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Published byLeslie Tate Modified over 8 years ago
1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police Annual Report and Financial Statements – 2008/09 Department of Police 16 and 20 October 2009
2 Introduction Sections 40 and 65 of the PFMA Year-end closure – 31 March 2009 Subsequent compilation of Annual Report (08/09) on performance of Department (Previous ENE and strategic plan are reported on – backward looking) Annual Report consists of general information, programme performance, report of audit committee, annual financial statements and human resource management information Tabled by Minister before 30 September 2009 (Interim time frames / deadlines for critical actions)
3 Service Delivery Achievements Focus on financial and organisational performance as reflected in Annual Report for 2008/09 Performance indicators developed and indicated together with performance targets Actual performance in achieving output targets (including Programme 1), are the following:
4 Programme 1: Administration Services Actual performance against target PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Human Resource Management Inform staffing of personnel by developing and maintaining an annual HR Plan for the 2008/2009 financial year Development of an HR Plan for the 2008/2009 financial year. Develop an annual HR Plan for the 2008/2009 financial year by 2008-05-31. The Annual HR Plan for the 2008/2009 financial year was finalised by 2008- 09-30 and was formally approved on 2008-10-15. Ensuring continued implementation and / or maintenance of Employment Equity (EE) within the Service Percentage employment equity ratio of the workforce. Maintained employment equity ratios of 75/25. Optimising personnel utilisation by entrenching performance management systems. Percentage of employees using the performance management system. 95% of employees utilised the performance management systems. Performance Enhancement Process (PEP): The compliance rate for salary levels 1 - 12 in relation to planning were at 99.2% and for the 1 st written appraisal was at 95.5% Senior Management System (SMS): The compliance rate for salary levels 13 and above in relation to performance agreements was at 100% and for the 1st written assessment was at 98.7%. RaceWhite 14%Coloured 10.7% Indian 2.8% Black 72.5% GenderMale 69%Female 31%
5 Programme 1: Administration Services PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Human Resource Management Developing Human Resources Percentage of training provided in terms of the Training Provisioning Plan (TPP). 80% (90%) of Operational Training provided in Terms of the TPP. 86.8% 137 780 members attended Operational Training and 119 608 members competently completed the training. 80% of Support Training provided in terms of the TPP. 95.0% 15 865 members attended Support Training and 15 064 members competently completed the training. 80% (90%) of Management and Leadership Development Training provided in terms of the TPP. 94.1% 5 992 members attended Management an Leadership Development Training and 5 640 members competently completed the training. 90% (95%) of Entry-level Training provided in terms of the TPP. 99.7% 19 853 members attended Entry Level Training and 19 801 members competently completed the training. Programme 1: Administration Services
6 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Human Resource Management Institutionalising a Professional Service Ethos Number of reported disciplinary cases finalised Finalise 70% of reported disciplinary cases within 60 calendar days (new Regulations only) Finalised 42% of outstanding cases in terms of Disciplinary Regulations, 2006. Carried over from 2007/2008: 519 Cases received in 2008/2009: 3 125 Cases finalised in 2008/2009: 3 187 Outstanding as on 2009-03-31: 457 Programme 1: Administration Services
7 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Human Resource Management Reduction of civil claims instituted against the Service Ratio of number of successful civil claims versus personnel strength of the SAPS. Decreased by 5% the ratio of number of successful civil claims versus personnel strength of the SAPS (to be measured over the next 3-5 years). The following updated figures are available which provide an indication of the status of this target: Ratio for 2004/2005 = 1/75 (55.30% of claims finalised) Ratio for 2005/2006 = 1/75 (36.62% of claims finalised) Ratio for 2006/2007 = 1/58 (17.17% of claims finalised) Ratio for 2007/2008 = 1/62 (6.41% of claims finalised) Ratio for 2008/2009 = 1/102 (1.77% of claims finalised) Programme 1: Administration Services
8 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Human Resource Management Optimising the occupational health and wellness of employees Percentage of employees reached during reactive and proactive EAS programmes. Provide support in 100% of instances where requests for support were received from members and their families (reactive). 100% (17 281) response / support to requests received for support. Expose 30% of SAPS personnel establishment to proactive EAS interventions. 37% (65 059) of SAPS personnel establishment was exposed to proactive EAS interventions. Reorganising the SAPS to enhance service delivery Finalise and approve SAPS structure. Finalise organisational structures, functional analysis and post structures for all divisions, provinces and stations by 2009-03-31 Station and cluster structures were finalised. Enabling structures for provincial and national levels were finalised for 2008/2009. Programme 1: Administration Services
