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1 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces P&V Group Bart Van Bouwel IT Manager Application Delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces P&V Group Bart Van Bouwel IT Manager Application Delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Alfresco @ P&V Group Bart Van Bouwel IT Manager Application Delivery Barcelona, November 5 th 2013

2 2 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces P&V group -Belgian, cooperative insurance company -Multichannel strategy: -Some facts & figures:  : ± 1.885 employees Ranking: 6 th largest Insurance Group (in Belgium) Premiums 2012: 1.404 m€ 2007: + ING Insurance = size x2

3 3 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Belgium User Forum

4 4 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces ECM Architecture Vivium Antwerp PDF TIFF P&V/Vivium Brussels PDF TIFF 2008 ING Insurance 3 million documents Single page Tiff Average 8.000 pages/day Peak 15.000 pages/day ICR hand written frontpage Recognition rate 50% 500 Gb 2013 P&V Group 18 million documents Multipage PDF Average 15.000 pages/day Peak 30.000 pages/day ICR hand written frontpage Recognition rate 97% 10 Tb

5 5 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces

6 6 ECM Architecture Brussels Data Center ANTWERP Data Center Vivium Antwerp PDF TIFF Back Office P&V/Vivium Brussels PDF TIFF Bi-directional replication

7 7 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces CAStor = Content Addressable Storage

8 8 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces ECM Architecture Brussels Data Center ANTWERP Data Center Brokers Vivium & PV employees Vivium Antwerp PDF TIFF Back Office P&V/Vivium Brussels PDF TIFF P&V Agents Secured Intranet Bi-directional replication

9 9 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Customised search applications – Internal use

10 10 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Alfresco for brokers

11 11 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces WCM - Managing corporate web site (multiple sites) Alfresco WCM in operation

12 12 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces WCM - Managing V-Connect Content

13 13 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Secured intranet – Customised Share

14 14 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces ECM Architecture Brussels Data Center ANTWERP Data Center Brokers Vivium & PV employees Vivium Antwerp PDF TIFF Back Office P&V/Vivium Brussels PDF TIFF P&V Agents Secured Intranet Bi-directional replication

15 15 The Group P&V is comprised of the brands P&V, VIVIUM, Actel, PNP, Euresa-Life et Arces Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

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