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Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Koerber Room 212. About Me 10 th year to teach in Nixa 18 th year in Education 2 boys Bryson & Brayden.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Koerber Room 212. About Me 10 th year to teach in Nixa 18 th year in Education 2 boys Bryson & Brayden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Koerber Room 212

2 About Me 10 th year to teach in Nixa 18 th year in Education 2 boys Bryson & Brayden

3 Building Info & School Hours Principal: Mrs. Marilyn Hanna Assistant Principal: Dr. Kelly Rogers Office Manager: Mrs. Sandra School Hours Monday-Thursday: 8:45-3:45 Friday: 8:45-2:45

4 Specials Schedule Monday: Art Tuesday: P.E. Wednesday: Music Thursday: Computer Friday: Library

5 Transportation MUST have a note or call office to make a change in normal transportation or they will be sent home normal way White cards need to be displayed on the dash board of your car or carried in with you for car pick up in the gym Bra yde n Ko erb er

6 Love The Bus Never walk behind or close to bus Keep aisle clear Keep hands inside the bus NO yelling or screaming Be respectful Stay in your seat

7 Attendance Please do not drop off your child until 8:15 am. There is no one on duty to watch them until this time. If your child will be absent, please Call Ms. Sandra at 225.1600

8 Attendance Cont’d District Attendance Protocol First letter after 3 absences Second letter after 5 absences Contract after 8 absences

9 ▪Immunizations ▪Fever free for 24 hours ▪Symptom free for 24 hours ▪Medications must be supplied and hand delivered by parents.. ▪Keep contact information updated. Nurse Notes

10 Drop Off Procedures: ▪XLT doors – All students walk through cafeteria and report to the gym – 8:40 am teachers will escort students from gym and to class – 8:45 am tardy bell rings – Arrival after 8:45 am students must be checked in at office by guardian and get a tardy slip

11 Pick Up Procedures: --All Day Care and Parent Pick-up students will be escorted to the gym by classroom teachers. --At 3:45 p.m. (M-Th) and 2:45 p.m. (F) parents will enter through front doors in an orderly fashion, go to the gym to pick-up child and exit out front doors. Name tags must be displayed. --Students will be sitting in lines according to grade level. --Car line students will be called for curb side pick up. Name tags must be displayed.

12 Red Folders & Backpacks Send a backpack EACH day Extra change of clothes in a zip lock baggie with your child’s name on it incase of accident Name on the outside of backpack Send red folder to school EVERY day, and check it EACH night John’s Red Folder 2014-2015 Mrs. Koerber’s Kindergarten John

13 Birthdays & Special Snacks Only send invites to school that invite entire class (This way no ones feelings get hurt Snacks MUST meet NPS Health & Wellness Policy

14 Birthday’s Cont’d... Please refrain from sending celebratory balloons, candies, toys, etc for birthdays to school Balloons and glass are NOT allowed on buses

15 Lunch & Milk Information Lunch and snack milk money should be sent to school weekly or monthly DO NOT send in money each day Kindergarteners only get Choice #1 Snack milk is $0.45 You can pay with envelopes or with PayPams.

16 Snacks Prepackaged snacks work best Enough for everyone in class Examples: crackers, cheese, yogurt, pretzels, Goldfish MUST meet Health & Wellness Policy Send in at the beginning of each week

17 Recess Go out if it is 25 degrees or above (including wind chill!) NO flip flops-Kids have a hard time playing in them

18 Visitors Lunch is from 12:12-12:37 If you would like to eat with your child please check in at office and wait for us on the bench. You can join your child when we walk by

19 Extra Supplies Please send this extra supply… 1 ½” clear cover white binder

20 PTA! Join PTA TONIGHT for $7! Bash Friday, Aug. 14 From 6-8:00 @ McCaully Park FREE Hotdogs and chips Swim @ Nixa Pool from 8:30-10:00 (Donations accepted)

21 Read, Read, Read! Read with your child at least 15 min. DAILY Research studies indicate that daily reading correlates with your child’s academic success!

22 Contact Info Mrs. Koerber 225.1656 If you call between 8:45-3:45, call will go directly to voicemail. I will return your call after school. REMINDER!!!! Do NOT call this number for a transportation change during school day. Call the front office.

23 Volunteering We LOVE help in Kindergarten! Please e-mail me if you are interested in volunteering and what times are good for you!

24 Remind App Communication through text Text @a03381 To 81010

25 Homework Complete Cubby Buddy by 1 st week of school Fill out All About Me Form Send in binder

26 Questions?

27 Before You Leave… I must know how they are getting home the first day! Please fill these out & turn them in now: How They Are Getting Home-Yellow Sheet Sign in on pink sheets on tables by your child’s name Provide me with a WORKING telephone number and e-mail address Please write down your child’s t-shirt size on the front table

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