9 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Budget and resource Management Optimising the balance between personnel and operational expenditure Personnel and resource expenditure versus operational expenditure. Maintain expenditure ratio at 73/27% for compensation / operational expenditure. 73/27% Programme 1: Administration Services
10 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Budget and resource Management Optimising the application of physical resources Implementation of capital investment, asset management and maintenance plan. To be benchmarked over the next two years. Capital Works New police station completed Khuma (Stilfontein), 2008-04-30. Re-established police stations completed 2008/2009 Debenek (Eastern Cape), 2008-10-01 Ceza (KwaZulu-Natal), 2008-12-12 Kagiso (Gauteng), 2008-11-12 Paarl East ( (Western Cape), 2008-10-07 Saldanha (Western Cape), 2008-12-19 Asset management Firearms264 238 Bullet proof vests: Issued:179 183 Male:154 114 Female: 25 069 Not issued: 18 378 Male: 11 377 Female: 7 001 In transfer: 2 501 In transito: 861 Total 200 923 Vehicles 41 921 vehicles in 2008/2009 compared to 40 509 in 2007/2008. 7 350 vehicles were purchased and delivered. 5 457 vehicles were boarded. 798 dormant. Programme 1: Administration Services
11 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Basic Service Delivery 1 Improving basic service delivery by implementation of a Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP), including the developing and implementing of Service Delivery Improvement Plans and Service Delivery Charters. Extent of the implementation of the Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP). Established SDIP's and Service Delivery Charters at all divisional and provincial offices and the 169 high- contact crime stations by 2009- 03-31 Divisions - SDIP's and Service delivery Charters are in place. Provinces - SDIP's and Service delivery Charters are in place. Stations - SDIP's and Service delivery Charters are in place. Risk Management Implementation of risk management Extent of the implementation of risk management. Established risk management at all divisional and provincial offices and the 169 high- contact crime stations by 2009- 03-31. An instruction was sent to implement risk management. Risk assessments were conducted at National- and Provincial levels, risk registers were compiled and the risks cascaded tot he performance agreements of divisional- and provincial commissioners and risk owners. The implementation of risk management was included in the generic performance agreements of provincial commissioners. The National Risk Committee decided that risk management will not be applied at station level at this stage. 1 Please note that this Priority has been included under this financial programme but is applicable to all financial programmes and subprogrammes Programme 1: Administration Services
12 PrioritiesOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Corruption and Fraud Implementation of the Corruption and Fraud Prevention Plan Extent of the implementation of the Corruption and Fraud Prevention Plan. Integration of the Corruption and Fraud Prevention Plan into operational plans at all levels by March 2009. The implementation of the fraud and Corruption Plan was included in all the performance agreements of divisional commissioners, national component heads, provincial commissioners and station commissioners. Number of cases (charges) of corruption against police officials in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004) in elation to the personnel strength of the SAPS. To be benchmarked in 2008/2009. Number of disciplinary cases (charges): 252 Employees suspended with salary: 16 Employees suspended without salary:124 Employees not suspended:113 Total establishment of the SAPS was 182 754 at 31 March 2009. Programme 1: Administration Services
13 Programme 2: Visible Policing Actual performance against target Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Number of partnerships to prevent contact and property-related crimes. Initiatives established at the 169 high- contact crime stations and other stations. A partnership between the SAPS and the Primedia Group was established in 2007 to encourage the community to blow the whistle on crime by reporting it anonymously. From 2007-06-06 to 2009-05-14, 758 arrests were made as a result of this partnership. The partnerships between SAPS and Business against Crime South Africa continued with the following specific focus areas: the Criminal Justice Review and Improvement Programme; the Violent Organised Crime Reduction Programme; and the Non-Ferrous Metal Theft Reduction Programme. Various community-based crime prevention projects continued within the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme / Urban Renewal Programme nodes which include Crime Prevention through Environmental design, youth crime prevention capacity-building programmes and local government initiatives. The National Community Policing Consultative Forum (NCPCF) took various initiatives to support the objectives of all Community Police Forums and Boards including awareness campaigns for specific crimes. A National Tourism Safety and Awareness Strategy was developed by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism in consultation with various key players, including the SAPS, to deal with tourism safety in South Africa.
