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Published byEdward Day Modified over 8 years ago
Jet reconstruction with first data in ATLAS Damir Lelas (University of Victoria, BC, Canada) Damir Lelas (University of Victoria, BC, Canada) on behalf of The ATLAS Collaboration Physics at LHC 2008, Split, Croatia 30 September 2008
Outline Jets at LHC experimental requirements (light-flavour jets) Jet algorithms in ATLAS popular and alternative approaches Calibration strategy main models and refined corrections Requirements for initial jet reconstruction baseline/robust methods in-situ (“data only”) calibration Conclusions
D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 3 Jets at LHC New kinematic regime for jet physics Jets can be much harder - Jets get more narrow in general (kinematic effect) - Higher energies to be contained in calorimeters Jet reconstruction challenging Physics requirements typically 1% jet energy scale uncertainty - top mass measurement in ttbar LHC is a top factory! - hadronic final states at the end of long decay chains in SUSY Quality takes time - Previous experiments needed up to 10 years of data taking to go from ~4% down to ~1% - Cannot often be achieved for all kinds of jets and in all physics environments W. Stirling, LHCC Workshop “Theory of LHC Processes” (1998)
Experimental Requirements for Jet Finders Detector technology independence - Minimal contributions to spatial and energy resolution - Insignificant effects of detector environment Noise, dead material, cracks - Easy to calibrate (…Well…) Environment independence - Stability with changing luminosity - Identify all physically interesting jets from energetic partons in pert. QCD - High reconstruction efficiency Implementation - Fully specified selections and configurations known - Efficient use of computing sources Expectations: –Jet energy scale error very quickly systematically dominated Large statistics in unexplored kinematic range already at low luminosity –Calibration channels quickly accessible Especially for +jet(s), W->jj, etc. Dominant direct photon production gives access to gluon structure at high x (~0.0001-0.2) D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 4
Popular Jet Algorithms in ATLAS Seeded cone p T (seed) > 1 GeV Recursive recombination (k T ) Alternative applications: - CDF mid-point, anti-k T, Cambridge/Aachen recursive recombination (0 th order kT), “optimal jet finder” (event shape fit) - More options: FastJet libraries easier comparison with CMS, theory No universal configuration or jet finder - Narrow jets W->jj in ttbar, some SUSY - Wider jets Inclusive jet cross-section, QCD AlgorithmR cone DClients Seeded Cone Et (seed) = 1 GeV, f S/M = 0.5 0.4 W mass spectroscopy, top physics, SUSY Kt (FastKt)0.4 Seeded Cone Et (Seed = 1 GeV), f S/M = 0.5 0.7 QCD, jet cross- sections Kt (FastKt)0.6 D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 5 ATLAS MC
Deviations of Signal Linearity Estimated effect of a distorted detector Effect of detector distortion depends on jet size, calorimeter signal choice, and kinematic domain: ~ 2% for cone jets, up to ~4% for central (narrow) kT jets! Effect of detector distortion depends on jet size, calorimeter signal choice, and kinematic domain: ~ 2% for cone jets, up to ~4% for central (narrow) kT jets! ATLAS MC D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 6 can be viewed as a measure of residual calibration uncertainty (distorted detector) with respect to the best calibrated jet reco configuration => estimation of systematic error in the general jet reco
Effect of Calorimeter Signal Choice on Jet Energy Resolution Negative values for indicates a better resolution for cluster jets at low energies (better noise treatment…) ATLAS MC D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 7 Typical relative energy resolution (without particular corrections for distorted detector) has a stochastic term of 60%/ and a high energy limit of 3% Difference in resolution between tower and cluster jets can be estimated with test variable (below)
Experimenter’s View on Jets physics reaction of interest (interaction or parton level) lost soft tracks due to magnetic field added tracks from underlying event jet reconstruction algorithm efficiency detector response characteristics (e/h ≠ 1) electronic noise dead material losses (front, cracks, transitions…) pile-up noise from (off- and in-time) bunch crossings detector signal inefficiencies (dead channels, HV…) longitudinal energy leakage calo signal definition (clustering, noise suppression,…) jet reconstruction algorithm efficiency added tracks from in-time (same trigger) pile-up event Desirable to factorize the calibration and corrections dealing with these effects as much as possible! D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 8
Jet Calibration Strategies Essentially, there is no universal model for jet calibration - Immediate consequence from the fact that there is no universal jet finder (or jet finder configuration) appropriate for all physics reconstruction/analysis - But there two general strategies Publications often refer to jets corrected to parton level - Maybe not well-defined concept in pp, more useful in e + e - or deep inelastic scatt. At LHC/ATLAS jets are foremost calibrated to the particle (hadron) level - First aim to reconstruct the energy carried by particles into the detector (calorimeter) Needs detailed and most accurate detector signal simulations for test-beams and physics processes - Link to interaction physics needs full modeling of collision processes Needs all particles, not only hard scatter fragments Factorize jet calibration as much as possible - Better control of systematics Can even use hadron test-beams to a point Most of all: every experiment needs its own model in the end! Two models (explored in ATLAS): Model I: Calibration in jet context First find jet, then calibrate, then correct if needed Model II: Calibration in cluster context Calibrate calorimeter signals, then find jet, then correct (likely needed) Local hadronic calibration plugs in here! Best calibration likely a combination of both models D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 9
