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The MEdIES NETWORK for ESD Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "The MEdIES NETWORK for ESD Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MEdIES NETWORK for ESD Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability

2 MEdIES IS… a Mediterranean Network of educators & organisations for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). Launched in the WSSD (Johannesburg, 2002) as a Type II Initiative MEdIES OBJECTIVES: To raise public awareness and provide education on sustainable development with initial three-axes on water, wastes and cultural & biological diversity To facilitate networks on ESD and develop a methodological framework for a Mediterranean network (to be adapted in other regions).

3 MEdIES Structure Core Group: Greece, Italy UNESCO, UNEP/MAP, MIO-ECSDE and GWP-Med Task Group: ~40 members (NGOs, IGOs, Governments, Educ. Institutions) from MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES E-Network of Educators (~2500) Coordinator/Secretariat: MIO-ECSDE

4 Mediterranean educators-MEdIES members come from… Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Jordan, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia & other countries even from outside of the Mediterranean

5 Types of Activities A. Educational materials B. Events: Conferences, Trainings, Youth Exchanges C. ICTs -Information & Communication Technologies (Interactive Webpage,HYDRIA project)

6 ESD Materials (all available at Water in the Mediterranean English, French, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Croatian Wastes in our life Greek, English, French Mediterranean Food English, Greek, Italian Arabic, Portuguese The Gift of Rain Greek ESD in BRs and other Protected Areas Greek, English Handbook on Methodology of EE & ESD English, French, Arabic YouthXchange Kit on Consumption Greek & Arabic etc.

7 Other Publications (all available at Proceedings of the Conference “Methodologies for the application of educational materials in Education for Environment & Sustainability” (Athens, October 2003). Proceedings of the Conference “Environmental Education: the Mediterranean Perspective” (Athens, December 2002).



10 MEdIES webpage

11 MEdIES contribution to the UN Decade on ESD (2005-2014) Unique Type II Initiative on ESD in the region including all countries It was entrusted with the Secretariat of the “Official Launching of the UN Decade of ESD in the Mediterranean region”, (organised by the Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, with the support of the Italian Ministry for Environment, UNEP/MAP and under the auspices of Greek Parliament, UNESCO and UNECE). Listed as International ESD Good Practice by UNECE & UNESCO Implemented in line with the principles of the Decade: Supports the educational community by means of publications, Seminars, etc. Facilitates the cooperation and exchange of information among educators NGOs and other relevant stakeholders Promotes ICTs (Information & Communication Technologies) & networking.

12 Methodology of work Regular contacts & Meetings of the Secretariat, Task Group and Core Group. Participatory Process & bottom up approach in drafting main activities and developing new educational materials. National & Regional Activities in countries in cooperation with the “national” Task Group meetings members (e.g. trainings, translations, etc.). Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs), in using the webpage as Communication platform, Bulletin Board (conferences, competitions, etc) Update on current International Processes in ESD, Library with main background texts and for ESD and ALL the publications in the existing languages Lesson plans, games, etc.

13 Meetings Core Group meetings Athens, December 2002 ● Istanbul, October 2004 Task Group meetings Athens, December 2002 ● Spain, December 2003 Greek Pedagogical team 2006 ● 2008 Educational and Training meetings REGIONAL: Athens, December 2002 (regional) NATIONAL: Athens, 2003 ● Rome, 2004 ● Athens, 2004 (Evaluation) ● Turkey, 2004 ● Egypt, 2004 ● Lebanon, 2005 ● Morocco, 2007 ● Slovenia, 2008 ● Beirut, 2009 ● Amfissa, 2009 Greece 2007 : Series of Trainings on Consumerism in Athens ● Creta ● Patras ● Corfu ● Larissa ● Akrata Seminars on MED. FOOD MATERIAL: 2007: Amman (Jordan), Grosseto (Italy), Rio Meyor (Portugal), Cairo (Egypt), Kairouan (Tunisia), Rabat (Morocco, Greece (Athens, Veria, Chalkida, etc.) LEONARDO Training Course, 6 -12 October 2008, University of Uppsala RAINWATER Harvesting School Activities & Trainings in Naxos, Syros, Tinos Islands (April – May 2009) Mediterranean launch of the UN Decade on ESD (Athens, November 2005)

14 Youth Residential Workshops Euro-Mediterranean Youth Exchange Programme “Cultural Recycling: Re-orienting Cultures toward Sustainability”, 15- 24 July 2005, Evia island, Greece (50 youth from 10 Mediterranean countries). Youth Exchange Programme “Culture & Biodiversity: paths without frontiers”, 2-10 September 2006, Kilkis & Serres, Northern Greece (38 youth from 9 SE European countries). Euro-Mediteranean Residential Workshop “Building our future through the valorization of our cultural and biological diversity” 28 September-5 October 2007, Chios Island, Greece (30 youth from 11 Mediterranean countries).

15 Activities with students

16 Trainings for educators

17 Creation of a web application appropriately presenting old practices and appealing related sites accessible to be virtually visited. The project aims: To demonstrate the wisdom of our ancestors, through their wise and respectful water management techniques, To safeguard water remnants of the past, giving emphasis on sites that are less known or not enough valorised. To highlight the possible adaptation of water management systems used in the past to modern needs and realities, giving emphasis to environmental friendly applications. To promote intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean countries. The project includes : Scientific research; Partners’ meeting; Web development & Application in English and Arabic. The HYDRIA project_ COLLECTION, STORAGE & DISTRIBUTION OF WATER I ANTIQUITY: LINKING ANCIENT WISDOM TO MODERN NEEDS

18 MIO-ECSDE … A Federation of Mediterranean NGOs with more than 100 members from all the Mediterranean countries, many millions of individuals members (through the NGOs) Acts as a technical and political platform in the Mediterranean scene, having an active role in developing environmental and sustainable development policies & establishing cooperation schemes with international IGOs and NGOs (UNESCO, UNEP/MAP, EEB, RAED, est. ) Aiming to protect the natural environment and the cultural heritage as well as areas of interaction between the two in the Mediterranean. the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development

19 MIO-ECSDE Structure - General Assembly (~107 Full & Corresponding member NGOs) - Executive Bureau (2 founding members, 8 EU & 8 non-EU) - Chair, Co-Chair - Secretariat based in Athens MIO-ECSDE coordinates the following NETWORKS MEdIES e-Network of Educators, Schools, NGOs, Ministries for ESD with 2290 individual members COMPSUD Circle of Parliamentarians for SD (75 members) COMJED Circle of Journalists for SD (50 members) Network of Mediterranean Women Organisations (under development)

20 How can someone get involved in MEdIES? NGOs, IGOs, Educ. Institutions etc. send a letter of intention to the Coordinator (MIO-ECSDE) Individuals that are engaged with ESD programmes subscribe for free at

21 Contact details: ( ( Tel 0030 210 32 47 490, 267 Fax 0030 210 33 17 127 MIO-ECSDE is the Coordinator and the Secretariat of MEdIES network

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