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Findings & Discussion 1. What are the students' attitudes toward the current language-skill courses? 2. What are the students' attitudes toward the proposed.

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Presentation on theme: "Findings & Discussion 1. What are the students' attitudes toward the current language-skill courses? 2. What are the students' attitudes toward the proposed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Findings & Discussion 1. What are the students' attitudes toward the current language-skill courses? 2. What are the students' attitudes toward the proposed course reform (content vs. skills)? 3. For the students, what is an ideal language program?

2 Students' attitudes toward the current language-skill courses





7 Students' attitudes toward the proposed course reform



10 Future Career Intentions

11 Attitudes Based on Future Career Intentions – Graduate School

12 Attitudes Based on Future Career Intentions – Work

13 Change Attitude by Specific Class


15 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes 8. 您是否認為可以完全刪除聽、說、讀 、寫方面的課程?□①不可以 □②應該不 可以 □③無意見 □④應該可以 □⑤可以 8a. 請說明您的理由

16 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes 8. Do you want to eliminate all the LSRW classes? 1) No, I do not. 2) Maybe not. 3) No comments. 4) Maybe. 5) Yes, I do. 8a. Why? Likert Scale Score: 1.26

17 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes Strongly negative response 53 out of 96 informants commented Only 3 comments favored eliminating language training classes 4 skills already practiced in Literature and Linguistics classes

18 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes Most comments against eliminating language training classes 28 comments were against the proposal Core skills in English language learning 19 comments questioned the effectiveness of the plan Cannot improve language ability in the content classes

19 Comments Related to Developing English Skills Through Content Classes 9. 如果把所有的語言課程與必修之文學 、語言學或英語教學課程整合,也就是 說沒有單獨存在的聽、說、讀、寫語言 訓練課程了﹙例如老師上文學課時也同時 訓練聽、說、讀、寫能力﹚,您覺得可行 嗎?□①很不可行 □②應該不可行 □③無 意見 □④應該可行 □⑤很可行 9a. 請說明您的理由

20 Comments Related to Developing English Skills Through Content Classes 9. If we combine the skills classes with content classes and do not have separate LSRW classes, would you agree? 1) No, I would not. 2) Maybe not. 3) No comments. 4) Maybe. 5) Yes, I would. 9a. Why? Likert Scale Score: 2.35

21 Comments Related to Developing English Skills Through Content Classes Negative response 60 of 96 informants commented 9 comments favorable Follow the model in English speaking countries Improve listening ability 8 comments state content classes should be taught in Chinese

22 Comments Related to Developing English Skills Through Content Classes 51 comments negative Too much to cover already (13 comments) Content classes should be taught in Chinese (8 comments) Unable to master 4 skills (30 comments)

23 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes 10. 不同於上題,如果保留現有聽、說、 讀、寫的課程,但以文學、語言學或英 語教學等為教學內容主題﹙例如「英文作 文﹙語言學主題﹚」或「英文作文﹙英國文學 主題﹚」﹚,您覺得可行嗎?□①很不可行 □②應該不可行 □③無意見 □④應該可行 □⑤很可行 10a. 請說明您的理由

24 10. Different from the last question, if the skills classes are kept and taught with topics of lit, linguistics, or TESOL, would you agree? 1) No, I would not. 2) Maybe not. 3) No comments. 4) Maybe. 5) Yes, I would. 10a. Why? Likert Scale Score: 3.38 Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes

25 Only 43 comments are made. 22 are against the proposal. Content may be too difficult for students to learn and for teachers to teach. Students want to learn more practical content and develop global views. Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes

26 17 are for the proposal. To get more professional training. Positive-Reinforces content knowledge 4 are ambivalent. Comments Related to Eliminating Language Training Classes

27 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program 11. 這次的語言課程改革中,您覺得有哪 些既有狀況必須藉機改進? 11. With the curriculum being revised, do you think any improvements need to be made to the status quo?

28 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program 73 of 96 informants commented Negative Comments Positive Comments Department Policy Comments

29 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program 91 Negative Comment Issues 15 Curriculum related comments Course content comments –23 Oral Training –5 Writing –14 General Teaching methodology comments

30 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program 7 Positive Comments Praise for Curriculum, Content, and Teachers Teacher comments included both negative and positive views

31 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program 21 Department Policy Comments 12 General comments 9 Desire for more Language Training hour comments

32 Comments Related to Improving the Current Language Training Program Summary of Comments Strongest negative issues Variability in content and quality between sections More practical content More chances to practice

33 Comments Related to How Student Achievement Can Improve 12. 這次的語言課程改革中,您覺得有哪 些新重點必須設法納入以強化同學們的 學習成果? 12. With the curriculum being revised, what are the new guidelines that should be included to improve students' achievements?

34 Comments Related to How Student Achievement Can Improve 60 of 96 informants commented 9 comments related to improving the curriculum –More classes, unified guidelines 23 comments related to general class content –More practical language use

35 Comments Related to How Student Achievement Can Improve 15 comments related to improving oral training classes –More chances to speak; learn presentation skills 2 comments related to improving writing classes –Practical topics; grammar correction 15 comments related to improving teaching quality –More opportunities to speak in class 7 comments were related to department policy –Increase number of language training classes

36 Comments Related to How Student Achievement Can Improve Summary of Comments More classes More practical content More chances to speak

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