Full Calibration in Jet Context Find the jet using basic (electromagnetic) energy scale signals in the calorimeter –Assumes that all elementary signal corrections (electronics etc.) are taken care of –Relative mis-calibration between input to jet finder can O(30%) or more in non-compensating calorimeters Can be a problem especially for kT –Best for compensating calorimeters, as basic energy scale is ~hadronic scale Then calibrate it –Complex signal weights applied to cell signals in jet (default “H1-style”) –Lower level of factorization of jet reconstruction Many corrections absorbed in a few numbers –Feedback of calibrations to basic signals (jet constituents) for missing ET calculations etc. Apply final Jet Energy Scale (JES) corrections –Correct for different algorithm, jet size, calorimeter signal definition Calibrate calorimeter signals first as much as possible, then find jets - Detector motivated (use measured signal shapes) Applies calibration in the context of a specific calorimeter signal definition (topological clusters in ATLAS) No jet context needed Provides calibrated input to jet finding Better for kT - Needs final jet energy scale corrections Calibration derived from single particles Feedback of final corrections for missing ET calculations etc. - High level of factorization, better control of systematics (?) To be fully investigated Provides hadronic calibration outside of jet context Local Hadronic Calibration in ATLAS Cluster Context Jet Calibration D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 10
Conclusions D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 11 Full jet reconstruction sequence in ATLAS Jets are made from calo- towers, uncalibrated and calibrated topological clusters Reconstruction (software) domains are also indicated
Refined JES Corrections Further jet-by-jet corrections improving the relative energy resolution - e.g. jet shapes in calorimeters Energy density in narrow jets, for example - Use of reconstructed tracks from the inner detector (example below) - Can be applied after any kind of calibration - Need to study factorization/overlap in corrections from various detectors Avoid double counting Establish common basic energy scale D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 12 Jets with < 0.7 and 40 < p T <60 GeV
Requirements For Initial Jet Reconstruction Need flat jet response quickly - Allows physics groups to start serious work Non-optimal resolution initially - Allows to show jet response publicly rather soon Just be honest about the errors Will improve with increasing understanding of the detector anyway - Helps evaluating the detector performance in general Larger “signal integration” volume in jet context has diagnostics power beyond detector (calorimeter) signal objects Corresponding calibration should not be MC based - Understandings simulated response will take time Physics models Theoretical understanding of hard scattering at LHC energies Fragmentation Soft physics behind UE/pile up Detector/calorimeter response simulation Adequateness of models Detector status in initial run (dead cells, etc.) Understanding of noise (electronics and pile-up) in initial run conditions Something straight forward and fast is needed This does not mean that one gives up on MC based calibrations… D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 13
Jet Calibration For First Data D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 14
Baseline “Data Only” Jet Calibration TaskJetEnergyScale (JES)Tool 1 PileUp Subtractionminbias events (determine E/Et density in pile-up as function of # vertices) 2 Relative response corrections (η,φ) di-jet p T balance (equalize jet response of calorimeter system with respect to central region in slices of φ) 3 Absolute energy scale corrections /Z-jet p T balance in direct photon production (correct JES from p T balance with /Z, as function of jet pT etc.) D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 15
In-situ studies using QCD jet events D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 16 Calorimeter response p T (reco)/p T (truth) for jets at EM scale reveals significant variations with jet (cracks and dead-material regions…) Integrated luminosity required to reach 0.5% precision (p T balance fit mean) for various p T ranges in the region 0.7< <0.8 with different selection cuts ATLAS MC
Missing Et Projection Fraction (MPF) has been explored, as well - Pioneered by DØ collaboration In-situ studies using /Z-jet events D.Lelas (University of Victoria) Jet Reconstruction with first data in ATLAS 17 - -jet p T balance above 80 GeV flattens at the level of -0.02 - In Z-jet events differences between two generators can be tested with ~ 100 pb -1 of data for p T < 100 GeV
Rich program of jet physics at LHC Various jet algorithms considered in ATLAS - popular choices (seeded cone and k T recombination) Two principal models of hadronic calibration - jet context with several implementations (“H1 style” cell signal weights, sampling layer weights) - Local hadronic calibration in cluster content - activity in refined jet-by-jet corrections (e.g. with tracks) Jet reconstruction performance evaluation with LHC data coming - Quite a few handles - robust/data-driven (coarse) calibration at the beginning Conclusions Many Thanks to all members of the ATLAS jet working group
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