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John Shipley Brady Engle. Parents can outline the ways to control their teens, when they are allowed to use email, I.M., download, social media. Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "John Shipley Brady Engle. Parents can outline the ways to control their teens, when they are allowed to use email, I.M., download, social media. Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Shipley Brady Engle

2 Parents can outline the ways to control their teens, when they are allowed to use email, I.M., download, social media. Internet use is related to parental relationships. Increases social connectedness. Teens use the internet for research papers and other homework assignments. Improved relationships with friends and make new friends. Yes the Internet is Safe!

3 Exposure to obscene Pop-up ads. 30% of parents don’t discuss the downside of the internet- 62% didn’t realize their teens were visiting inappropriate cites. Social development issues, content negativity, low self-esteem, lack of reality and identity confusion 25% of youth said they had been exposed to unwanted pornography. 1 in 5 children ages 10-17 are sexually solicited online per year. No the Internet is not Safe!


5 No Foul Language On Task Discussion Don’t Interrupt the Other Party Each Party Will Be Represented By One Speaker Respect One Another DEBATE!

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