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If I Had Been Moses… Hebrews 11:23-29. Daydreaming Can be anywhere and anyone Imagine what could be done Put yourself in another’s shoes.

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Presentation on theme: "If I Had Been Moses… Hebrews 11:23-29. Daydreaming Can be anywhere and anyone Imagine what could be done Put yourself in another’s shoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 If I Had Been Moses… Hebrews 11:23-29

2 Daydreaming Can be anywhere and anyone Imagine what could be done Put yourself in another’s shoes

3 Caution Not actually there Don’t be an “armchair quarterback” Would I have…

4 Had Faith? (vv. 24, 27, 29) Refused his Egyptian upbringing –Royalty not important –Heeded his Mother’s teaching

5 Had Faith? (vv. 24, 27, 29) What he did –Left Egypt –Kept the Passover –Crossed the Red Sea –All awesome events –Faith guided his thoughts, choices, and actions

6 Had Faith? (vv. 24, 27, 29) Consider –Faith’s source: his upbringing (Exodus 2:7-10) –Importance of early years (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15) –Guided by faith, not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

7 Refused Sin? (vv. 24, 25) Surrounded by ungodliness –Pleasures of sin –Pleasure only temporary

8 Refused Sin? (vv. 24, 25) Concerned about the reward –Worth the reproach of Christ (v. 26; Matthew 5:10-12) –Entrust our souls to Christ (1 Peter 2:23; 4:12-19) –“Heaven Holds All To Me”

9 Refused Sin? (vv. 24, 25) How do we react to sin? –Some are deceived (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 4:10-13) –Some yield when tempted (1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:12-15) –Say no to sin just as he did (Genesis 39:6-18; Romans 12:2)

10 Compromised? (v. 26) Pharaoh’s attempts –Men only (Exodus 10:8-11) –Everyone but not herds, flocks, etc. (Exodus 10:24-26) –Moses refused (Numbers 12:7)

11 Compromised? (v. 26) No middle ground –Could not please Pharaoh and God (1 Kings 18:21; James 4:4) –Serve one or the other (Matthew 12:30)

12 Compromised? (v. 26) What about us? –Faithful in our duty to God, family, and the church? –Compromise with the Devil (1 John 2:15-17) –Jesus didn’t (Matthew 4:1-11)

13 Endured? (v. 27) Endured suffering –Kept looking in the right direction –Not like Peter (Matthew 14:25-31) –Peter began to sink

14 Endured? (v. 27) Look to Jesus –Recall His suffering (Hebrews 12:1-3) –Discouraged more than Jesus? (John 6:66-68; Matthew 26:31) –Died for us (Hebrews 5:8, 9)

15 Endured? (v. 27) What about us? –Cannot turn back (Luke 9:62) –Can be lost after being saved (2 Peter 2:20-22)

16 Done God’s Work? (v. 27) Background –Called by God (Exodus 3:7-10) –Offered excuses (Exodus 3:11, 12; 4:10-13) –Overcame his excuses

17 Done God’s Work? (v. 27) Overcame discouragement –Unbelief of the people (Exodus 6:9) –Challenges to his authority (Exodus 14:10-14; 15:23-25; 16:2, 3, 8) –More challenges (Exodus 17:1-3; Numbers 11:4-8; 14:1-5) –He kept going!

18 Doing God’s Work How do we react to challenges? –Some never start –Some drop out –Preachers quit preachers, elders resign –Paul (2 Corinthians 11:24-28; 12:7-10) –Overcome no matter what the cost (Philippians 2:8-12; 4:13)

19 Conclusion What would you have done? What are you doing? Why not choose heaven?

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