14 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Number of police actions for contact crimes, property-related crimes and crimes dependent on police action for detection. Actions undertaken at the 169 high-contact crime stations and other stations. 42 601 roadblocks (35 003 roadblocks in 2007/2008), 1 006 186 stop-and-search operations (842 580 operations in 2007/2008) and various other actions led to the arrest of 1 223 505 persons. 47% (574 912) of these arrests were made within the boundaries of the high-contact crime stations. Recovery of 85% stolen / lost firearms. 106% firearms recovered (13 675 recovered of 12 883 stolen/lost) compared to 104% recovered in 2007/2008. Recovery of 46% of stolen / robbed vehicles. 46% vehicles recovered (39 838 recovered of 86 579 stolen/robbed) compared to 43.6% recovered in 2007/2008) Number of police actions for contact crimes, property-related crimes and crimes dependent on police action for detection. Maintain / increase quantity of drugs seized. 144 408 011g cannabis seized compared to 126 825 959g in 2007/2008. 1 275 hectares of cannabis fields, valued at R892.5 million, sprayed in cannabis spaying operations. Methaqualone 190 000g (equal to 3 80 000 mandrax tablets) Cocaine 156 000g Heroine 41 000g Methcathinone (CAT) 8 000g Metamphetamine 20 000g Amphetamine Type Stimulants 29 000g. Programme 2: Visible Policing
15 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Number of high- contact crime stations where sector policing is implemented. Sector Policing implemented at 169 high-contact crime stations. 129 stations (76.3%) of the 169 high-contact crime police stations implemented sector policing compared to 139 stations in 2007/2008. Rate of reduction of contact crimes. Contact crimes to be reduced by 7 - 10% per annum. Percentage increase / decrease of contact crime between 2007/2008 and 2008/2009: Murder -1.8% Attempted murder-2.6% Sexual offences12.0% Assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm-3.0% Common assault-2.6% Robbery with aggravating circumstances 2.6% Common robbery-8.9% Programme 2: Visible Policing
16 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Number of:Decrease in 2008/2009. Escapes from police custody.719 escape incidents occurred and 1 144 persons escaped from police custody compared to 664 incidents in 2007/2008, during which 980 persons escaped. Attacks on police officials629 attacks on SAPS members in 2008/2009 compared to 454 in 2007/2008. Killing of police officials.105 police officials were killed on and off duty in 2008/2009 compared to 107 in 2007/2008. Acts of violence against the farming community. 794 farm attacks occurred during which 86 murders were committed. Programme 2: Visible Policing
17 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Extent of crime at South Africa's land, sea and air borderlines Maintain or increase 2 265 illegal firearms and 209 rounds of ammunition recovered compared to 162 illegal firearms and 1 256 rounds of ammunition in 2007/2008. 530 vehicles recovered compared to 208 recovered in 2007/2008. 174 270 034g cannabis recovered compared to 119 535kg recovered in 2007/2008. Illegal goods valued at R45 398 372 recovered compared to R4 408 109 in 2007/2008. 50 919 persons arrested for illegal firearms, stolen vehicles, illegal goods, human trafficking, maritime-related offences and violations of the immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002) compared to 34 220 in 2007/2008. (47 198 of these arrests were made at the Limpopo borderline.) Number of interventions in medium-risk operations. Maintain or increase 3 743 crowd-related interventions which led to 1 959 arrests compared to 748 interventions in 2007/2008 which led to 3 386 arrests. 447 interventions for escorting dangerous criminals. 302 interventions for major events and assistance for he protection of very important persons. Number of interventions in high- risk operations. Maintain or increase 4 230 interventions such as hostage situations, combating of urban / rural terror and assistance for the protection of very important persons (compared to 184 interventions in 2007/2008). 2 - 4 These cannot be measured as a proportion of the total incidents of crime because, for example, the number and quantity of illegal firearms, stolen vehicles, drugs and goods that move both in and out of the country illegally cannot be determined. The numbers of interventions in respect of high and medium-risk operations are subject to various circumstances and cannot be determined. Programme 2: Visible Policing
