Registration of an Examination/ABET Centre Receive Application from Examination Directorate at District Level – Examination Centre Receive Application from Curriculum Directorate at District Level – ABET Centre District Examination/Curriculum Coordinator inspects for compliance District Examination submits the Application to Provincial Examinations for Approval and registration on system Examination Centre number issued to applicant

6 Enrolment / Registration of Candidates June / October NB. Closing Dates regulated by KZN Registration Circulars (3 months after start of Exam Cycle) Receive entries from Centre Capture Entries Issue Preliminary Schedules to Centres Centres check, correct, amend and send to district checking. District send amended schedules to Province for capture Amendments are captured Final Schedules are printed and mark sheets are printed

7 ABET Examinations ABET Level 4 is made up of 2 parts: Site Based Assessment = 50% of Mark – Minimum % tasks Examinations = 50%

8 Setting of ABET Question Papers & Site Based Assessment National DoE Sets all Level 4 Examination Papers & Site Based Assessment Papers & Site Based Assessment are moderated internally and externally Electronic copies are sent to the Province for printing ONLY FOR LEVEL 4

9 Internal Moderation Done at the following Levels Site Cluster/District Provincial Random Sample selected in terms of registration stats per learning Area

10 UMALUSI Moderation External Moderator Sample of Provincial Moderation Sample of Learning Areas for each examination cycle Provides feedback Have set moderation tools Check on compliance – Unit Standards and Common Tasks Check Standards Reports at Standardisation and feedback to sysytem

11 Moderation Requirements for SBA’s Internal School – Cluster/ District – Province External - UMALUSI

12 Moderation of Evidence of Learner Performance - Centre All tasks be audited for compliance Peers moderate one another; HOD samples 30% of all Tasks at centre; Principal or Delegate moderate 20% of moderated tasks; Submit 20% of moderated tasks (portfolios) to cluster Submit mark sheets & feedback report to Cluster Coordinator.

13 Moderation of Evidence of Learner Performance – District/Cluster Evidence Required at Cluster: 10% random sample of evidence of learner performance with mark sheets and feed report. Cluster Coordinator selects 10% evidence of learner’s performance Verify through shadow marking (green pen) Completes feedback report for district /cluster moderation Recommends adjustments or acceptance

14 Moderation of Learner Evidence Province Evidence Required at Province District 10% random sample of evidence of learner performance with mark sheets and feed report. Provincial Moderator selects the evidence of learner’s performance – Compile schedule of Centres and number of Learners moderated. Report on the standard of work assessed.

15 Moderation of Evidence of Learner Performance - Province Provincial Moderator selects the evidence of learner’s performance Verify through shadow marking (orange pen) Use moderation tool to moderate tasks ito requirements Completes feedback report for National moderation & external Moderation Make recommendations for Adjustments of marks or acceptance to UMALUSI. Get schedules of adjustments endorsed for province to capture. Provides Provincial Feedback of Evidence of Learner Performance to inform teaching Practice

16 Writing Phase All registered centres and candidates write in June & October each year Candidates write for Learning Area registered for. If not successful can register for the same learning area. SBA Mark has shelf life of 3 years Each Examination is monitored for integrity and compliance Centres with chronic integrity problems are closed.

17 Marking Phase Done by Provincial Examinations Markers are recruited by application Trained by Provincial examinations Follow National Memorandum Discussions Report and Provide feedback Marking is monitored by National & Provincial Examinations & Umalusi. Marking is moderated by National, Provincial & Umalusi Moderators

18 Capturing Mark Sheets issued and controlled for Examination and Site Based Assessment Controlled by Scanning out and in – Bar-coded Issued to Centres and received by Districts District submits to Province for Capture Double Capture takes place by independent capturers If Corrects marks are transferred to Learners Records Marks are stored in Database and uploaded to National

19 Standardisation of Marks Done with all provinces at National The Standardisation standardises the performance across provinces. Past norms and standards are used. Done first in a pre-standardisation meeting DoE Then DoE Present arguments for adjustments to UMALUSI UMALUSI verifies declares the examinations credible and release results

20 Final Release of Results by MEC Results are released to the press and to Provinces Provincial MEC Releases results to provinces Awards function for achievers in the Province

21 Reporting & FeedbacK Provincial Examinations compiles reports from SBA & Examination for feedback to system. Results are analysed and graphs and reports are prepared for Province and District. Improvement Strategies are planned and implemented at Districts

22 How to obtain a General Education Certificate – ABET L4 =NQF 1 FUNDEMENTALS NOLEARNING AREACREDITS 1.Language, Literacy and Communication (one language) 20 2.Mathematical Literacy16 ALLOCATION OF CREDITS PER LEARNING AREA AND GROUPING – Fundamentals; Core and Electives. ALLOCATION OF CREDITS PER LEARNING AREA AND GROUPING

23 CORE NOLEARNING AREACREDITS 1Natural Sciences16 2Technology16 3Human and Social Sciences16 4Economic and Management Sciences16 5Arts and Culture16 6Life Orientation16 7Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences16 8An Additional Language16

24 ELECTIVES NOLEARNING AREACREDITS 1Travel and Tourism10 2Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises10 3Applied Agriculture and Agricultural Technology10 4Environmental Management10 5Food and Fibre processing10 6Ancillary Health Care10

25 Fundamentals Both fundamentals are compulsory Language Literacy and Communication Afrikaans English Sesotho IsiZulu IsiXhosa Siswati Sepedi Tshivenda Xitsonga Setswana IsiNdebele Mathematical Literacy 20 Credits 16 Credits

26 Core - 16 Credits each Options of Combination Natural Sciences Technology Human and Social Sciences Economic and Management Sciences Arts and Culture Life Orientation Mathematics and Mathematical Science An Additional Language Option 1 – 64 Credits required from 4 learning areas. Option 2 – 80 credits required from 5 learning areas. Option 3 – 96 Credits required from 6 learning Areas.

27 Electives - 10 Credits each Options of Combination Travel & Tourism Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises Applied Agriculture & Agricultural Technology Environmental Management Food and Fibre Processing Ancillary Health Care Option 1 – 20 Credits required from 2 learning areas Option 2 – 10credits required from 1 learning areas Option 3 – No Credits required

28 The Cycle begins again. Discussion Thank You

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