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EBS English & 샘표 “ 영어쿠킹클래스 – 수제햄버거 ” 만들기 English Cooking Class – Homemade Hamburger 일시 : 2010. 10. 10 강사 : 클로이 ( 박신영 )

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Presentation on theme: "EBS English & 샘표 “ 영어쿠킹클래스 – 수제햄버거 ” 만들기 English Cooking Class – Homemade Hamburger 일시 : 2010. 10. 10 강사 : 클로이 ( 박신영 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 EBS English & 샘표 “ 영어쿠킹클래스 – 수제햄버거 ” 만들기 English Cooking Class – Homemade Hamburger 일시 : 2010. 10. 10 강사 : 클로이 ( 박신영 )

2 ( 현 ) 경기공업대 아동영어과 겸임교수 ( 현 ) EBS English TV 어린이 영어 프로그램 진행자 ( 현 ) EBS English TV ' 톡톡 스토리텔링 ' 진행 ( 학력 ) 연세대학교 교육대학원 조기영어교육 전공 석사 Canada Western Town College TESL Diploma ( 경력 ) ( 전 ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 외국어학당 kids & juniors 영어강사 ( 전 ) 아주대학교 어학교육센터 어린이 과정 영어강사 ( 전 ) 외국항공사 Qatar airways 승무원 ( 진행프로그램 ) 스토리온 TV ‘ 엄마영어에미치다 ’ 영어교육 멘토 및 출연 EBS TV ‘ 보니하니 ’ 영어캠프 출연 EBS English TV ' 생방송 방과후 영어 ' 진행 EBS English TV 'I Love Reading' 진행 EBS English TV ' 방과후 영어 문법 1&2' 진행 대교 어린이 TV 'Crayons English' 진행 박신영 ( 클로이 )- 아동영어전문가

3 What is Hamburger? (History of hamburger)

4 A hamburger (or simply a burger) is a sandwich that consists of a cooked patty made of ground meat and is generally served with various garnish( 장식, 곁들인 것 ) or condiments( 양념 ) like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, onion, relish( 양념으로 쓸 야 채와 과일 ), pickles, and cheese toppings, placed inside a sliced Hamburger bun, often baked specially for this purpose, or pieces of bread or toast. The meat patty is beef, unless otherwise noted. Recent years have seen the increasing popularity of new types of "burgers" in which alternatives to ground beef are used as the primary ingredient. For example, a turkey burger uses ground turkey meat, a chicken burger uses either ground chicken meat or chicken filets( 기다란 조각, 가시 바른 생선 ). A buffalo burger uses ground meat from a bison and some mix cow and buffalo meat, thus creating a "Beefalo burger" and an ostrich burger is made from ground seasoned ostrich meat. A Bambi burger uses ground venison( 사슴고기 ) from deer.

5 Hamburger also refers to the cooked patty of ground meat by itself. The patty alone is also known as a beefburger, or burger. Adding cheese makes it a cheeseburger. Hamburger is actually a distinct product from ground round and other types of ground meat. However, ground beef of any form is often commonly referred to as "hamburger." A recipe calling for 'hamburger' would require ground beef or beef substitute- not a whole sandwich. The word hamburger comes from Hamburg steak, which originated in the German city of Hamburg. The funny thing here is there is no actual 'ham' in a hamburger!

6 According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the term "hamburger" comes from Hamburg steak, which was first recorded in English in 1884 but was probably used much earlier. A form of pounded( 빻다 ) beef called "Hamburg Steak" was common in Hamburg in the middle of the 19th century. The recipe was brought to North America by the large numbers of people immigrating from Germany at the time, many of whom passed through the port of Hamburg. There is indirect evidence for its use on an American menu in 1836. The form hamburger steak first appeared in a Washington state newspaper in 1889. The first recipe close to the current idea of a hamburger, using ground beef mixed with onion and pepper, dates from 1902.

7 The Oxford English Dictionary of 1802, on the other hand, defines "Hamburg Steak" simply as cured( 보존 처리된 ) beef. In a time without refrigerators, when it took weeks to travel from Europe to the USA, cured meat was a standard food for poor US immigrants, who often started from Hamburg (which was and is the biggest German seaport and one of the biggest in the world). In a twin deck, where cooking is nearly impossible, cutting tough cured beef into pieces and putting it between slices of bread may suggest itself.

8 A high-quality hamburger is made entirely of ground beef and seasonings. A hamburger that contains no major ingredients besides beef may be referred to as an "all beef hamburger" or "all beef patties" to distinguish them from inexpensive hamburgers made with added flour, texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to decrease their cost. In the 1930s ground liver( 간 ) was sometimes added to the patties. Some cooks prepare their patties with binders, such as eggs or bread crumbs, and seasonings, such as, parsley, onions, soy sauce, Thousand Island dressing, onion soup mix, or Worcestershire sauce. After cooking the patty and placing it on a bun, other ingredients are placed on top of the patty as toppings. Namely the most popular are ketchup, mustard, iceberg lettuce, mayonnaise, tomatoes, white onions and pickles.

