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1 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Modern Georgia Class Presentation

2 Georgia Performance Standard SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970. a.Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment. b.Describe the role of Jimmy Carter in Georgia as state senator, governor, president, and past president. c.Analyze the impact of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia. d.Evaluate the effect of the 1996 Olympic Games on Georgia. e.Evaluate the importance of new immigrant communities to the growth and economy of Georgia.

3 Reapportionment: Definition The word reapportionment means to redraw political district lines so that population totals in a given area are more equal. It is very similar to how school district boundary lines are drawn, based on student population.

4 The End of the County Unit System & Reapportionment The County Unit System“One man, one vote”

5 Reapportionment Georgia’s General Assembly was ordered by the federal courts to reorganize legislative districts according to population. This reapportionment (or reassignment of legislative seats among legislative districts according to district population) brought more women, African Americans, and Republicans into the General Assembly as districts elected people who truly represented their background and interests.

6 Sample Senate District Populations, 1961 District NumberCounties CoveredDistrict Population 1Effingham and Chatham198,443 7Mitchell, Grady, Thomas71,986 15Toombs, Wheeler, Montgomery5,342 24Marion, Muscogee, Chattahoochee177,111 28Jasper, Putnam, Morgan24,213 34Gwinnett, DeKalb, Rockdale310,895 36Pike, Coweta, Meriwether7,138 52Fulton556,326

7 Sample Senate District Populations, 1972 District NumberCounties CoveredDistrict Population 1Part of Chatham80,591 7Ware, Bacon, Clinch, Echols, Lanier, Atkinson, Charlton, Pierce, part of Appling 80,451 15Part of Muscogee83,783 24Greene, Columbia, McDuffie, Lincoln, Wilkes, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, part of Warren 81,201 28Spalding, part of Coweta, Fayette, Clayton81,731 34Part of Fulton83,404 36Part of Fulton80,941 52Floyd, part of Bartow83,453

8 End of the County Unit System Elections now based on the popular vote One Man, One Vote… Urban areas now have more power than rural counties Urban vs. Rural Racists and white supremacists no longer control politics in Georgia End of White Supremacy

9 Modern Senate & Congressional Districts Senate DistrictHouse Districts

10 Reapportionment: Questions 1.What is reapportionment? Reassignment of legislative seats among legislative districts according to district population 2.Which minority groups were better represented following the end of the County Unit System and the reapportionment of seats in the General Assembly? Women and African Americans

11 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Jimmy Carter Senator, Governor, President

12 Jimmy Carter: Before the Presidency Jimmy Carter was the first Georgian to be elected president of the United States. After serving in the US Navy and managing his family’s peanut farm, Carter began his political career in 1962 when he was elected to the Georgia State Senate. After two terms there, Carter was elected governor in 1970. In his inaugural address, he informed Georgians that it was time for segregation to end. As governor, Carter oversaw a massive reorganization of state government, reformed the educational and criminal justice systems, and promoted civil rights.

13 Jimmy Carter: Before the Presidency Questions 1.In which branch of the military did Jimmy Carter serve? The Navy 2.What did Jimmy Carter’s family do for a living? Peanut farming 3.When was Jimmy Carter elected to the State Senate? 1962 4.How long did he serve in the State Senate? Two terms 5.When was Jimmy Carter elected governor of Georgia? 1970 6.What was Jimmy Carter’s biggest contribution to state government? Major reorganization and reform of government

14 Jimmy Carter: The Presidency (1976-1980) Carter defeated incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford in the 1976 presidential election. During his administration, Carter opened diplomatic relations with China, established human rights as a cornerstone of US foreign policy, and helped negotiate a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

15 Jimmy Carter: The Presidency (1976-1980) Questions 1.Who did Jimmy Carter defeat in the 1976 Presidential Election? Gerald Ford 2.What were the major accomplishments of his presidential administration? Opening diplomatic relations with China, human rights in foreign policy, and negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt

16 Jimmy Carter: After the Presidency As a past president, Carter has worked continually to promote democracy and human rights around the world. Representatives from his Carter Center in Atlanta have monitored elections in 21 countries and fought disease and starvation all over the globe. In 2002, Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This award is given annually to the person whose work has most benefitted mankind.

17 Jimmy Carter: After the Presidency Questions 1.What contributions to global peace and prosperity have been accomplished by representatives of the Carter Center? Promoting democracy, safeguarding elections, providing food and medical care to Third World countries, etc. 2.Which prestigious prize was awarded to Jimmy Carter in 2002? The Nobel Peace Prize

18 Who is Jimmy Carter? State Senator Helped improve education in the State. Governor First “Deep South” governor to speak out against segregation and racism. Improved schools. President Created Department of Education & Energy. Camp David Accords Middle East Peace. Humanitarian Habitat for Humanity. Nobel Peace Prize. The Carter Center.

