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Estb. 1952. Overview Introduction Scouting About our troop What makes us different. What we do Meetings, Camping, Summer Camp, High Adventure, Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Estb. 1952. Overview Introduction Scouting About our troop What makes us different. What we do Meetings, Camping, Summer Camp, High Adventure, Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estb. 1952

2 Overview Introduction Scouting About our troop What makes us different. What we do Meetings, Camping, Summer Camp, High Adventure, Community Service. Fund raisers and cost

3 What are the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts of America is a 100 year old organization Scouting teaches young men leadership, responsibility and independence among other qualities Scouting is boy lead and run Adults provide guidance

4 Troop Organization

5 Youth Leadership The highest youth leadership is an elected Senior Patrol Leader Below him are about 4, appointed Assistant SPLs Other troop leadership positions are Troop Guide, Den Chief, Historian, Quartermaster, Chaplain's Aide, and Webmaster Each patrol elects it's own patrol leader and assistant, As well as patrol quartermaster The troop leadership meets once a month to discuss specific plans for the next month

6 Advancement 1 The first four ranks of scouting are scout, tenderfoot, second class, and first class These cover the basic but fun scouting and outdoor skills They cover outdoor skills, cooking, knots, first aid, physical fitness, and more Most boys get the majority of these requirements done their first year of summer camp

7 Advancement 2 The second level of scouting includes star, life, and Eagle ranks These focus on leadership, merit badges, and service Each rank requires the scout to preform a certain period of time in a leadership role Service hours are required for star and life while a major, scout lead project is required for eagle Merit badges are required for each rank for 21 total to reach Eagle

8 Troop 110 Troop 110 is a about 40 boys We meet Tuesday nights at Our Lady of Sorrows church basement 7-8:30 2 – times a month We go on troop campouts once a month and Chief Pontiac backpacking trips 3 times a year Every summer we attend a local summer camp and a High Adventure trip

9 Meetings We meet every Tuesday Each month we have 2 regular troop meetings in the Church basement, 1 off site meeting, and 1 troop leadership meeting ( PLC) Typical off site meetings are putt putt, go karts, REI, whirly ball, broom ball, sledding, and others The meetings are planned monthly by patrol with the SPL and adult approval

10 Service Projects Service is an important part of our troop We routinely help out at Our Lady of Sorrows events like food drives, setting up Christmas lights, and Christmas presents The troop is always ready to volunteer for our Eagle Scout Projects Twice a year we cook and serve lunch for the Seniors at St. Pat's Senior Center in Detroit

11 Campouts Scouting is three fourths outing Troop 110 goes on monthly campouts All of these are tenting events except for Dec through February Meals and duty rosters are planned by patrol The campouts are scheduled by the boys and planned directly at the PLC Previous campouts have been: canoeing, cycling, skiing, electronics, ice fishing, shooting, caving, medal hikes, city trips, dunes, amusement parks, and other activities


13 Summer Camp Week long event with a variety of activities for the entire troop. June 20 through 27, 2015 @ Cole Canoe Base 1st year scouts do a program to get many of the requirements of tenderfoot, 2nd, and 1st class ranks Older scouts work on merit badges. Other activities are open to all the boys daily are shooting sports, aquatics, and climbing Troop 110 has recently attended summer camp at: Little Turtle(IN), Lost Lake, and Cole Canoe Base, Camp Berry (OH) & Rotary

14 High Adventure Extended duration, strenuous treks usually about a week open to first class rank and 13 years of age scouts Selected by vote of the older boys and planned by committees Past high adventure trips have been to Pictured rocks 5 day, 50 mile, Florida Sea Base, Boundary Waters canoe area, White Mts.(NH), Philmont (NM), and Isle Royale

15 Fund Raising and Cost $ 165 Required Contribution / per scout/ year $55 for Cub Scouts crossing over - till Rechater Popcorn Sales in fall - if scout sells $300, then $100 is applied to Required Contribution. Have 2 Pancakes breakfast and a Can Drive - scout who participate can earn share of profits, in scouts bucks. Scouts bucks can be used to pay for Required Contribution or camp outs or other scout things. Campouts cost about 30 or 40 each* * Not summer camp or high adventures

16 Merit Badges Required for star, life and eagle ranks with a total of 21 for eagle and 12 eagle required A total of 126 merit badges to choose Topics range from sailing, oceanography, pottery, backpacking, wildlife management, astronomy, sports, business and Indian lore The wide range of merit badges allows scouts to explore a variety of different interests

17 In Conclusion I hope your son are excited to take the next step into Boy Scouts Troop 110 is a great troop that I hope you consider joining Thank you for listening to my presentation Q&A

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