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Children of the Holocaust Karolina K. and Zosia S. 2a.

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Presentation on theme: "Children of the Holocaust Karolina K. and Zosia S. 2a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children of the Holocaust Karolina K. and Zosia S. 2a

2 What was the Holocaust? Holocaust was a massive murder of almost 6 milions of Jews including 1.5 milion of Jewish kids. Many of them were dying in concentration camps. It begun in 1933, when Adolf Hitler became a chancellor of Germany.

3 What were they facing? Nazi persecution, arrests, and deportations were directed against all members of Jewish families. They were homeless and often orphaned, many children saw murdesr of their parents and siblings. They faced starvation, illness and brutal labor.

4 Relations „Like the adults, the kids were only a bag of bones, without muscles or fat (…) Abscesses covered the body from the top to the bottom and thus deprived it from the last rest of energy. The mouth was deeply gnawed by noma-abscesses, hollowed out the jaw and perforated the cheeks like cancer.”

5 „ We used to wait from 7 in the morning, at noon and again at 7 pm in long lines for food with a bowl in hand for wateror maybe a few potatoes. We used to sleep without a bed, to greet each uniform... We were accustomed to the cheeks, inflicted for no reason, and the ill-judgments. We had to watch the sight of dying people and coffins full of dead bodies like thousands of other people (…)”

6 „The fate of the children was particularly tragic. There was a selection of children - says prof. Bertold Epstein from Prague, a former prisoner at Auschwitz - the SS assumed the rod height of 120 cm. All children who have passed under the rod - went into the gas chamber. But even those children who were saved during the initial selection, did not live long in the camp conditions. Many children died in the camps, many were killed in mass executions in gas chambers or were murdered with lethal injections of phenol. Moreover, Nazi doctors conducted pseudo-medical experiments in the camps for children, which also ended in their death.”

7 Diaries Now, we have got many relations and diaries from this period of time. One of the most important is Anna Frank’s diary, found by a Dutch woman who was hiding the Frank family.

8 Famous Diaries -Miriam Watternberg’s diary (she began writing in 1939) -Anne Frank’s diary (began writing in 1933) -Moshe Flinker’s diary (we don’t know the date exactly)

9 Thanks for your attention

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