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Nixon and Carter The Conservative Backlash meets the Peanut Farmer.

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Presentation on theme: "Nixon and Carter The Conservative Backlash meets the Peanut Farmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nixon and Carter The Conservative Backlash meets the Peanut Farmer

2 Nixon’s Conservative Backlash wins in 1968.  Inflation, rising prices, and funding for Great Society, cost of living tripled.  Stagnant economy (Stagflation) and an unpopular war.  Nixon “Vietnamizes” the war in 1973. (540,000 troops)  My Lai and the Cambodia attacks create a negative image and protests.

3 First Term and Re-election  Twenty-sixth Amendment (vote @ 18)  Détente (better relations with China and the Soviet Union), SALT, and Henry Kissinger (national security advisor).  1972 Democrat George McGovern was a liberal dove alienated the working class.  With a “peace is at hand” statement, Nixon won with a landslide in 72: 520 electoral votes to 17.

4 Watergate and Impeachment  Nixon’s paranoia led him to create the “Plumbers” unit of CREEP. June 17, 1972 five men arrested in Democratic headquarters with “bugging” equipment.  Secretive, unethical, unlawful use of FBI, CIA, IRS, the enemies list, Vice President Agnew, and many resignations.  Gerald Ford is appointed Vice President.  The White House tapes, impeachment, resignation on August 8, 1974. Ford takes oath as the first un- elected President.

5 Re-election and Detente

6 Another End to the War!  Secret bombings in Cambodia against Pol Pot and his regime.  1975 North Vietnamese move South and take over South Vietnam. Evacuation of remaining US citizens and 140,000 S. Vietnamese.  Later some 500,000 S. Vietnamese arrive in the US  56,000 U.S. deaths, 300,000 injuries, and $118 billion.

7 Mr. Carter  Bicentennial election with Ford (R) versus Carter (D). Carter won with a narrow victory.  Positive diplomacy: peace between Israel and Egypt (Camp David Accords), canal ownership to Panama, and relations open with Soviets (Helsinki Accords).  Negative diplomacy: Cuban/Soviet troops in Africa, US supported Iranian government overthrown, SALT II talks halted because of Khomeini and the anti-American Muslims attack on the US embassy (hostages), Soviets attack Afghanistan (Soviet’s Vietnam).

8 Jimmy Carter

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