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Southeast Asia Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam MYANMAR (BURMA)

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Asia Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam MYANMAR (BURMA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Asia Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam MYANMAR (BURMA)

2 Southeast Asia is divided into 2 parts (1) Mainland-SE corner of Asia, Made up of 2 Peninsulas –(1) Indo-Chinese Peninsula-S. of China and rectangular in shape –(2) Malay Peninsula- narrow strip (700 mi. long), serves as a bridge between Mainland and islands See Atlas pages 155, 156, 159 and 167. See textbook page 704 for a map of the regions.

3 Several Mountains- largest Annamese Cordillera Several rivers-largest is the Mekong River Fertile soil and quick access to fish in both rivers and seas Mineral resources- petroleum, tin, and gems The Mekong River

4 (2) Islands-Malay Archipelago consists of Philippines and Indonesia –Mostly volcanic Islands situated on The Ring of Fire therefore frequent eruptions and earthquakes –Allow for several ports and seagoing travel, opportunities to trade –Volcanic activity provides valuable nutrients to the very fertile soil

5 Cultural Influences China and India strongly influenced SE Asia China ruled N. Vietnam (111BC to 939AD) therefore influenced art, technology, political ideas, and ethical beliefs Hinduism and Buddhism spread from India but w/ more equal roles for women SE Asian states didn’t have borders but were Mandalas. The Khmer Empire was a powerful mandala (9 th -15 th century) in what is now Cambodia

6 Colonialism and Aftermath Merchants from Arabia and India brought Islam to SE Asia * Indonesia is the largest Muslim state Europeans arrived in 1509 looking for wealth but as region’s wealth flowed, local control declined. By 20 th century all were colonies except Siam (now Thailand) Changes caused by Colonialism (1) set up centralized gov’t. (2) forced colonies to produce items like rubber, sugar, rice, tea and coffee (3) sparked nationalism

7 Independence Mov’t. Japan occupied SE Asia during WWII and exploited the region just like Europeans Sought independence upon end of war. All gained peacefully except Indonesia (Dutch) Indochina suffered decades of turmoil. Vietnamese beat French and won independence for the region

8 US involvement in Vietnam After success in Korea, US came to the aid of South Vietnam after North Vietnam (communist) invaded them. Result was Vietnam War (1957- 1975). US withdrew in ’73 and S. Vietnam surrendered to the North Communists also took over Cambodia and Laos

9 Economies Agriculture is main livelihood with rice as the chief crop but Myanmar is heavily forested and produces teak. But Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand are developing industry and are members of ASEAN. Manufacturing growing quickly especially agricultural products, textiles, clothing, and electronic products.

10 Lifestyles Religious diversity-Buddhism widespread, Christianity in Philippines, Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia, and some Hindu parishioners Angkor Wat famous Buddhist temple in present Cambodia. Most people live in rural villages but seeing sudden sift of movement to cities.

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