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Sausalito Fishing Pier Rehabilitation Discussion and Direction July 8, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Sausalito Fishing Pier Rehabilitation Discussion and Direction July 8, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sausalito Fishing Pier Rehabilitation Discussion and Direction July 8, 2013

2 History According to 2007 presentation, lot purchased from John Ferguson for the price of $2000 on July 22, 1895 for sewerage purposes According to 2007 presentation, lot purchased from John Ferguson for the price of $2000 on July 22, 1895 for sewerage purposes Not part of the granted tidelands, but still subject to the public trust doctrine Not part of the granted tidelands, but still subject to the public trust doctrine Trident/Horizons/ Ondine Building is former San Francisco Yacht Club that was once on the west side of Bridgeway but subsequently relocated to present location Trident/Horizons/ Ondine Building is former San Francisco Yacht Club that was once on the west side of Bridgeway but subsequently relocated to present location

3 Existing view

4 Plan View

5 2007 Aerial View

6 January 11, 2011

7 January 7, 1965 (Pacific Aerial Archives)

8 May 10, 1955 (Pacific Aerial Archives)

9 Nov 8, 1950 (Pacific Aerial Archives)

10 July 24, 1936 (Pacific Aerial Archives)

11 Pre-1936

12 Recent History of City Actions 1995 City Attorney advised the Parks and Recreation Commission that the fishing pier is subject to local regulation so long as it is consistent with the public trust 1995 City Attorney advised the Parks and Recreation Commission that the fishing pier is subject to local regulation so long as it is consistent with the public trust 1995 Parks and Recreation holds public hearing regarding reports of broken windows, benches thrown in Bay. Recommended improved maintenance and asked City Engineer to inspect pier 1995 Parks and Recreation holds public hearing regarding reports of broken windows, benches thrown in Bay. Recommended improved maintenance and asked City Engineer to inspect pier 1996 City Engineer recommended closing a portion of the pier due to safety considerations 1996 City Engineer recommended closing a portion of the pier due to safety considerations

13 History of Known City Actions 1996- City Council closes portion of pier; engineer estimates cost to rebuild at $200,000 1996- City Council closes portion of pier; engineer estimates cost to rebuild at $200,000 2001- severe storm and 7’ tide destroy fishing pier 2001- severe storm and 7’ tide destroy fishing pier 2001- Project placed in the CIP, at cost of $300,000, with a priority 4 out of 5 2001- Project placed in the CIP, at cost of $300,000, with a priority 4 out of 5 2003- Horizons property owner offers to rebuild pier in exchange for legalizing boat mooring and additional restaurant seating 2003- Horizons property owner offers to rebuild pier in exchange for legalizing boat mooring and additional restaurant seating

14 Key Issues Storm of January 11, 2001 occurred in conjunction with only a +7 foot tide. Storm of January 11, 2001 occurred in conjunction with only a +7 foot tide. Current, effective Base Flood Elevation ("BFE") for that location is +9 feet (FEMA, Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map ("FIRM"), May 4, 2009). Current, effective Base Flood Elevation ("BFE") for that location is +9 feet (FEMA, Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map ("FIRM"), May 4, 2009). The pre-preliminary draft work map FIRM shows new BFE of +10 feet for that location. The pre-preliminary draft work map FIRM shows new BFE of +10 feet for that location.

15 Pre-Preliminary FIRM

16 Conclusion Sausalito Municipal Code for non- residential structure in coastal high-hazard areas (SMC § 8.48.056) protects the community's investment in this structure for the foreseable future. Sausalito Municipal Code for non- residential structure in coastal high-hazard areas (SMC § 8.48.056) protects the community's investment in this structure for the foreseable future. Completed project is expected to be elevated approximately 2.5 feet (30 inches) above its former elevation. Completed project is expected to be elevated approximately 2.5 feet (30 inches) above its former elevation.

17 Next Steps Staff and W. B. Clausen Structural Engineers, Inc. are making every reasonable effort to design the rehabilitation such that its visual appearance is consistent with the historic appearance of the pier subject to compliance with current code. Staff and W. B. Clausen Structural Engineers, Inc. are making every reasonable effort to design the rehabilitation such that its visual appearance is consistent with the historic appearance of the pier subject to compliance with current code.

18 Next Steps (cont’d) Once the details of the guard railing to surround the pier are completed, a Design Review application will be submitted and then the plans issued for informal bids. Once the details of the guard railing to surround the pier are completed, a Design Review application will be submitted and then the plans issued for informal bids. A Joint Aquatic Resource Agency Permit Application (“JARPA”) is in preparation A Joint Aquatic Resource Agency Permit Application (“JARPA”) is in preparation

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