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Presentation on theme: "SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING DESTINATION MARKETING SESSION 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING DESTINATION MARKETING SESSION 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

2 A NNOUNCEMENTS  Monday – trip to Rock & Lake leave from school at 13:00;  Return 16:30  Wednesday – Midterm  Thursday – no class  Tue, May 10 – Sustainable Destination Marketing Presentations; Dress Like a Tourist  Wed, May 11 – written reports & presentation slide decks for client project due by midnight  Thu, May12 – client presentations  Fri, May 13 – Final Exam

3 Core promise – what we promise our destination brand will deliver to visitors Brand personality – how our destination brand is portrayed, based on human characteristics Brand values Mikkeli’s brand identity

4 DESTINATION MARKETING SESSION 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 PREVIEWSESSION 5 SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Tourism Products Sustainability and Destinations

5 DESTINATION MARKETING SESSION 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 PREVIEWSESSION 5 SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Tourism Products

6 There are two different dimensions for understanding tourism products; – The overall tourism product; as far as the tourist is concerned, the product covers the complete experience from the time she leaves home to the time she returns to it. – The product of individual tourism businesses; organizations in the industry have a much narrower view of the products they sell, they focus primarily on their own services. Understanding Tourism Products

7 The total tourist experience

8 Accommodation Hotels/Lodges/camps /etc. Food & Beverages Restaurants, Markets, Wholesalers, retailers Producers, farmers, Souvenirs Souvenir shops, markets, sellers Craftsmen, local producers Transportation Regional & Local Bus, taxi, car rental, etc. Excursions Guides, tour operators, travel agencies, etc. Tourism value chain & service providers

9 A simplified Tourism Value Chain - Mikkeli Lodging Hotels/Lodges/ camps/etc. Food & Beverages Restaurants, Markets, Wholesalers, retailers Producers, farmers Souvenirs Souvenir shops, markets, sellers Craftsmen, local producers Transportation Regional & Local Bus, taxi, car rental, etc. Excursions Guides, tour operators, travel agencies, etc.

10 From the standpoint of a potential customer, the product may be defined as a bundle or package of tangible and intangible components. The package is perceived by the tourist as an experience. – Destination attractions and environment – Destination facilities and services – Accessibility of the destination – Images of the destination – Price Tourism Products = experiences

11 DESTINATION MARKETING SESSION 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 PREVIEWSESSION 5 SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Tourism Products Sustainability and Destinations

12 TOURISM & HUMAN RIGHTS Sait, Thuy, Jule, Annumaria, Jaakko & Valentin NATURE-BASED TOURISM Claire, Quyen, Saara-Maija, Jutta, An & Sherif TOURISM & GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Eucharia, Vy, Laura, Sara & Adela TOURISM LABOUR MARKETS Juho, My, Rene, Jannica & Nadya Sustainable Destination Mkt Presentations Presentations in class Tues, May 10 Instructions: Cover your talking points; tell a story; 10 min or less; Q&A to follow

13 TOURISM & HUMAN RIGHTS Sustainable Destination Mkt Presentations Build Your Presentation Around These Talking Points Useful resources to get you started Define human rights & discuss their relevance to tourism. Describe major global human rights policy & legislation & how they impact the tourism industry. Critically discuss alternative and responsible tourism) in relation to human rights. Explain how tourism may improve or detract from the human rights of people living in destination communities. UNWTO (1999) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Available at code-ethics-tourism (Accessed 20 May 2015). Hemingway, S. (2004) “The impact of tourism on the human rights of women in South East Asia”, International Journal of Human Rights, 8(3): 275-304. Lovelock, B.A. (2008) “Ethical travel decisions: travel agents and human rights”, Annals of Tourism Research, 35(2): 338-58. ________ (2012) “Human rights and human travel: Modelling global travel patterns under an ethical tourism regime”, Tourism Review International, 16(3).

14 NATURE-BASED TOURISM Sustainable Destination Mkt Presentations Build Your Presentation Around These Talking Points Useful resources to get you started Define nature-based tourism, including an economic perspective. Describe the impacts of nature-based tourism and identify factors that influence the level and type of impact that tourism has upon natural systems. Critically discuss alternative forms of nature-based tourism (e.g. sustainable tourism and eco-tourism). Describe and provide suggestions how individual tourists can play a role as practitioners of sustainable tourism. Briassoulis, H. (2002) “Sustainable tourism and the questions of the Commons,” Annals of Tourism Research, 29(4): 1065-85. Evans, G. (1993) “Tourists rush for kill a seal pup holiday”, Evening Standard, London, 5 July, p. 10. Romeril, M. (1989) “Tourism and the environment – accord or discord?”, Tourism Management, 10(3): 204-8. The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) (2012) “What is Ecotourism?” Available at: ecotourism (Accessed 20 May 2015)

15 TOURISM & GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Sustainable Destination Mkt Presentations Build Your Presentation Around These Talking Points Useful resources to get you started Discuss issues of responsibility and harm in relation to tourism and climate change. Use the “Prisoner’s Dilemma” and “Tragedy of the Commons” to help explain the ethical problems of tourism in relation to climate change. Identify and evaluate alternative solutions posed for reducing carbon emissions from the tourism industry. Critically discuss the tensions between the environmental, social and economic impacts of touristic aviation. Broome, J. (2008) “The ethics of climate change”, Scientific American. Available at: 1_0.doc (Accessed 20 May 2015). Burns, P. and Bibbings, L. “The end of tourism? Climate change and societal challenges”, 21 st Century Society, 4(1): 31-51 McKercher, B., Prideaux, B., et al. (2010) “Achieving voluntary reductions in the carbon footprint of tourism and climate change”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(3): 297-317. Schenk, R. (2011) The Prisoner’s Dilemma. Available at (Accessed 20 May 2015)

16 TOURISM LABOUR MARKETS Sustainable Destination Mkt Presentations Build Your Presentation Around These Talking Points Useful resources to get you started Discuss the tourism industry and the key features of its labour force. Identify and discuss the main ethical issues associated with employment in this industry. Explain and illustrate what is meant by “labour mobility” and “the employment effects of tourism.: Describe and provide suggestions how individual tourists can address the ethical issues and concerns of labour in the tourism industry. Burns, P. (1993) “Sustaining tourism employment”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1:81-96. Ladkin, A. (2011) “Exploring Tourism Labor”, Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3): 1135-55. Lee, C-K. and Seyong, K. (1998) “Measuring earnings, inequality and median earnings in the tourism industry”, Tourism Management, 19: 349-58.

17 Video link Bye Bye Barcelona –

18 Each team posts answers to the following questions to Moodle: 1. What site did you study and who was on your team? 2. What is the purpose / mission of the organization whose web site you visited? 3. How do they define sustainability? 4. What services do they offer and to whom? 5. What ideas or tips do they offer to tourists for sustainable travel? 6. Do they have any good videos? If so, provide link. Sustainability Team Activity Roope, Terry, Tuukka Xuan, Trang, Elina, Sven Ilkka, Annie, Sam, Risto Sanna, Jenny, Paula 1 2 3 4

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