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Japan China  Had been isolated for centuries  Was exposed in the 1850s by the United States  Government voluntarily gave in to the West  People were.

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2 Japan China  Had been isolated for centuries  Was exposed in the 1850s by the United States  Government voluntarily gave in to the West  People were united and convinced to modernize  Japan achieved economic and military parody w/ West by 1920  Had been isolated for centuries  Was exposed in the 1850s by Great Britain  Government fought against Western ways and lost popularity with the people  Government became corrupt, the people became terrorists against the west  The Qing dynasty ceased to exist and the West took all the good parts of China by 1920.

3  The US sends trade proposal to Japan in 1853 › Via warships commanded by Perry › Before this, only the Dutch allowed into Japan  A year later Japan signs the Treaty of Kanagawa › Agreeing to open ports for U.S. › Giving extraterritoriality rights › Opening the door for others to come in

4  The Shogun gets the blame for being subservient to west. › He is removed and a new Government era is put in place  The new group of “Oligarchs” was headed by Emperor Mutsuhito. They were in charge for 45 years › Oligarchy is “rule by a few”. This was a group of 12  Japan was able to copy the best from the West and modernize industrially as well as politically /militarily and economically

5 Notice the uniform: No more Samurai/Shogun feudal outfits. The nineteenth century military uniform is adopted by the Emperor and his oligarchs.

6  By end of century, Japan was comparable to the west › They were able to negotiate away extraterritoriality rights for west  Now, the Japanese sought to demonstrate their equality by becoming an imperialist power

7  In the 1890s, Japan increases presence in Korea. › Angering the Chinese who felt Korea was their possession  The Chinese couldn’t hold on though against the modern army/navy of Japan  Both the Russians and Japanese compete for Manchuria › The Northeastern portion of China had a lot of industrial resources such as Coal

8  Began in 1904, ended in 1905  Started over Russia and Japan’s competition for a sphere of influence in Manchuria › And Russia trying to trade in Korea  The Japanese launch a sneak attack (sound familiar?) at Port Arthur.  Russia’s Baltic fleet is sunk by the Japanese. The Portsmouth Treaty ends Russia’s influence in Asia

9 Manchuria know for having winters as harsh as Siberia. You’d think that was an advantage for Russia. Didn’t turn out that way. What happened was a blow to European racists who felt they were superior to Asians

10  And it is very brutal  The army was particularly cruel › Thousands of Korean women taken all over Asia › To serve as concubines for the army  Koreans not allowed to participate in their own economy as their resources are used to make Japan rich and powerful  Oh well, says the West!

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