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Housing Partnership and Strategy Lisa Stevens – Housing Partnership and Strategy Officer AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Partnership and Strategy Lisa Stevens – Housing Partnership and Strategy Officer AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Partnership and Strategy Lisa Stevens – Housing Partnership and Strategy Officer AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL

2  Housing stock transferred to Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust (VAHT) in 2006  AVDC retained statutory duty to provide advice and assistance to households threatened with homelessness  Responsibility for directing housing strategy in the district

3 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL  Social housing is not-for-profit housing provided at affordable, low rent  Subsidies are provided by central government to reduce the cost of building housing  The main social landlords are councils or not- for-profit landlords often known as Housing Associations (or Registered Providers ‘RPs’)  The social housing sector also provides low cost homeownership options

4 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL AVDC - Housing Division Housing Needs and Advice  Housing Options  Homelessness  Debt Advice Strategic Housing Team  Affordable Housing Development  Housing Strategy Approx. 30 staff

5 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL  5,562 households registered on Bucks Homes Choice as wanting to live in Aylesbury  876 households came to AVDC wanting housing advice  392 cases of homelessness were prevented  129 households accepted as homeless and in priority need  446 affordable housing units built in the district 2011/12

6 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Business Support Team  Deals with initial enquiries from public regarding all aspects of social housing  Offers advice and assistance on the housing services we offer  Provides support to Housing Options, Homelessness and Strategic Housing teams

7 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Peter Brown Senior Housing Options Officer  Manages the Housing Options Team  Offers advice and assistance to applicants on the Bucks Home Choice scheme  Makes decisions regarding allocation of homes

8 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Julie Lerpiniere Housing Debt Advisor  Offers advice and assistance to households in the district struggling with debt  Negotiates with companies for clients with debt problems  Provides a court advice service

9 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Sonia Crawford Housing Development Officer  Negotiates with Registered Providers and developers on affordable housing schemes  Works with internal partners such as Legal and Planning to progress projects

10 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Strategic Housing Team  Work with Registered Providers (Housing Associations) to develop affordable housing  Produce the Housing and Homelessness strategy  Work with local voluntary sector and relevant statutory partners/agencies to address social housing issues in the district

11 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Working in Housing  Working with people  Variety and diversity  Making a difference For more information go to the Chartered Institute of Housing website

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