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Retro-commissioning: 15% savings 10 The New Low Hanging Fruit: Run what we have efficiently.

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3 Retro-commissioning: 15% savings 10 The New Low Hanging Fruit: Run what we have efficiently

4 Training 15% savings Result of 3 years of Building Operator Certification (BOC) training Source: Program Year 3 Building Operator Certification Program Evaluation, Illinois Department of Commerce 4 The New Low Hanging Fruit: Run what we have efficiently

5 Source: Program Year 3 Building Operator Certification Program Evaluation, Illinois Department of Commerce The New Low Hanging Fruit: Run what we have efficiently

6 1000 Green Superintendents Program NYC Training 15% O&M Savings 95% Installed ECMs Source: Measurement & Verification of Green Superintendents Program, Evaluation by Steven Winter Associates, October 2012 6 The New Low Hanging Fruit: Run what we have efficiently

7 7 Run what we have efficiently: Retro Commissioning Better Buildings Technical Assistance: Maverick Landing South Boston Energy Audit and Retrocommissioning: Capital and Operations Savings

8 8 Run what we have efficiently: Retro Commissioning Energy Audit and

9 9 Run what we have efficiently: Retro Commissioning Equipment/ Location Description of IssueRecommendations Building loop DP Sensor / Mechanical Rm. BAS is not reading the DP of the building loop and not controlling the building loop pump VFDs. Investigate why this is not part of the building loop pump operation. Backup Boiler / Mechanical Rm. When boiler trips on high limit cutout there is no alarm light on the boiler panel to notify the operator of a problem. Add an alarm light on the boiler panel or tie into the flame failure light. MUA-2 / RoofThe freeze stat is defective.Replace the freeze stat. CHP Pumps / Mechanical Rm. When the CHP is shut down or is shut off all the Cogen pumps stay on and the Cogen valves are still enabled. When the CHP shuts down or is shut off, the Cogen pumps should shut off and the valves should go to full bypass. Combustion intake air damper actuator / Mechanical Rm. The top right combustion air intake damper actuator is defective. Repair or replace the damper actuator. Solar PV System / Upper & Lower Roof Inverters #3, 9, & 11 are defective. Replace Inverters to get the full rated electrical production from the system.

10 10 The Rise of the Super Tech Training the Super Tech: Better Buildings Partners

11 Definition of a Supertech: Provide high level technical support at multiple properties Helps to avoid costly contractor engagement Maximizes operations through identifying opportunities for efficiency Nothing replaces the human element and the ownership element in operations of a building Key Attributes: Quickly understand various systems Interface with contractors and salespeople Translate opportunities to run existing systems efficiently to management

12 Training the Super Tech: Better Buildings Partners Why do you need a Super Tech: Provide insight to efficiency opportunities High-efficiency, high-tech equipment requires deeper knowledge Building controls, cogeneration, solar, etc. Consistency in maintenance throughout your portfolio Triage mechanical electrical “problems” : No heat, No DHW

13 Training the Super Tech: Better Buildings Partners Supertech Training Four sites – four different systems Peer-to-peer experience System specific training Information on new and upcoming technologies

14 Training the Super Tech: Better Buildings Partners Results Efficiency minded technicians Regular opportunities for peer to peer learning Improved, consistent operations and maintenance Input on design and operations for renovations and new construction

15 Owner / Management Collaboration In collaboration with our owners, we: Help identify priorities and challenges at our communities. Formulate comprehensive strategies to address them. Work towards efficiency and renewable energy goals. Deliver the most effective support to meet the needs on the ground.

16 Building Communities of Quality How does this benefit the residents? Comfort Better Quality of Life Healthy Living Brighter Future

17 Building Communities of Quality The people who live at our communities are more comfortable, healthier, and have a fantastic home to return to at the end of each day.

18 81 Bridge Street Yarmouth, ME 04096 Tel: 207.846.7726 Fax: 207.846.7728 150 West 22 nd Street Fourth Floor New York, NY 10011 Tel: 212.367.2156 Thank You!

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