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Analogue Literacies Jon Dron TEKRI, Athabasca University

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Presentation on theme: "Analogue Literacies Jon Dron TEKRI, Athabasca University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analogue Literacies Jon Dron TEKRI, Athabasca University

2 Rough plan 1. Some problems with the concept of ‘digital literacy’ 2. The nature of technologies 3. Discussion of the design and evolution of technologies

3 Three related problems with digital literacy chan ge DiversityDiversity evolutionevolution

4 Change

5 Diversity dogs credit cards phones computers washing machines televisions chopping boards picture frames cars radios clothing robots hand-dryers vacuum cleaners cameras iPods games and toys fans heaters shavers batteries irons foot massagers video players ATMs ebook readers keyboard instruments karaoke machines armchairs refrigerators light switches badges gravestones tablets tickets shoes drums

6 Evolution

7 The adjacent possible The adjacent probable

8 Nothing special about learning skills in digital technologies?

9 A different perspective: don’t try to change us - try to rethink our tools instead

10 We shape our dwellings and afterwards our dwellings shape our lives



13 Soft and hard technologies

14 Softness Increasing the adjacent possible

15 Hardness Makes things easier By reducing choice

16 Huma n Flexibl e Machine Inflexible SoftHard Two views of soft and hard technology Analogue (fuzzy application) Digital (fixed application)

17 Hard is easy

18 Soft is hard

19 Soft for whom? AAAAABeA/FTkqbqDd9do/s1600-h/1964-worlds-fair- schoolmarm.jpg


21 Developers Course developers Policy makers Tutors Students Hard Soft System Administrators Teachers Plugin developers


23 Connecting Sharing Communicating Owning

24 Developers System Administrators Course developers Policy makers Tutors Students...and everyone else Hard Soft Teachers Administrators Alumni

25 Making soft things harder and hard things softer

26 Modification vs aggregation

27 Aggregation approaches Objects Plugins Widgets Apps

28 Some things we are doing

29 Analogue literacy

30 thank you どうもありがとう

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