19 The Two Party System The Republican PartyThe Democrat Party

20 The Two Party System As Georgia grew and prospered, so did the fortunes of the Republican Party in the state. Democrats had dominated state government since Reconstruction. In the 20th century, trends began to change. Many white citizens thought that Democrats in Washington did not represent their views on segregation. As more Georgians became educated and successful, they agreed with the Republican platform of lower taxes. Plus, the Republican Party united in 1952 after being split into hostile factions for many years and supported the popular General Dwight D. Eisenhower for president. That election brought many Democrats and Independents into the Republican Party.

21 The Two Party System The rise of the two-party system had a profound impact on Georgia. No longer does one party completely control state affairs. The concept of checks and balances is truly in effect, and open debate over issues is encouraged for the good of all Georgians. The tide turned in 1964, when Georgians elected their first Republican congressman since Reconstruction, and supported the Republican candidate for president. The trend of Republican election victories continued, and in 2003, Sonny Perdue became the first Republican governor in Georgia since 1868.

22 Impact of the Two Party System One Party Politics 1877 - 1970 Conservative Democrats controlled Georgia politics. White supremacy, the County Unit System, disenfranchisement, white primary, and Jim Crow laws. The Two Party System 1970 - Present Conservative Republicans and Liberal Democrats. White supremacy decreased. Equal opportunity increased. The standard of living has increased for all Georgians.

23 The Two Party System: Questions 1.What changes brought about growth of the Republican Party in Georgia? Changes in views toward segregation, Republican promises of lower taxes, and unification within the party itself 2.What democratic ideals are fostered by a healthy two-party system? Debate on major issues, as well as effective checks and balances 3.For how many years did the Democrats dominate politics in Georgia? 135

24 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The Centennial Summer Olympic Games 1996

25 The 1996 Summer Olympics Construction

26 The 1996 Summer Olympics Olympic Stadium

27 The 1996 Summer Olympics In 1996, Atlanta hosted the Centennial Summer Olympic Games. The effect of this event was enormous, bringing recognition, respect, and investment to Georgia from all over the world.

28 The 1996 Summer Olympics Atlanta and other cities hosting events gained new hotel rooms, restaurants, and beautiful sports facilities. The Olympic Stadium became the new home of the Atlanta Braves baseball team. Downtown Atlanta got quite a facelift as new sidewalks, lighting, and trees were installed along busy streets, and Centennial Park provided a 21-acre oasis in the heart of the city. Public housing in high crime areas was replaced by apartments, and dormitories built for Olympic athletes became the property of state universities.

29 The 1996 Summer Olympics The estimated impact of the Olympic Games on the city of Atlanta was more than five billion dollars. Much of Georgia’s economic good fortune today is due to the Olympics, which enhanced the state’s reputation as a great spot for tourism, conventions, sports, and business.

30 The 1996 Summer Olympics: Ecomic Impact

31 The 1996 Summer Olympics: Questions 1.What internal changes were made in Atlanta in the period leading up to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games? New sidewalks, lighting, and trees were installed, Olympic Stadium and Centennial Park were constructed, and apartments and dormitories for Olympic athletes were built. 2.How much money came into the State of Georgia as a result of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games? $5 billion


33 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Immigration Georgia

34 Immigration New immigrant communities in Georgia have made important contributions to the state’s growth and economy. Georgia’s foreign born population numbers took a big jump between 1990 and 2000, an increase of 233 percent. Immigrants from many countries have made their home in Georgia for generations. In the mid 1970s, refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos settled in the state. In recent years, immigrants have arrived from Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

35 Immigration Immigration has its greatest impact recently in northern Georgia, where Hispanics have moved to fill jobs in the construction, poultry processing, and carpet manufacturing industries. Immigrant workers are essential to the poultry industry, which is the largest agricultural industry in the state. The carpet industry welcomed immigrants in the late 1980s and 1990s because of a labor shortage in the area. Today, one-quarter to one-half of carpet mill workers are Hispanic immigrants. The new immigrants kept the carpet industry from moving somewhere else to survive. Immigrants also help local economies when they open their own businesses and hire others to work for them.

36 Why do immigrants come to Georgia? Migrant Workers International Business College Students Political and Economical Freedom Family Business

37 The Importance of New Immigrant Communities Increase Population International Business Job opportunities New homes, businesses, and services Cultural Diversity


39 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Hispanic Population Centers Georgia

40 Immigration: Questions 1.What was the rate of growth in immigrant communities between 1990 and 2000? 233 percent 2.In which major industries do many Hispanic immigrants work? Construction, poultry, and carpet manufacturing 3.Where do Georgia’s immigrants come from? Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, etc.

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