18 Programme 3: Detective Services Actual performance against target Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Percentage of contact crime in respect of: Charges (cases) to court39%39.94% Detection rate53%52.45% Conviction rate19%21.54% UndetectedTo be benchmarked in 2008/2009185 057 cases undetected. Percentage of contact- related crime in respect of: Charges (cases) to court29%30.58% Detection rate44%45.09% Conviction rate16%24.76% UndetectedTo be benchmarked in 2008/200971 489 cases undetected
19 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Percentage of property- related crime in respect of: Charges (cases) to court11%11.64% Detection rate15% 15.41% Conviction rate13%22.65% UndetectedTo be benchmarked in 2008/2009 464 011 cases undetected. Percentage of crimes heavily dependent on police action for detection in respect of: Charges (cases) to court93%96.04% Detection rate94%97.05% Conviction rate17%45.92% Programme 3: Detective Services
20 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Percentage of other serious crime in respect of: Charges (cases) to court25%31.30% Detection rate36%40.71% Conviction rate26%39.31% UndetectedTo be benchmarked in 2008/2009310 491 cases undetected. Percentage of all serious crimes combined in respect of: Charges (cases) to court32%34.13% Detection rate42%42.82% Conviction rate14%30.81% Programme 3: Detective Services
21 Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Percentage of commercial crime charges in respect of: Charges (cases) to court24%26.68% Detection rate36%38.69% Conviction rateTo be benchmarked in 2008/200945.95% UndetectedTo be benchmarked in 2008/200912 535 cases undetected. Organised crime Percentage of organised crime-related cases to court. 25%40% Programme 3: Detective Services
22 Output performance measures / Service Delivery IndicatorsActual performance against target TargetActual Percentage of charges (cases) to court for sexual offences and assaults against women (18 years and above). (Murder, attempted murder, rape, attempted rape, assault GBH, indecent assault, common assault, kidnapping and abduction) 40%52.35% Detection rate of sexual offences and assaults against women (18 years and above). (Murder, attempted murder, rape, attempted rape, assault GBH, indecent assault, common assault, kidnapping and abduction) 42%67.39% Percentage of charges (cases) to court for sexual offences and assaults against children (under 18 years). (Murder, attempted murder, rape, attempted rape, assault GBH, indecent assault, common assault, kidnapping and abduction) 30%58.10% Detection rate of sexual offences and assaults against children (under 18 years). (Murder, attempted murder, rape, attempted rape, assault GBH, indecent assault, common assault, kidnapping and abduction) 40%75.79% Programme 3: Detective Services
23 Sub-programmeOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Crime investigations Detection rate regarding charges (cases) of corruption against police officials in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004). To be benchmarked in 2008/2009 Total number of cases reported 990 Detection rate95.15% Conviction rate regarding charges (cases) of corruption against police officials in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004). To be benchmarked in 2008/2009 Total number of cases reported 990 Guilty50.06% Criminal Record Centre Percentage of offenders' previous conviction report generated within 30 days. 85% within 30 days.75.25% achieved. Forensic Science Laboratory Percentage of exhibits analysed within 35 days. 92% analysed within 35 days. 92.2% achieved. Programme 3: Detective Services
24 Programme 4: Crime Intelligence Actual performance against target Sub-programmeOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Crime Intelligence Operations Number of operations conducted to neutralize crime threats 5 Maintain or increase 6 Decrease from 18 631 operations in 2007/2008 to 17 035 operations in 2008/2009. Intelligence and Information Management Number of crime intelligence products. Maintain or increase 7 Increase from 95 848 reports in 2007/2008 to 142 020 reports in 2008/2009. 5 Crime Intelligence operations with regard to Social fabric-related contact crimes are usually only conducted in cases where serial murderers, serial rapist and pedophiles are involved. 6 The type of threat will determine the frequency of operations conducted. 7 The type of threat will determine the frequency of intelligence products (reports) generated.
