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A.Arundeep ECE IV Year  It is the term given to any form of optical data storage in which information can be recorded and/or.

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Presentation on theme: "A.Arundeep ECE IV Year  It is the term given to any form of optical data storage in which information can be recorded and/or."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.Arundeep ECE IV Year

2  It is the term given to any form of optical data storage in which information can be recorded and/or read with three dimensional resolution.  This innovation has the potential to provide terabyte-level mass storage on DVD- sized disks.  Data recording and readback are achieved by focusing lasers within the medium. INTRODUCTION

3 HISTORY In the 1970s, Valeri Barachevskii demonstrated that this photochromism could be produced by two-photon excitation. Finally at the end of the 1980s Peter T. Rentzepis showed that this could lead to three-dimensional data storage

4 Various storage devices till date I Generation : Compact Disc(CD) – 650/700MB Laser wavelength – 780nm Color of laser – RED II Generation : Digital Versatile Disc(DVD) – 4.7GB Laser Wavelength - 650nm Color of laser - RED III Generation : Blu ray Disc(BD) - 25/50GB Laser wavelength – 405nm Color of laser - BLUE

5 PROCESS OF WRITING DATA ﻂ Non resonant multiphoton absorption ﻂ Sequential multiphoton absorption ﻂ Microholography ﻂ Recording during manufacturing

6 Invented by SHVJI NAKAMURA of NICHA Corporation. It has the main use of High Definition video & Data Storage. The name Blu-ray Disc derives from the blue- violet laser used to read the disc.

7 BD TECHNOLOGY Pits-Spiral grooves that run from center of the disc to its edges. Bumps-Other sides of these above edges. Track Pitch-It is the distance between the two tracks(of pits) on the surface. DATA IS STORED IN THE PITS


9 SPECIFICATIONS OF BD Laser and optics Hard coating technology Recording Speed Drive speed Data rateTheoretical write time for BD (in minutes) Mb/secMB/secSingle layerDouble layer 1x364.590180 2x7294590 4x1441822.545 6x216271530 8x2883611.2522.5 12x432547.515

10 BD-ROM (read only) : For pre-recorded content BD-R (Recordable) : For storing HD data on the disc BD-RW (Rewritable) : For PC data storage BD-RE (Rewritable) : For HD TV storage FORMATS

11 CD/DVD vs. BD BD Data is stored on the top of the 1.1mm thick polycarbonate layer Numerical Aperture is 0.85 Track Pitch 0.32 micron Storage capacity is 25/50GB. Image resolution is HIGH DVD Data is sandwiched between two 0.6mm thick poly carbonate layers. Numerical Aperture is 0.65 Track Pitch 0.74 micron Storage capacity is 15/30GB Image resolution is POOR

12 Pictorial & Graphical comparison

13 ADVANTAGES  Instantly skip to any part of the disc.  Record HDTV without any quality loss.  Multi-tasking.  Automatically search for an empty space.  Higher density enables better data seek times. and many more……




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