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5 4321. Pest Risk Analysis in Korea Jong-Ho Lee Pest Risk Analysis Division National Plant Quarantine Service

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1 5 4321

2 Pest Risk Analysis in Korea Jong-Ho Lee Pest Risk Analysis Division National Plant Quarantine Service

3 Purpose of presentation…

4 II ⅡⅡ ⅢⅢ ⅣⅣ Introduction PRA in ISPM Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea ⅤⅤ Contents Q & A

5 I. I. Introduction What is the PRA (Pest Risk Analysis)? The process of evaluating biological or other scientific and economic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the strength of any phytosanitary measures to be taken against it Rights and Obligations! (SPS Agreement, IPPC, & ISPMs)

6 WTO/SPS Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and phytosanitary measures PRA is one of the major components of PM (Art. 5) Assessment of risk and determination of the appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection (ALOP) Main Contents Harmonization Transparency ALOP Equivalence Pest Risk Analysis

7 WTO/SPS Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and phytosanitary measures Establishment of ALOP Take into account as relevant economic factors Minimizing negative trade effects Avoid arbitrary or unjustifiable distinction Take into account technical and economic feasibility Not more trade-restrictive measures ALOP

8 FAO/IPPC International Plant Protection Convention General provisions relating to the organizational arrangements for National Plant(Art. IV) The responsibilities of NPPO is to conduct of PRA Technical justification “justified on the basis of conclusions reached by using an appropriate PRA PM are “limited to what is necessary to protect plant health and/or safeguard the intended use and can be technically justified by the contracting party concerned”

9 Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Definition of PRA “The process of evaluating biological or other scientific and economic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the strength of any phytosanitary measures to be taken against it (ISPM No. 5.)” ISPMs: 29 Int’l Standards of Phytosanitary Measures

10 Particular relevance to the PRA Process Cooperation in the provision of information Minimal impact Non-discrimination Transparency Avoidance of undue delay Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs…

11 Stage 1. Initiation Stage 2. Pest Risk Assessment Stage 3. Pest Risk managementOthers Pest Risk Communication Main components of PRA Process(ISPM No. 2, 11)

12 Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… INFORMATION GATHERING, DOCUMENTATION AND RISK COMMUNICATION sto p including area specification INITIATION PEST RISK ASSESSMENT Pest Risk not acceptable PEST RISK MANAGEMENT STAGE 2 STAGE 1 STAGE 3 Organism not a pest Risk acceptable Initiation points sto p Management options organism pathway pest policy review MONITORING REGULATORY DECISION (BEYOND THE PRA PROCESS)

13 “Evaluation of the probability of the introduction And spread of a pest and of the associated potential Economic consequences” Stage 2. Pest Risk Assessment Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs…

14 “Evaluation and selection of options to reduce The risk of introduction and spread of a pest” Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Stage 3. Pest Risk management

15 “Interactive process allowing exchange of Information between the NPPO and stakeholders Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Others Pest Risk Communication Achieve a common understanding of the pest risks Develop credible pest risk management options Develop credible and consistent and policies to deal with pest risks Promote awareness of the phytosanitary issues under consideration It’s a new trend!

16 Kinds of PRA (Initiation) PRA initiated by the identification of a pest PRA initiated by identification of a pathway PRA initiated by the review of revision of a policy Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Initiation

17 Initiated by Pest; in the case of following situation Discovery of a new pest establishing and outbreak within a PRA area Interception of a new pest on an import commodity Identified a new pest risk by scientific research A pest introduction into an area More damage reporting in an area other than in origin Repeatedly interception Identified as a vector for other pests Genetically altered organism potentially as a plant pest Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Initiation

18 Initiated by Pathway; International trade is initiated in a commodity not previously imported into the country or a commodity from a new area or new country of origin New plant species are imported for selection and scientific research purposes A pathway other than commodity import if identified (natural spread, packing material, mail, passenger baggage, etc) Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Initiation

19 Initiated by revision of Policy; A national decision is taken to review phytosanitary regulations, requirements or operations A proposal made by another country or an international organization is reviewed A new treatment or loss of a treatment system, a new process, or new information impacts on a earlier decision A dispute arises on phytosanitary measures The phytosanitary situation in a country changes, etc. Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Initiation

20 Pest Risk Assessment Pest categorization Assessment of the probability of introduction and spread Assessment of potential economic consequences Degree of uncertainty Conclusion of the pest risk assessment stage Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Assessment

