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Data sharing pays off Symposium Research data management: funder requirements, questions and solutions TU/e, 11-06-2014 TU/e IEC/Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Data sharing pays off Symposium Research data management: funder requirements, questions and solutions TU/e, 11-06-2014 TU/e IEC/Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data sharing pays off Symposium Research data management: funder requirements, questions and solutions TU/e, 11-06-2014, TU/e IEC/Library Available under CC BY-SA license, which permits copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format & adapting the material for any purpose, provided the original author and source are credited & you distribute the adapted material under the same license as the originalCC BY-SA

2 Source: Research Data Netherlands / Marina NoordegraafResearch Data Netherlands Data sharing personal website personal website “Let me start by saying that the reason why I put all excel files online, including all the detailed excel formulas about data constructions and adjustments, is precisely because I want to promote an open and transparent debate about these important and sensitive measurement issues.” Thomas Piketty, My response to the Financial Times, HuffPost The Blog, 29-05-2014 ; originally published as Addendum: Response to FT, 28-05-2014PikettyHuffPost Addendum: Response to FT

3 Data sharing on request on request “Reinhart and Rogoff kindly provided us with the working spreadsheet from the RR analysis. With the working spreadsheet, we were able to approximate closely the published RR results. While using RR's working spreadsheet, we identified coding errors, selective exclusion of available data, and unconventional weighting of summary statistics.” Herndon, T., Ash, M., Pollin, R. (2013), Does high public debt consistently stifle economic growth? : a critique of Reinhart and RogoffDoes high public debt consistently stifle economic growth? : a critique of Reinhart and Rogoff Source: Research Data Netherlands / Marina NoordegraafResearch Data Netherlands

4 “What research data and waste have in common is that’s worthwhile to reuse them.” Lilliana Abarca-Guerrero (2014), A construction waste generation model for developing countries, PhD thesis TU/e, proposition 9A construction waste generation model for developing countries Data sharing publishing and archiving publishing and archiving Source: Research Data Netherlands / Marina NoordegraafResearch Data Netherlands

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