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© CGI Group Inc. User Guide PrimePortal – User Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "© CGI Group Inc. User Guide PrimePortal – User Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 © CGI Group Inc. User Guide PrimePortal – User Administration

2 Index Module : User Administration General Add a local user Add a domain user Edit a user New password Delete a local user Delete a domain user Search User mode Group mode

3 General Module : User Administration Each portal has a user administration tool which is available for users with specific permission. Usually all the user administration is delegated to the CGI delivery team. Each portal has a user administration tool which is available for users with specific permission. Usually all the user administration is delegated to the CGI delivery team. In the user administration tool the user administrator can: -Add a new user (local or domain) -Edit a user (change permission, send out new password etc.) -Delete a user -Define user access rights -Search for a user In the user administration tool the user administrator can: -Add a new user (local or domain) -Edit a user (change permission, send out new password etc.) -Delete a user -Define user access rights -Search for a user

4 Add a Local user Module : User Administration Select New user

5 Add a Local user Module : User Administration Select Local user and press OK.

6 Add a Local user Module : User Administration Fill out the mandatory fields First name, Last name, E-mail, User id and Groups The user will login with acc\. In this case acc\Anna Smith. When you are happy with the settings for the new user select Save. Select which group/s the user should be a member of. That will determine the users permissions in the portal. In this case All Areas group is selected. E-mail will be sent to the user with login information.

7 Add a Domain user Module : User Administration Select New user

8 Add a Domain user Module : User Administration Select -groupinfra (for a CGI user) OR -groupsvcs (for a Remedy user) and press OK. In this case we have selected groupinfra. Select -groupinfra (for a CGI user) OR -groupsvcs (for a Remedy user) and press OK. In this case we have selected groupinfra.

9 Add a Domain user Module : User Administration Select Search. Select Save. Select which group/s the user should be a member of. That will determine the users permissions in the portal. In this case All Areas group is selected. First name, last name and email are filled in automatically. In case the user id does not exist, the above credentials don’t appear. Enter the user id. E-mail will be sent to the user with login information.

10 Edit a user Module : User Administration Depending on the type of user (local, groupinfra, groupsvcs) different user attributes are editable: -Local user: all attributes except User id -Groupinfra, groupsvcs: Only Description and Group(s) are editable due to that this user type is managed in a another AD (active directory). In this screenshot we see a local user. Depending on the type of user (local, groupinfra, groupsvcs) different user attributes are editable: -Local user: all attributes except User id -Groupinfra, groupsvcs: Only Description and Group(s) are editable due to that this user type is managed in a another AD (active directory). In this screenshot we see a local user. Perform the required changes and select Save. Find the user to edit via User administration start page.

11 New password Module : User Administration Select Save. Select New Password. The new password will be sent in an e-mail to the registered E-mail address. Note! It is only possible to send a new password for a local user. Note! It is also possible for the user to order a new password via t/Pages/PrimePortalForgotPassword. aspx t/Pages/PrimePortalForgotPassword. aspx Note! It is also possible for the user to order a new password via t/Pages/PrimePortalForgotPassword. aspx t/Pages/PrimePortalForgotPassword. aspx Find the user via User administration start page.

12 Delete a local user Module : User Administration Select Delete. Find the user via the User administration start page.

13 Delete a domain user Module : User Administration Select Remove. Find the user via the User administration start page.

14 Search Module : User Administration On the User administration start page you are able to search for users. Select display mode -User mode: to search for a user or create a new user -Group mode: to see a list of all groups and their members Select display mode -User mode: to search for a user or create a new user -Group mode: to see a list of all groups and their members

15 Search – User mode Module : User Administration Fill out parts of or full Name, User id and/or E-mail if you want to search for a specific user/s. When you are happy with the search criterias select Show users to perform the search. Select which type of users you want to include in the search (local users, groupinfra users or groupsvcs users) Select Show members of if you want to include a column with the user’s permissions in the search result. In this case the search was performed on Local users where the name included Ann and users permissions was also selected to be visible in a separate column. The yellow icon shows that this is a domain user. The domain name will also be visible if you hover the icon. The search result is possible to export to.xls or.pdf format.

16 Search – Group mode Module : User Administration The display mode Group will show a list of all available groups. Select a group to see their members. The members are displayed in the bottom of the page. Select New user if you want to create a new user where the selected group is pre- selected. Members of the group Order displayed in a grid. It is possible to export all groups or members of a selected group in.xls or.pdf format.

17 If you have any further questions feel free to contact us at: Questions? Module : File Archive

18 Thank you! 18

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