21 Pest Categorization Identity of pest: generally species Presence in PRA area Regulatory status (Quarantine pests) Potential for establishment and spread in PRA area Potential for economic consequences in PRA area Conclusion of pest categorization: Potential quarantine pest? Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Assessment

22 Assessment of the prob. of introduction and spread Entry of a pest: frequency and quantity, survival during transport or storage, etc. Establishment: suitable host, alternate host, vectors, suitability of environment, etc. Spread after establishment: natural spread, movement with commodities, intended use, potential vectors Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Assessment

23 Assessment of potential economic consequences Quantitative / qualitative data: unacceptable economic consequences Direct effects: crop losses, efficacy and cost of control Indirect effects: domestic and int’l market access, etc Economic consequences: commercial and non-commercial Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Assessment

24 Conclusion of the pest risk assessment stage As a result of the pest risk assessment, all or some of the categorized pests may be considered appropriate for pest risk management Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Assessment

25 Pest Risk Management Level of risk (decide acceptable level) Technical information required Acceptability of risk Identification and selection of appropriate risk management options Phytosanitary certificate and other compliance measures Conclusion of pest risk management Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Management

26 Acceptability of risk Overall risk is determined by the examination of the output of the assessments If unacceptable risk, then identify possible phytosanitary measures that will reduce the risk to, or below an acceptable level Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Management

27 Identification and selection of appropriated risk management options The choice should be based on; Cost-effectiveness and feasibility Principle of minimal impact Reassessment of previous requirements Principle of equivalence Principle of non-discrimination Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Management

28 Conclusion of pest risk management No measures ? Selection of one or more management options that have been found to lower the risk associated with the pest(s) to an acceptable level Ⅱ Ⅱ. PRA in ISPMs… Pest Risk Management

29 Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Basic concepts of PRA in Korea Basic concepts All plants and plant products could be imported except for the prohibited items Pest itself cannot be imported without PRA! Prohibited items(listed on enforcement regulation) “host plants and plant products growing in the areas distributed with prohibited pests, and host passing through the relevant areas” Lift a ban after PRA Prohibited items from all countries (except import permitted area according to the items) cannot be imported without PRA * Prohibited pests: Fruit fly, FCM, PWN, PCN, Fireblight, etc.

30 Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Organization and Personnel Pest Risk Analysis Div, Headquarter (13 pers.) Research station (Post Entry Quarantine Station; 6 pers.) 5 Regional offices (more than 5 pers. in each office)

31 Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Principle of PRA in Korea Principles of PRA in Korea Useful Credible Understandable Defensible Resource conserving

32 Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Main components of pest initiated PRA in Korea Initiation Preliminary PRA Comprehensive PRA

33 Initiated by following situation in Korea When designate quarantine or non-quarantine pest When new pest is intercepted in import inspection When prohibited pest, hosts, and areas are designated When a regulated pest outbreaks in an area When Director General of NPQS decides that PRA in necessary Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Initiation

34 Preliminary PRA Developed to facilitate quarantine decision in timely manner at the port of entry for a newly intercepted pest If a pest is identified at the level of species, genus or family and not present in Korea or the distribution is Korea is uncertain, the pest may be measured as a potential quarantine pest Basically conducted by pathologists/entomologists in a regional office laboratories or PRA specialists in headquarters on request by regional office Result of the preliminary PRA should be reported to the headquarters for comprehensive PRA Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Preliminary PRA * Destroy, Reship, or Treat, if necessary or wanted

35 Comprehensive PRA A pest which has been assessed as a potential quarantine pest in preliminary PRA should be assessed in detail according to regulation which based in ISPM Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Comprehensive PRA

36 Conclusion of PRA If a pest is assessed as a quarantine pest, the pest is posted as a quarantine pest after collection of stakeholders’ opinion Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Conclusion of PRA

37 Initiated by following situation In Korea When a country requests import of prohibited item When there is need to revise current condition of import Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea

38 Plant quarantines… Ⅲ Ⅲ. Pest Initiated PRA in Korea Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea Management Initiation Pest Categorization Assessment Filing Enforcement Public Notice Drafting

39 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 1] Filing of IRA request Official request for lift a ban on a prohibited commodity and submission of a list of the associated pest and information on their biology (host, damaging part, symptom, prevalence in PRA area etc) from the exporting country Import Requests: 4/Year(before ’99) : 11/year(after ’00)

