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REGIONAL WORKSHOP Work-based Learning in VET Enhanced Competitiveness and Employability through Innovative Work-based Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL WORKSHOP Work-based Learning in VET Enhanced Competitiveness and Employability through Innovative Work-based Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONAL WORKSHOP Work-based Learning in VET Enhanced Competitiveness and Employability through Innovative Work-based Learning

2 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Strengthening Work-based Learning in Romanian initial VET Dana STROIE Head of unit National Centre for TVET Development, Romania October, 2014, Wien

3 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Challenges and priorities of VET in Romania Work & Learning converge TRAINING/ LEARNING throughg stakeholders’ collaborative approach WORK WBL

4 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) ROADMAP  since 2009-2010 school year, practical training stages of 720 hours, after the completion of the 10th grade;  starting with 2013-2014 school year, the introduction of the 2 years vocational education route, after the completion of the 9th grade;  starting with 2014-2015 school year, the introduction of the 3 years vocational education route, after the completion of the 8th grade FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE GOVERNMENT All students attending vocational education benefit from a monthly scholarship from the Government (200lei)

5 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) WINNING COMPANIES AS RESPONSIBLE PARTNERS FOR WBL  Involving companies in VET education developments, by cooperating with them in :  setting up the vocational education offer, based on the labour market demand ;  the selection of students who enroll in vocational education;  the training and the evaluation of students during WBL;  the certification of graduates  Prerequisite conditions for the approval of vocational education training programmes:  prior to the approval of any IVET programme under the vocational education route, a partnership agreement between the school and the companies providing WBL must be in place; the agreement details the responsabilities of the school, of the company and of the student II. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM TH GOVERNMENT All students attending vocational education benefit from a monthly scholarship from the Governmnt (200lei)

6 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) SHARE OF WBL IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES  Vocational education programmes lasting two years:  1st year – practical training (in companies or in the school) is 60% of the total time allocated to the program  2nd year- practical training is 75% of the of the total time  WBL - a total of 11 weeks, 6 weeks in the first year and 5 weeks in the second year.  Vocational education lasting three years:  1st year – practical training is 20% of the total time  2nd year- practical training is 60 % of the of the total time  3rd year- practical training is 72 % of the of the total time  WBL - a total of 24 weeks, 5 weeks in the first year, 9 weeks in the second year and 10 weeks in the 3rd year

7 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) STATISTICS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION  2012 - 2013 SCHOOL YEAR - 11,368 students and 1,550 contracts were signed with companies involved in WBL:  2013 - 2014 SCHOOL YEAR - a total of 24,061 students (12,693 students in the first year and 11,368 students in the second year) and 3184 contracts were signed with companies involved in WBL:  2014 - 2015 SCHOOL YEAR - a total of 46,740 students (22,337 students in the vocational education for 2 years and 24,403 students in the vocational education 3 years).

8 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE IN STRENGTHENING COMPANIES’ INVOLVEMENT IN WBL  Vocational School Kronstadt - established in the school year 2012/2013 in Brasov as a result of the initiative and with the support of the companies joining the German Economic Club of Brasov, with the support of local authorities (City of Brasov) and the School Inspectorate;  Vocational School Fagaras – established since the school year 2013/2014 in the Technical College Aurel Vijoli, in partnership with the French company Dedienne Roumanie and with other companies fromBrasov and Sibiu  Vocational School Alba - established since the school year 2013/2014 in the TechnicalCollege Alexandru Domșa, in partnership with the German company STAR TRANSMISSION SRL and with other companies from Alba county  Vocational School Cugir - established since the school year 2013/2014 in the Technical College "Ion D.Lazarescu", in partnership with local companies

9 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE IN STRENGTHENING COMPANIES’ INVOLVEMENT IN WBL  companies involvement in cases of good practice:  involvement in promoting the training offer at local/regional level;.  - investment in equipping the partner school laboratories;  - Providing scholarships for the students  covering the costs of accommodation, transport, meals and work equipment for students  being represented in the governing structures of the partner  - Engaging effectively in monitoring students’ performance and attendance during the WBL The example of good practice offered by these schools has raised a lot of interest from companies, so new initiatives are emerging

10 EU S TRATEGY FOR THE D ANUBE R EGION (EUSDR) | Vocational education (WBL oriented initial VET) PROMOTION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CHOOSE YOUR PATHWAY SITE The site aims to encourage and establish connections between student aspirations and the choice of a professional line of work; it is created in order to:  provide all necessary information to students, parents, schools, economic agents, practice partners for a more rapid inclusion of future graduates into the labour market  promote the benefits of participation in the national programme,  provide all information on the education and training programme, clearly specifying the professional qualifications, schools that offer it, but also the economic agents that will be involved in the implementation of practical training,  ensure quick access to up-to-date information, relevant to all stakeholders..




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