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Getting you thinking: Extension: Explain why/how you think these factors influence aggression. Discuss with somebody else as many biological factors as.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting you thinking: Extension: Explain why/how you think these factors influence aggression. Discuss with somebody else as many biological factors as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting you thinking: Extension: Explain why/how you think these factors influence aggression. Discuss with somebody else as many biological factors as you can think of that may influence aggression.

2 Neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression Pages 135-137

3 Learning objectives : By the end of this lesson you will be able: To use research to demonstrate neural mechanisms in aggression (brain structure). To explain how the amygdala and prefrontal cortex influence aggression.

4 Biological factors 1)Brain structure  Amygdala  Prefrontal /frontal cortex/frontal lobe (usually used interchangeably) 1)Brain structure  Amygdala  Prefrontal /frontal cortex/frontal lobe (usually used interchangeably) Neural factorsHormonal factors 2) Neurotransmitters  Serotonin 2) Neurotransmitters  Serotonin 1)Hormonal  Testosterone  Androgens 1)Hormonal  Testosterone  Androgens Put this in your notes You could potentially get a 24 mark question on either neural OR hormonal factors, OR both.

5 Amygdala This is involved in the processing of emotions such as fear, anger and pleasure.

6 Frontal lobe Involved in speech, planning, movement, emotions, problems

7 Prefrontal cortex Involved in the outward expression of aggression.

8 The brain structure Watch the You Tube clip (10 mins.) about aggression and the brain (amygdala and the prefrontal cortex). Make any notes about: How the amygdala and prefrontal cortex can influence aggression. Share these notes with a partner and add anything you have missed out. Make any notes about: How the amygdala and prefrontal cortex can influence aggression. Share these notes with a partner and add anything you have missed out.

9 Your task (5 minutes) Use pages 135-136 to add to you notes on the amygdala and prefrontal cortex and their role in aggression. Use a summary of Phineas Gage as an example of damage to the prefrontal cortex. Use pages 135-136 to add to you notes on the amygdala and prefrontal cortex and their role in aggression. Use a summary of Phineas Gage as an example of damage to the prefrontal cortex. Extension: Do you think this is a more valid explanation than the social psychological ones? Why/why not?

10 Research Evidence (AO1) : Heimburger et al (1978) report that following operations where patients had their amygdala destroyed (amygalectomy), 48 out of 58 patients showed an improvement in aggressive behaviour. Put this in your notes Stimulation of the amygdala can also lead to aggressive behaviour. Mark and Ervin (1970) report a case of a female patient who became very angry, flinging herself at the wall and beating it with her fists when her amygdala was electrically stimulated.

11 Check your understanding Imagine you need to inform your Twitter followers about the link between the brain and aggression. You have 140 characters to WOW your followers!! Share your Tweets!! Extension: Imagine you are a Psychologist from a different approach and reply to your Tweet (140 characters)

12 Learning objectives : You are now able: To use research to demonstrate neural mechanisms in aggression (brain structure). To explain how the amygdala and prefrontal cortex influence aggression.

13 Homework Due in next lesson: 1)Use either Google Scholar, Jstor or a Psychology textbook in the library to find a supporting study for the role of the amygdala/prefrontal cortex in aggression. 2)Come up with a problem with the research into the brain and aggression and expand on this. Preparation for next lesson: Read pages 133-134 of your text book.

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