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Air Academy High School Classroom Information Mr. Geis Room 416.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Academy High School Classroom Information Mr. Geis Room 416."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Academy High School Classroom Information Mr. Geis Room 416

2 Welcome to AAHS!

3 Teacher Information Home State: High School: College: Family: Work Hobbies AAHS Questions

4 Classroom Materials 1. One and one/half inch three ring notebook (old or new) 2. Loose leaf paper 3. Black or blue ink pen (in class assignments) 4. Online textbook (books under desk) 5. Possible notebook dividers – Assignments – Literature – Writing – Grammar – Graded Work


6 General Classroom Rules 1.Arrive to class on time (Take attendance) 2.Bring classroom materials. 3.Have homework ready to turn in at the beginning of class. 4.Do not disrupt class in any way. 5.Leave teacher’s desk and materials alone 6.Leave other student’s desk and materials alone. 7.Do not make fun of other students. 8.Do not be rude or complain 9.Do not throw things in class. 10.Stay in your seat at the end of class until dismissed by the teacher. 11.The “Unwritten Rule”. Any additional rule that helps the class function smoothly.


8 #Grade 4.00A+ 3.75A+ 3.50A 3.25A- #Grade 3.00B+ 2.75B+ 2.50B 2.25B- #Grade 2.00C+ 1.75C+ 1.50C 1.25C- #Grade 1.00D+.75D.50D-.25F


10 General Information Assignment information block (upper right corner) – First and last name – Block # Assignment Title – Write on the top line of paper. – Attention: You cannot receive an A on the assignment if you do not have the information block.


12 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Department Interventions All Electives Math English Science Social Studies World Language Academy Club Meetings Konnections (as announced) Club Meetings Club Meetings Club Meetings Club Meetings 2014-2015 30 Minute - Interventions/Academy/Konnections Students will be assigned to interventions based on their performance in any class. Students who are receiving a D or F in any class will not have Academy until the grade is raised to at least a C. Students will remain with their first period teacher during Academy if they have a D or an F in a class. That teacher may write a “ go ” pass to a content area teacher for interventions. Students must have an assignment to turn in or specific reason to leave the classroom. Students may not leave to check to see what is missing or get a note stating they are passing. Students may check IC on their phone or other devices for proof they are passing. Otherwise students will remain in 1 st block to complete work and study in the teacher ’ s room.


14 General Information Absence Absent assignments can be procured by the following: – Get assignment from the class website -- Get assignment from another student


16 General Information Failed Test Policy – All failed tests may be corrected for a D. – All failed tests need to be corrected on the day that they are returned. – A failed test may be corrected during ACADEMY period.


18 General Information Tardy Policy: An unexcused tardy is recorded on your record after attendance is taken. An excused tardy must have a note from another teacher or the office. Chronic unexcused tardies will result in detention. Door Rule: If I have finished taking attendance, you are tardy.


20 General Information Konnections:Monday Academy:Tuesday Response to Intervention:Wednesday English PLC Meeting:Thursday Academy:Friday


22 General Information Unfinished Work: – Do not turn in an unfinished assignment. – Unfinished assignments will be returned to the student to be finished for a D. Assignment Due: – Most assignments will be done in class. – If the assignment is not turned in, it will be late.


24 Bring Your Own Device Starting the 2015-2016 school year, Air Academy students are encouraged to bring and use their own technology devices (cell phones, I-pads, laptops, and tablets) for academic assignments and classroom work.

25 Have a Great Year! Kadets

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