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What is a MAP????? A representation of usually a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area.

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2 What is a MAP????? A representation of usually a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area.

3 Maps are vital to our understanding geography and the world we live in. They can be beautiful and fascinating, but if they are completely unfamiliar it can be difficult to learn from them.

4 What is a Cartographer??? A cartographer is a map maker.

5 There are three very important lines to help us find our way around the world. 1. The Equator 2. The Prime Meridian 3. The International Date Line They are laid out on a map or globe like a grid. A B C D E 123123

6 What is the difference between a Globe and a Flat Map? Globe Shows true shape of Continents and Oceans Shows true shape of the world. Can only see one part at a time. Flat Map Shows whole world at one time Dimensions are different.


8 Scale Maps are made to scale; Scale will tell us size or distance on a map. For example, each inch on the map represents one mile on Earth. So, a map of a town would show a mile- long strip of fast food joints and auto dealers in one inch.

9 Scale

10 What are some ways Geographers organize our world?? Grids Hemispheres Continents Oceans

11 Map Legends The legend is the key to unlocking the secrets of a map. Legend will show objects or colors that represent something on the map. Religions Legend

12 Can you understand this legend?

13 Age Expectancy Legend Age Expectancy

14 MAP PROJECTIONS A map projection is defined as a way of drawing a map to represent the rounded earth on a flat surface.

15 All maps distort the Earth’s representation The only true representation of the Earth’s surface is a globe. Different map projections are developed for specific purposes.

16 The three types of projections we will study are: Mercator Polar Robinson

17 Mercator Projection Most Accurate in the tropics from Cancer to Capricorn Most Distortion at the North and South Poles

18 Mercator Projection Used for: Locating Latitude and Longitude Sea Captains use it for navigation at sea

19 Mercator Projection Characteristics: All lines are at 90 degree angles Simplest to read Accurate direction Distorted size, distance, shape


21 Robinson Projection Most Accurate at the equator Most Distortion around the outer edges

22 Robinson Projection Same characteristics as the Mercator except: lines of longitude are curved shapes at the poles are flat and not as distorted used mostly in classrooms--one of the most accurate maps


24 Polar Projection Most Accurate at the poles Most Distortion around the outer edges

25 Polar Projection Used for navigation of air planes

26 Polar Projection Characteristics: Distances and direction are accurate from the center along the longitude lines. Size and shape are accurate at the center of the map


28 Parallels are another name for? Meridians are another name for?

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