25 Programme 5: Protection & Security Services Actual performance against target Sub- programme Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual VIP Protection Services Percentage of security breaches in relation to security provided. Maintain or decrease.No security breaches occurred. Static and Mobile Security Percentage of security breaches in relation to security provided. Maintain or decrease.7 security breaches occurred compared to 9 security breaches in 2007/2008 Safe delivery rate of valuable cargo. 98% - 99% delivery100%
26 Sub- programme Output performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Ports of Entry Security The extent of crimes at ports of entry and exit. Maintain or increase Decrease from 952 illegal firearms in 2007/2008 to 199 firearms in 2008/2009. Decrease from 919 stolen vehicles recovered in 2007/2008 to 772 vehicles in 2008/2009. 39 619 793g cannabis (57 330kg in 2007/2008) 479 Mandrax tablets (171 207 tablets in 2007/2008) 31 500g methaqualone (equal to 63 000 mandrax tablets) 189 371g crystal meth (120kg in 2007/2008) 1 907 238g cocaine (2 822 kg in 2007/2008). The estimated street value for these drugs is R663 905 068.90. Increase in the recovery of illegal goods valued at R238 370 023 compared to R135 777 142 in 2007/2008. The number of persons arrested for illegal firearms, stolen vehicles, illegal drugs, illegal goods, maritime-related offences and violations of the Immigration Act, 2002 was 59 954, compared to 51 856 in 2007/2008. Programme 5: Protection & Security Services
27 Sub-programmeOutput performance measures / Service Delivery Indicators Actual performance against target TargetActual Railway PolicePriority crime rate in the railway environment. Maintain or decrease. 40 428 cases reported within the railway environment compared to 26 567 cases in 2007/2008. Social fabric-related contact crimes 1 477 Violent organised contact crimes 1 856 Property-related crimes 3 849 Crime dependant on police action for detection 5 985 Other crime27 261 35 161 arrests made within the railway environment compared to 21 314 in 2007/2008 Social fabric-related contact crimes 737 Violent organised contact crimes 771 Property-related crimes 1 565 Crime dependant on police action for detection 11 982 Other crime 20 106 Government Security Regulator Extent of compliance with institutional framework To be benchmarked in 2008/2009. 145 Key Points were evaluated. 311 assessments and 53 audits (Government and Parastatals) were conducted. 5 Institutional Security Structures were created. Minimum Physical Security Standards were finalised and signed by the National Commissioner for implementation by Government Institutions. Programme 5: Protection & Security Services
28 2008/09 Auditor-General’s Report Unqualified audit opinion for the 2008/09 financial year Unqualified audit opinion for the last five years i.e 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Insignificant remainder on voted funds for each of financial years also
29 Annual Financial Statements Financial reporting demonstrates: Information about the sources and allocation of financial resources Performance of the SAPS in the use of financial resources, compared to the planned resource utilisation Whether resources were used in accordance with the legally adopted budget, including financial limits established by appropriate legislative authorities Itemised spending priorities
30 Framework guiding Virement Section 43 of the PFMA provides for: An Accounting Officer to authorize the shifting funds between programmes (main divisions) within a Vote May not exceed 8% of the appropriated amount per programme (main division) Treasury Regulations provide for the augmentation of capital expenditure and to shift savings in compensation expenditure to other expenditure categories
