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Chapter 12: Stress, Coping, and Health. The Relationship Between Stress and Disease Contagious diseases vs. chronic diseases –Biopsychosocial model –Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12: Stress, Coping, and Health. The Relationship Between Stress and Disease Contagious diseases vs. chronic diseases –Biopsychosocial model –Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12: Stress, Coping, and Health

2 The Relationship Between Stress and Disease Contagious diseases vs. chronic diseases –Biopsychosocial model –Health psychology Health promotion and maintenance Discovery of causation, prevention, and treatment

3 Stress as an Everyday Event Major stressors vs. routine hassles –Cumulative nature of stress –Cognitive appraisals

4 Major Types of Stress Frustration: blocked goal Conflict: incompatible motivations –Approach-approach –Avoidance-avoidance –Approach-avoidance Change: having to adapt –Social Readjustment Rating Scale –Life Change Units Pressure –Perform/conform

5 Figure 12.2 Types of conflict

6 Responding to Stress Emotionally Emotional responses –Annoyance, anger, rage –Apprehension, anxiety, fear –Dejection, sadness, grief –Positive emotions Effects of emotional arousal –The inverted-U-hypothesis

7 Figure 12.3 Overview of the stress process

8 Figure 12.4 Arousal and performance

9 Responding to Stress Physiologically Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome –Alarm –Resistance –Exhaustion Brain-body pathways –Adrenal gland and catecholamines –Pituitary gland and corticosteroids

10 Figure 12.5 Brain-body pathways in stress

11 Responding to Stress Behaviorally Coping Styles of coping –Learned helplessness –Frustration-aggression hypothesis –Self-indulgence –Defensive coping –Constructive coping

12 Stress and Physical Health Psychosomatic diseases Heart disease –Type A behavior—three elements strong competitiveness impatience and time urgency anger and hostility –Emotional reactions and depression Stress and immune functioning –Reduced immune activity

13 Figure 12.6 Anger and coronary risk

14 Table 12.3 Health Problems that may be Linked to Stress

15 Figure 12.7 The stress-illness correlation

16 Factors Moderating the Impact of Stress Social support –Increased immune functioning Optimism –More adaptive coping –Pessimistic explanatory style Positive effects

17 Health-Impairing Behaviors Smoking Poor nutrition Lack of exercise Transmission, misconceptions, and prevention of AIDS

18 Figure 12.8 The prevalence of smoking in the United States

19 Reactions to Illness Seeking treatment –Ignoring physical symptoms Communication with health care providers –Barriers to effective communication Following medical advice –Noncompliance

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