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8  February 2011 FOS irradiation Results and Omega Shape manufacture D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto, F.J. Muñoz, J. Duarte Instituto de Física de Cantabria.

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Presentation on theme: "8  February 2011 FOS irradiation Results and Omega Shape manufacture D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto, F.J. Muñoz, J. Duarte Instituto de Física de Cantabria."— Presentation transcript:

1 8  February 2011 FOS irradiation Results and Omega Shape manufacture D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto, F.J. Muñoz, J. Duarte Instituto de Física de Cantabria M. Frovel, J.G. Carrión Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Y. Morillo, J.García, M. C. Jiménez Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

2 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Outline September 2010 Irradiation campaign  Irradiation Set-up  Effect on the fibers  Conclusion & next plans Omega Shapes  First mechanical dummies  Next plans 2

3 Irradiation campaign: facility 3 13th October '10, D. Moya / Irradiation campaign at Centro Nacional de Acceleradores in Seville. New Cyclotron facility (max. energy of 18 MeV protons, here 15.5 MeV protons)

4 Irradiation campaign: Introduction Sensors ( nine optical fibers) supported by an aluminum holder.  Proton flux uniform over all the sensors  An FBG sensor glued to the FOS support outside the irradiation area used as reference in order to measure the temperature change.  Final fluence of 3.3 10E15 protons/cm2 (200 MRad SLHC ) F.O embedded in Composite samples  20 samples irradiated up to 4 different irradiation doses 5 at 2.5 x 10 15 protons / cm 2 5 at 9 x 10 15 protons / cm 2 5 at 15 x 10 15 protons / cm 2 5 at 33 x 10 15 protons / cm 2  They are now been metalographically prepared at INTA for the Nanoindentation at Universidad Carlos III. 4 13th October '10, D. Moya /

5 Irradiation Campaign: FBG Samples The FBG samples irradiated where :  1 Acrylate Coated fiber with 2 sensors manufactured in a conventional way  5 Ormocer coated Fibers: 2 Fibers both with 4 Drawtower sensors 3 Fibers with a single Type II sensor each  2 Polyimide Coated fibers with 3 an 4 Drawtower sensors respectively  Another Ormocer Sensor was used as temperature reference, glued to the support structure. 5 13th October '10, D. Moya / Acrylate (2 sensors) Ormocer (4 sensors) Ormocer ( 1 sensor) Polyimida ( 3 sensors) Temperature reference fiber

6 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Irradiation Campaign: Effect on the Fiber 6 Spectrum change during and after irradiation for the Polyimide 21 Fiber sensors

7 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Irradiation Campaign: Effect on the Fiber 7 Some Peak wavelength measurements during irradiation. Temp.Ref 04 ormocer sensor Online Offline Online Offline Irradiation period SHIFT

8 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Irradiation Campaign: Effect on the Fiber 8 The Sensors most resistant to irradiation : Acrylate

9 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Unfolding temperature and irradiation effect The peak shift of the FBGs during irradiation is depends on temperature and radiation  Dl = Dl temp + Dl rad For most of the sensors is a difficult task to separate this two effects. Non optimal support: the temperature of each sensor depends on the position, and the contact with the support A simplified FEA simulation with Acrylate sensors measurement as input to compute the Temp. Ref sensor.  A temperature difference of 12 ºC was obtained  We could use this simulations to subtract the temperature component 9 Temp Ref. FBG 76.8 ºC Acrylate Fbg sensors 84 ºC

10 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Unfolding temperature and irradiation effect A new step-by-step irradiation campaign with protons at CNA being planned Better support needed  The support outside irradiation area  The FOS non contact with the support 2-3 sensors in each fiber (1-2 irradiated, 1 of temperature reference) Include some sensors without any coating 10 Uniform irradiation zone High irradiation zone Irradiated FBGs Reference FBG sensors outside irradiation zone BEAM DIRECTION

11 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Irradiation Campaign: Conclusions 20 sensors irradiated 3.3 10 15 protons/cm 2 Acrylate coated sensors more resistant to radiation Difficult unfolding of temperature and irradiation effect for intermediate doses. By the end of February we expect to recalibrate the irradiated sensors. New step by step protons irradiation with new support Design Future irradiation with gammas and electrons 11

12 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Omega Shape manufacture: First dummy The first four mechanical dummies manufactured in INTA to evaluate manufacturing procedure ( 2 omega shape and 2 S- shape) Are going to be tested in an Universal Tension tester  The Reaction / displacement curve.  Compare results with FEA simulations. 12

13 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Omega and S-shape Tension Test stand. Simulation TST 350 LINKAM SYSTEM Omegas first calibration Set up 13 R R Displacement

14 6th Depfet Workshop, BONN 7th - 9th February 2010 D. Moya Next Plans This week we will have the mechanical dummies in Santander ready for testing After testing, send dummies to Imanuel ( Discuss) Optimize the Omega Shape fabrication method Manufacture of improved mechanical dummies with some sensors embedded.(May-June 2011) 14

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