40 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea Details of Fundamental Data Required for IRA Information on the crop Botanical name, Variety or cultivar name(if necessary) Production area Location(Administrative area), acreage, climate Country map showing the production area Annual production for each production area List of total pests associated with the crop Scientific and common name Host and Plant parts attacked (fruits, stem, root, etc) Injury method (internal feeder, etc) Prevailance in the exporting country

41 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea Details of Additional Data for Facilitating the IRA Process Cultivation method Cultivation calendar & pest management method Exportation to other country Countries and volume of exportation, export Introduction of NPPO Post-harvest management measures before shipping Post-harvest treatment, Packing method, Export inspection, Certification, Storing and transportation

42 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 2] Initiation of IRA Review the submitted information and literature search on the associated pests Determination of ‘Full IRA/Simple IRA’  Same or similar items with previous analyzed ones from the similar climate and fauna (eg.Litch &longan)  Revise of previous protocol

43 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 3] Preliminary IRA (Pest Categorization) Production of a comprehensive pest list Categorization of the pest and determination of pest subject to pest risk assessment

44 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

45 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 4] Pest Risk Assessment Assessment of risk of each pest for introduction, establishment and spread, and economic impact Determination of concerned pest and pest which requiring specific measures to reduce the risk of introduction Gathering comments from stakeholders NPQS web site (20 days), public hearing, road show, etc.

46 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

47 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

48 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 5] Pest Risk Management Establishment of management options by evaluating the proposed option of the exporting country and others and review by Plant Quarantine Policy Committee in NPQS Consult with the exporting country on the management options Gathering comments from stakeholders NPQS web site (20 days), public hearing, road show, etc.

49 Establishment of management options PFA, Pest Free Place of Production and Production site Treatment (chemical, cold, heat, irradiation) Systems approach Inspection including preclearance Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

50 PFA of Med fly for Chilean table graphes, etc. Recognition of Medfly PFA below III region (1999) Trap monitoring with Tremedlure & Fruit cutting 7.2 Km radius regulation area from detection foci Re-establishment PFA after 3 generations Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

51 Pest Free Production Site of PCN for NZ Table Potatoes Request (1996), recently coming to end of IRA PCN is widespread in NZ (PFA vs. Production sites) 6 year no Solanaceae crop cultivation, Soil sampling (2 times), Sprout inhibitor, Washing, etc. Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

52 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

53 Cold treatment of Medfly & PFF for Egyptian Sweet Oranges Request (1999), recently coming to end of IRA Joint experiment to evaluate disinfestation of PFF on Oranges (1.7 ℃, 16 days; exp. 10 days) Treatment in Transit or in land Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

54 VHT treatment of Medfly & Queensland FF for Australian Mangoes Finalized (2007) Joint experiment to evaluate disinfestation of FFs on Mangoes (47 ℃, 15 mins) Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea

55 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 6] Draft of Import Requirement Prepare of the Draft of Import Plant Quarantine Requirements

56 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea IRA procedure in Korea [Step 7] Post of the Proposed Rule Posting the public notice of the proposed Import Plant Quarantine Requirements for public comments [Step 8] Notification and Enforcement Rule making Procedures MAF Notification Posting the public notice for more than 20 days (web site) Evaluation of administrative restrictions Requesting gazette notification

57 Finalized IRA Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea Current statistics of IRA EUROPE ASIA N. AMERICA S. AMERICA OCEANIA AFRICA  USA: cherry, walnut, lumber  Canada: lumber  Mexico: avocado  Chile: grape, kiwi, lemon, orange  Taiwan: ponkang, litch, mango  Philippine: mango, papaya  Tailand: mango  Israel: sweety  China: cherry  Australia: orange, lemon, mango  NZ: cherry  Tonag: pumkin  SA: orange  Egypt.:orange 16 Conts. 25 items  Holland: Anthurium etc.

58 Total 138 * Filing 80 Initiation 9 Categori -zation 3 Pest Risk Assess -ment 21 Pest Risk Manage -ment 22 Drafting 3 * 57 commodities from 32 countries Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea Current statistics of IRA On-going IRA

59 Ⅳ Ⅳ. Pathway Initiated PRA in Korea Current statistics of IRA

60 Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank you

61 Q & A PRA in Korea

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