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MKTG 311 TUTORIAL 1 Understanding the Challenge. UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE 1.Form design community 2.Research Process 3.The Design Notebook o Confidentiality.

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Presentation on theme: "MKTG 311 TUTORIAL 1 Understanding the Challenge. UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE 1.Form design community 2.Research Process 3.The Design Notebook o Confidentiality."— Presentation transcript:

1 MKTG 311 TUTORIAL 1 Understanding the Challenge

2 UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE 1.Form design community 2.Research Process 3.The Design Notebook o Confidentiality agreements o Review Challenge o What is known? o What do I need to know more about? o What resources are available?

3 ESTABLISHING A CHARTER (PIC) How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population? This is your challenge.

4 RESEARCH PROCESS Take a blank sheet of paper and divide into 4 quadrants. Rip apart. What pops into your mind when you read the challenge?  Write down 1 thought on each piece of paper. Facts, opinions, anything – what do you know? One person start. Everyone discusses that topic. Review Challenge How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population? o What is known? o What do I need to know more about? o What resources are available?

5 WHAT IS KNOWN? 1. Create products (What do you think of when thinking of products related to the aging? How does product use change as people age?) 2. health (Why are people concerned about their health? what types of health might they be concerned with? Any particular ones hold interest?) 3. Q of L (what is meant by Q of L?) 4. Aging population (how would you define “aging”?) How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population?

6 RESEARCH PROCESS What do you need to learn more about? Individual Brainstorm – write as many areas as you think of in 2 minutes. Collective Brainstorm - Share Review Challenge How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population? o What is known? o What do I need to know more about? o What resources are available?

7 HOW DO STUDENTS DO RESEARCH ONLINE? Google or other online search engine (94%) Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia (75%) Social media sites (52%) Their peers (42%) Study guides (41%) News sites (25%) Print or electronic textbooks (18%) Online research databases (17%) A research librarian at their school or public library (16%) Printed books other than textbooks (12%) Student-oriented search engines(10%) VALIDITY THROUGH TRIANGULATION

8 RESEARCH PROCESS What resources are available? A start…Passport GMID. Share on Learn –  Papers, statistics, thoughts on who to talk to and where these people are located, social media sites – a data dump Review Challenge How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population? o What is known? o What do I need to know more about? o What resources are available?

9 DOESN’T ALL HAVE TO BE TRADITIONAL RESEARCH Discuss situations you could observe in the next week for inspiration (& that could help you make up your mind!) Proposed solutions: look at products (goods & services) and experiences related to solving the problem.

10 UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE 1.Form design community 2.Research Process 3.The Design Notebook o Benefit o Specifications o Process o Contents

11 THE DESIGN NOTEBOOK Benefit  Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting a different outcome  Who did what, when, and why  Track ancillary ideas  Protect intellectual property

12 THE DESIGN NOTEBOOK Specifications  Bound notebook  makes it impossible to tear out pages and not leave evidence  Ball point pen  Entries will not smear or be erasable  Identification  Name, address, phone number, course number on cover

13 THE DESIGN NOTEBOOK Process  Timeliness is next to Godliness  Sufficient details so that you or someone else could recreate the process using only this notebook as a guide  Try to write clearly / legibly  If you don’t use the backs of pages, draw a line through blank space to ‘void’  Mistakes get a line drawn through them; do not erase Reproducibility

14 THE DESIGN NOTEBOOK Contents  W hen  Organize chronologically - record all dates  Write out month or abbreviate month – not all numeric  3 March 16; March 22, 2016  W hy  Objectives. Ex. Idea generation, forecasting  Any problems that need to be dealt with?  W ho  Anyone else involved in this piece of work?

15 THE DESIGN NOTEBOOK Contents  W here  If relevant, note the location the work is being conducted in. Ex. Lincoln Library (physical) or Te Puna (virtual)  H ow  Process. Ex. Any software being used in this part of work?  W hat  Findings, results, conclusions, next steps, identification of problems

16 GATHERING INSPIRATION In your design notebook…  Combine what is known and what you need to know more about.  Think about all of the distinct activities, experiences, emotions, behaviours and stakeholders associated with the design challenge.  Next to each area, write down a few keywords that could help you start defining what meaningful challenge you want to work on. How might we create products that support health and Quality of Life in an aging population?


18 FOR NEXT WEEK  Start a design notebook  Start to gather and share research resources on Learn  Bring in 3 pictures that help you to describe what you find interesting / worthy of study that relates to the design challenge.  Read over Proof of Concept document to see where this tutorial work is leading

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