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The Regional Housing Authority Housing Strategy: A Solution to Homelessness Brian Rowntree, Chairman Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Regional Housing Authority Housing Strategy: A Solution to Homelessness Brian Rowntree, Chairman Northern Ireland Housing Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Regional Housing Authority Housing Strategy: A Solution to Homelessness Brian Rowntree, Chairman Northern Ireland Housing Executive

2 The Regional Housing About Us Established 1971 as comprehensive housing authority Strategic functions include:  Examining housing need and conditions  Drawing up programmes to meet needs  Improving housing conditions  Landlord of 95,000 homes  Leading role in regeneration  Links with range of bodies  Statutory responsibility for Homelessness

3 The Regional Housing Housing in Northern Ireland Population 1.65 million Total homes: 647,000 Home Ownership:72% Housing Executive: 15% Private Rented: 10% Housing Association: 3%

4 The Regional Housing Homelessness in Northern Ireland Statutory Classification of Homelessness: Eligible Homeless Priority Need Unintentional

5 The Regional Housing Homelessness: Nature of Problem In 2005/06: 9,700 found to be homeless Single households 33% Family with children 43% Elderly households 17% Marital / family breakdown main reason 29%

6 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy “Making a Real Difference to People’s Lives” launched September 2002 Followed major review which found that: Nature of homelessness more varied and complex Traditional responses inadequate

7 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy Multi-disciplinary team of representatives from health, social, voluntary and housing sectors to oversee implementation Strategy’s approach: 1. Planning 2. Provision 3. Prevention 4. Services

8 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy – Planning Promoting Social Inclusion Working Group Area Homeless Action plans Inter Agency Arrangements Supporting People Strategy Research

9 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy - Provision Permanent Housing New Build Programme Sectoral Strategies Special Purchases Supported Accommodation (Permanent) Temporary Accommodation - supported - unsupported

10 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy – Prevention Prevention Programme Debt Counselling Rent Guarantee Schemes Adaptations Learning Institutions Shelternet Community Housing Advice Project

11 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy - Services Multi-needs assessment After Hours Services Advice and information Appeals

12 The Regional Housing Homeless Strategy Key targets for Housing Executive including: ODPM Directive on use of B&B (families) - Target met Reduce overall use of B&B by 50% by March 2006 - Achieved Develop Rough Sleepers Strategy - Achieved / Being Implemented Assessments within 33 days for 95% of cases - Achieved in 97% of cases

13 The Regional Housing Key Challenges Engagement with other Government Agencies Prevention Services Expanding Supporting People Temporary Accommodation Mix New Provision Engaging with young people

14 The Regional Housing “People do not think of us as victims or have any idea how tough it is to be on the streets. People should remember - we are decent people. Without this facility I would be dead. I can treat it as my own place and I just love it.” Phil from West Belfast

15 The Regional Housing “I was rehoused close to my family and friends and it allowed the children and me to get back on our feet again and start a new life without the terrible worry of debt and homelessness.” Julie from East Belfast

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