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1800-1840. 60,000 people live in NYC in 1800. Five million people live in the 16 states of the U.S. (By 1850, that number will quadruple!) Chicago only.

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Presentation on theme: "1800-1840. 60,000 people live in NYC in 1800. Five million people live in the 16 states of the U.S. (By 1850, that number will quadruple!) Chicago only."— Presentation transcript:

1 1800-1840

2 60,000 people live in NYC in 1800. Five million people live in the 16 states of the U.S. (By 1850, that number will quadruple!) Chicago only has 250 people in 1800 but will have over 100,000 by 1850. (That would be like fitting 8,000 people into this classroom!) Tremendous increase in wealth for the nation Invention of the cotton gin creates a need for cheap labor and increases slavery. Many people are suffering from poverty, lack of food, and exploitation. Government is confined to WHITE MALES.

3 Period of “Indian removal,” the forced migration of Native Americans to the west. TRAIL OF TEARS – 15,000 Cherokee forced to move from Georgia to Oklahoma – 4,000 died on the trek. Monroe Doctrine warns the world not to intervene in Latin America or the US will be involved – sets U.S. up as watchdog. 1836 – Mexico claims Texas – the Alamo is the scene of a deadly battle. Writers are becoming more socially conscious and more sensitive to social disorders – their writing aims at reform. Development of the short story – Irving, Hawthorne and Poe.

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