9 Pop Quiz 1. Who started eating hamburgers first? 1)Americans 2)Dutch 3)German 4)French 2. The recipe was brought to _____________ by the large numbers of people immigrating from Germany at the time. 1)South America 2)North America 3)Germany 4)Canada 3. The term "hamburger" comes from…. 1)Hamburg 2)patty 3)beef burger 4) Hamburg steak

10 How the Hamburger Got its Bun! Storyteller: Chloe

11 Once upon a time there was a handsome prince who lived in a white castle surrounded by servants and villagers who loved him for his kindness and fairness. His gleaming white castle, which happened to be located on a steep hill called Hamburger Hill, was admired from miles around as one of the most beautiful places in all the land. Yet, the prince was not happy. He was very lonely and wished to find a bride to marry and share his wealth. He would like nothing better than to have a companion who shared his love of good conversation and hamburger meat pies. One day the prince of Hamburger Hill was sharing his feelings of loneliness with his best friend and cousin, Tommy Burger. Tommy suggested that he hold a royal hamburger cooking contest. The prince thought this was a grilling good idea and made the preparations. Young ladies came from miles around to cook their special hamburger recipes for the prince. The contestants made lots of delicious hamburger dishes. There was hamburger steak, hamburger pie, hamburger stroganoff, hamburger stew, and hamburger casseroles of all kinds.

12 The prince tasted them all with the help of his hamburger helpers. However, he soon chose two dishes to award first and second place to. In second place was a recipe that featured hamburger smothered in a rich, brown gravy, made by a woman who called herself Hamburger Patty. Finally, the prince awarded the white castle hamburger contest blue ribbon to a recipe that was truly something new and unusual – hamburger in a bun. Hamburger in a bun was created by a lovely young woman named Wendy. It featured two all beef patties, a special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame seed bun. Placing a hamburger inside two buns had never been done before and everyone raved over Wendy's hamburgers. Wendy not only won the contest, but she also won the heart of the handsome prince of Hamburger Hill. Wendy and the prince married and lived happily ever after. Oh, by the way, Wendy sold her winning recipe for hamburger in a bun to a local businessman named Ronald T. McDonald. Mr. McDonald went on to sell millions of Wendy's white castle hamburgers under his own brand name. And that's how the hamburger got its bun.

13 You will need pan spatula bowl knife chopping board 1ts->1teaspoon 1TS->1TableSpoon 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon

14 Ingredients 2 buns ½ tomato (2-4 pieces sliced) ½ onion leafy vegetables mayonnaise a little of mustard sauce

15 Ingredients for Patty Ingredients for Patty ground beef finely chopped onion 1/3 egg lightly beaten ¼ cup bread crumbs 1T milk1T ketchup sliced garlica little nutmega little salt a little pepper

16 What to do What to do

17 1 1 Spread mayonnaise inside the buns.

18 2 2 Slice the onion and the tomato like a ring.

19 -Soak the leafy vegetables for a while and take them out. - Get rid of water. 3 3

20 * How to make patty* 1.Prepare the ground beef 2. Finely chop the in the bowl. onion and add it. 3. Lightly beat the egg 4. Put ¼ cup of and pour 1/3 of it bread crumbs into the bowl.

21 5. Pour 1T of 6. Add sliced garlic. milk and ketchup. 7. Season with a little of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

22 4 4 -Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl. -Knead all until they are rich in gluten. -Kneading gives the patty its good texture and taste.

23 5 5 -Shape the hamburger patties and cook them.

24 6 6 -Bake until the hamburger patties are cooked through and dark brown, about 20 minutes in the oven. -Preheat the oven to 180˚.

25 7 7 -Place the leafy leaves on the bun. -Spread the mustard sauce onto the bun. -Put the hamburger patty onto the bun.

26 8 8 -Put the sliced onion first. -Season with salt and pepper. - Put the sliced tomato on top.

27 9 9 -Fix the burger with a skewer. -Cut it in half. -Serve the hamburger in individual dishes.

28 Kitchen Rules Before you start cooking, wash your hands and put on an apron. You may need to roll up sleeves as well. Be very careful with sharp knives. Hold them with the blade pointing downwards and always use a chopping board. Wash up as you go along, and wipe up any spills straight away. Each time you handle a different food, wash your hands afterward.

29 Table Manners 1.Wash your hands before eating. 2. Don’t move around. Sit down and eat. 3. Don’t play with your food. 4. Don’t burp at the table. 5. Don’t talk with your mouth full.

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