31 Financial Performance Demonstrated Full utilisation of voted funds Small surplus (R20.16) Performance against budget Virement for all programmes well within 8% (PFMA threshold) – variances small Itemised spending priorities referred to in the 2008/09 State of the Nation Address, MTBPS, Budget Speech and 2008 ENE Objectives accomplished e.g personnel target ranges and capacity building initiatives Spending variance of merely 0,6% between budget for compensation and actual expenditure for the Vote
32 Voted Funds and Departmental payments Programmes Actual 2007/08 R’000 Total voted 2008/09 R’000 Virement R’000 Actual 2008/09 R’000 Variance as a % = Virement 1. Administration12 063 12913 841 697117 18013 958 8770,85% 2. Visible Policing15 332 58317 195 540(99 943)17 095 597(0,58%) 3. Detective Services5 978 7826 714 76571 9766 786 7411,07% 4. Crime Intelligence1 299 4241 448 789(8 585)1 440 204(0,59%) 5. Protection and Security Services 1 712 1872 291 518(80 628)2 210 890(3,51%) TOTAL36 386 10541 492 309- - All within 8% as provided for in PFMA
33 Programme 1: Administration Generic definition of the Programme: Administration The Administration Programme encompasses the organization and management of the department through the establishment of an organizational structure, formulation of policies and procedures and the allocation of resources geared towards the achievement of departmental objectives Sub-programmes: Minister Deputy Minister Management Corporate Services Expenditure in respect of financial management, human resource management, legal services, management advisory services, supply chain management, information technology, internal audit, Parliamentary services and personnel of the Ministries Property Management Dept’s may not deviate from the prescribed format without Treasury approval
34 Programme 1: Administration 2007/08 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE R’000 2008/09 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE R’000 MANAGEMENT (Including Secretariat and SAPS management) 46,97952,955 CORPORATE SERVICES10,696,29812,423,620 Administration of Ministry22,79431,289 Financial Services434,773469,496 Medical Support2,859,0563,243,018 Logistical Support2,244,8222,751,022 Information Technology1,530,0641,827,884 Auxiliary Services1,244,8651,437,016 Management Advisory Services545,462581,742 Human Resource Management1,814,4622,082,153 Training966,0261,124,009 Personnel Services734,382856,528 Career Management114,054101,616 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (Including Maintenance, Property rates, Lease of accommodation and Municipal services) 1,318,1281,479,370
35 Variances on Programmes Increased expenditures as a result of discernable emphasis on: Capital infrastructure (facilities), modernisation of IT environment and training interventions resulted in additional funding being diverted to Programme 1 Strengthening of capacity of detectives, especially capital equipment for general, organised and commercial crime investigators and the forensic environment (Programme 3) Variances under Programmes 2 and 5 mainly as a result of lower operational expenditures that realised Spending variances of all programmes very small
36 Income Statement (Financial performance for the period) Revenue – Expenditure = Net surplus/deficit Voted funds R’000 Current / capital R’000 Net surplus / deficit R’000 *41 492 30941 492 3090 Other revenue (Collected for Revenue Fund) - (May not be used for departmental activities) (Revenue surrendered to the Revenue Fund) 376 456- Donor funds (Aid assistance) Current / capital expenditure Net surplus / deficit 7 23413 449(6 215) Total 41 875 99941 505 758370 241 *Full utilization of voted funds
37 Income Statement (Financial performance for the period) Full utilization of voted funds (R41,492 billion) as only R20.16 remained. (Rounded off to zero) Revenue collected and deposited into the National Revenue Fund was R376,456 million Local and foreign aid assistance received for the year was R7,234 million. (Opening balance from previous year was R16,6 million)
