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Tenure strategy Gill Leng Director, GLHS Ltd CIH START.

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Presentation on theme: "Tenure strategy Gill Leng Director, GLHS Ltd CIH START."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tenure strategy Gill Leng Director, GLHS Ltd CIH START

2 Why we’re here  Social housing is a scarce resource  Households living in more costly accommodation eg, temporary  Housing benefit bill out of control  High levels of unemployment in social rented sector  Private rented sector offers more flexibility

3 The answer?  ‘You can sort it out’ (localism)  Housing reform –Decisions on the basis of local need and circumstances –System better focussed, protection and support for those it need it most –Public perception – a springboard into work and self sufficiency  Fixed term, flexible tenancies  LA duty to publish a tenancy strategy

4 The tenancy strategy  High level objectives (‘matters’)  Concerned with tenure, not rent  Consider allocations policy and homelessness strategy  Consult with registered providers  Publish end of 2012  Keep under review – 5 years

5 It’s not about a new ‘duty’  By 2015 - 150,000 new affordable rent homes  To achieve this will require –X’000 social rent homes converted to affordable rent –Assets disposed of – RP and LAs –Reserves called upon –Increase in management costs –Private sector gaining from renegotiated loans  1:1 conversion = 1/3 general, social, re-lets converted p.a.  Added ‘complications’! –Welfare reform and recession

6 Questions you want to be able to answer 1.What will the social and affordable rent housing offer look like in 2015 in the local area? 2.What do you need to do so that the new offer a)Meets housing need and demand? b)Contributes to wider objectives? 3.If housing needs and demand won’t be met, what action will you take?

7 An opportunity you can’t afford to miss  Integral to local strategic approach to housing  Strategy objectives (outcomes) –A better use of social and affordable housing to more effectively address housing needs –A better use of social and affordable housing to reduce cost –Local and customer accountability for the use of social and affordable housing –A better use of social and affordable housing to contribute to sustainable community outcomes

8 An opportunity you can’t afford to miss  Enhance the diversity of the RPs’ offer in a local area  Share across area where common issues  Acknowledge neighbourhoods with specific issues  Identify ‘winners & losers’ and enable action to address gaps  A real reason to engage with residents and tenants and partners in health and economy  Communicate clearly what is on offer - cross tenure

9 A final thought  In 2015 things will be very different  If we don’t, who will –Understand what the ‘offer’ can contribute? –Manage the collective impact? –Enable gaps to be filled?  If things don’t add up –Who will the public hold to account?  Will there be life for social housing beyond 2015?

10 For more information  CIH START –  Gill Leng, GLHS –Tel: 07766 660799 –Email:

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