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 2996 Deaths  10 Billion infrastructure damage  Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  2001 Letter to America  support of Israel, attacks in Somalia, atrocities.

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Presentation on theme: " 2996 Deaths  10 Billion infrastructure damage  Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  2001 Letter to America  support of Israel, attacks in Somalia, atrocities."— Presentation transcript:

1  2996 Deaths  10 Billion infrastructure damage  Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq  2001 Letter to America  support of Israel, attacks in Somalia, atrocities in Chechnya, authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, oppression in Kashmir  The presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia  sanctions against Iraq

2  Hijackers, 15 Saudi, 2 Emiratis, 1 Jordan, 1 Egypt  Flight 11 and 175 Boston to La hit WTC  Flight 77 DC to LA hit Pentagon  Flight 93 Newark to SF crashed in Shanksville  US airspace closed NATO take up air border security patrols  “The Pet Goat”

3  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Architect of 9-11 plan 1996  Formed 1998 by University Students in Hamburg Germany  Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi Ramzi bin al-Shibh  Chance meeting with al Qaeda agent  Training in Afghanistan, chosen for 9-11 mission  Enroll in flight training schools in US  The 20 th hijacker

4  From Lebanon  Wealthy, secular background  Aysel Şengün  "I did what I was supposed to do" and "You ought to be very proud, because it is an honor and you will see the result and everybody will be happy"

5  Attacks denounced  Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, Yusuf al- Qaradawi, Taliban  Candlelight vigils in Iran and Pakistan, Russia

6  Mass of volunteers travel to NY  “American Muslims utterly condemn the vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.”  Falwell, "pagans, abortionists, feminists, the gays and the lesbians. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen”  Increase in Hate Crimes

7  Department of Homeland Security  Patriot Act  Expanded law enforcement powers related to search and seizure, Increased power of financial regulation, Increased border security and immigration authority  The Terrorism Narrative and US foreign relations  Politicalisation of Terrorism  Who is a terrorist?

8  US demand Taliban give up bin Laden  NATO and allied invasion October 2001  Civilian deaths 19,013  Allied 14,859  Taliban 20,000 – 35,000  No significant peace established  Bilateral Security Agreement US combat troops withdraw 2014.

9  The 2001 shoe bomb plot  Library Tower in LA,  2003 Brooklyn Bridge in New York City  2004 Financial buildings plot, IMF, World Bankm NYSE  2004 Columbus Shopping Mall Bombing  2006 Sears Tower 2007  Fort Dix attack 2007  JFK airport  New York Subway Bombing Plot  2010 Times Square car bombing attempt

10  Abbotabad Pakistan  1.3 Kilometers from Pakistan Military Academy  Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti,  2 May 2011  SEAL Team 6, Stealth helicopters  38 minutes on the ground

11  Has the War on Terror created greater instability?  Axis of Evil, ‘With us or against us’  Polarization of the international system  Politically useful as a narrative to oppress domestic resistance.  Justification of international intervention  Gulf War II

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