38 Departmental receipts (Revenue) The main reasons for the increased collection of revenue for the period under review are the following : Improved recovery of incidental debt; Sale of non-capital items at auctions; and Higher number of firearm applications received (R52,7 million of the total of R376,4 million))
39 Spending policy direction – 2008/09 Minister of Finance – MTBPS: 30 October 2007 “We will also increase spending on fighting crime” “Improving the efficacy of police services and the justice system to make further progress in reducing crime” Minister of Finance – Budget Speech: 20 February 2008 “Intensifying the fight against crime” President – State of the Nation Address: 8 February 2008 “…revamping the criminal justice system to intensify our offensive against crime…”
40 Spending policy direction – 2008/09 These indications specifically enabled: Additional personnel Capital infrastructure Ports of Entry Reservist system Modernisation of SAPS networks Capacity at the Forensic Science Laboratories
41 Overview of capacity building Main 2008/09 spending priorities accomplished By 31 March 2003131,560 By 31 March 2004140,560 By 31 March 2005148,060 By 31 March 2006156,060 By 31 March 2007163,060 By 31 March 2008173 120 By 31 March 2009182 754 Spending priorityProgress Improved remuneration Continued implementation of broad banding salary improvement programme Additional personnelTarget 183 180 – 31 March 2009 -182 754 achieved (9 513 more than previous year) Targets achieved
42 Overview of capacity building Main 2008/09 spending priorities accomplished Spending priorityProgress Vehicle fleetMarch ‘08 – 40 509 and March ‘09 – 41 921 vehicles i.e 1 412 more after replacements Total amount spent – R1,014 billion IJS ProjectsR235 million allocated and spent Reservist systemR91,852 million spent Borderline controlR168,707 million spent (Detached duties, vehicles, vessels and fuel and oil) Bullet-proof vestsPaid R85 million in 2008/09 for 32 917 full sets amounting to 200 923 sets at year-end Buildings and other fixed structures R991 million received and spent Upgrading of network infrastructure and hosting environments For 2008/09 spent R178 million on network, hosting and infrastructure. (Already spent R185,8 million vis planned R400 million for 2009/10 and R700 million in 2010/11 for this purpose)
43 Overview of capacity building Main 2008/09 spending priorities accomplished Spending priorityProgress Ports of EntryCapacity of the designated commercial ports significantly increased i.e 38% in terms of the roll-out strategy TrainingExpenditure increased by 16% (R1,124 billion) Forensic Science LaboratoryApart from normal baseline allocation provisions, R143,2 million was spent on capacity initiatives Automated Vehicle LocationR70,2 million was spent on the AVL system FirearmsR36 million spent on new SAPS firearms (4 200 firearms ordered) Firearm Control Act implementation R19,7 million once again spent on system development and implementation
44 Multi-year summary of capacity building up to 2008/09 Spending priorities Funded Achieved Compensation related payments ✔ Establishment of the Division: Protection and Sec Services ✔ Aircraft ✔ Elections ✔ Death Grants ✔ Training ✔ Reservists ✔ New policing infrastructure, property leases, maintenance ✔ IJS programmes ✔ Modernization and expansion of vehicle fleet ✔
45 Multi-year summary of capacity building up to 2008/09 Spending priorities Funded Achieved Continued… IT / ICT Plan – end user equipment ✔ Firearm Control System ✔ Borderline security ✔ General equipment e.g bullet resistant vests, weapons etc. ✔ Radio Communication System Gauteng ✔ Operational Deployment System for vehicles (AVL) ✔ Upgrading of resource capacity of the FSL ✔ Upgrading of the network and hosting infrastructure ✔ Preparation for the Soccer World Cup 2010 ✔
46 END
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