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INTERDEPENDENCE: Seasonal Changes in Florida’s Plants and Animals Big Ideas 16 & 17.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERDEPENDENCE: Seasonal Changes in Florida’s Plants and Animals Big Ideas 16 & 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERDEPENDENCE: Seasonal Changes in Florida’s Plants and Animals Big Ideas 16 & 17

2 Grade 4 Big Ideas 16 and 17 SC.4.L.16.2 Explain that although characteristics of plants and animals are inherited, some characteristics can be affected by the environment. (Assessed as SC.5.L.17.1) SC.4.L.16.3 Recognize that animal behaviors may be shaped by heredity and learning. (Assessed as SC.5.L.17.1) SC.4.L.17.2 Explain that animals, including humans, cannot make their own food and that when animals eat plants or other animals, the energy stored in the food source is passed on to them. (Assessed as SC.4.L.17.3) SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals (invasive species), including humans, can impact the environment. (Assessed as SC.5.L.17.1)

3 ENGAGE Hold your thumbs against your palms and then untie and tie their shoes. If you don’t have laces, write your name on a sheet of paper.

4 WERE THESE TASKS DIFFICULT? Thumbs are an adaptation that helps us do many things. All plants and animals have adaptations that help them to survive.

5 Plants adaptations allow them to live in specific environments. Some adaptations are only helpful because of the environment in which a plant lives. Click on this link to explore a web site and learn about plant adaptations in different environments. What are some plant adaptations?

6 Like plants, animal adaptations allow them to live in specific environments. Some adaptations are only helpful because of the environment in which a plant or animal lives. Click on this link to explore a web site and learn about animal adaptations in different environments. What are some animal adaptations?

7 How do adaptations help organisms survive?

8 What are some examples of Adaptations to seasonal changes? Changing of color and dropping of tree leaves Animal hibernation Animal migration Camouflaging

9 What are some limiting factors that affect organisms? 1. Predation – the preying of one animal on others 2. Climate 3. Disease

10 What are some limiting factors that affect organisms? 4. Light 5. Temperature 6. Availability of food

11 What are some animal instincts? 1. Inherited behaviors 2. Migration 3. Hibernation

12 What are some animal learned behaviors? 1. Training & experience 2. Parents teach offspring 3. Offspring teach parents

13 Structural and Behavioral Adaptations All organisms have adaptations that help them to survive. Some adaptations are structural and some are behavioral. Now, let’s take a closer look at the definition of structural and behavioral adaptations. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism like the bill on a bird or the fur on a bear. Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive. For example, bird calls and migrations are behavioral adaptations.

14 Harmful Effects from animals 1.Overpopulation 2.Migration 3.Predation 4.Invasive species

15 How do humans harm the environment? 1. Polluted water 2. Air pollution 3. Land pollution 4. Ocean pollution

16 How can we help the environment? 1. reclamation 2. preservation 3. recycling

17 Let’s Review! Why do animals need to adapt?  For animals, adaptation is a matter of life or death. If animals don’t adapt in certain ways to their surroundings, they will not survive.

18 What do animals and plants need in order to survive?  In order for plants and animals to survive, they must have structures, behaviors and physiology that meet the requirements of their environment. What is an example of a plant adaptation?  For example, in order for plants to survive in desserts, they must have ways to get their water and other nutrients from their surroundings. Cactus have spines and/or thick waxy leaves. What are other examples?

19 Group Discussion Round Table: Beginning with the tallest person in your collaborative group, take turns going around the table in a clockwise direction telling one adaptation made by a plant which allows it to survive in its environment.

20 Group Discussion Round Table: Beginning with the tallest person in your collaborative group, take turns going around the table in a clockwise direction telling one adaptation made by an animal which allows it to survive in its environment.

21 Discovery Education: Teacher Boards EXTENSION

22 Extension Take the class on a schoolyard habitat observation walk. Have students keep a list of plants and animals they encounter. Students can draw illustrations and/or take pictures. Students compare plants and animals found in the schoolyard to those found in the Everglades habitats studied.

23 Technology Integration  Everglades video from Discovery: 90e9cae97954eec8&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHealth=0&pr oductcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES 90e9cae97954eec8&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHealth=0&pr oductcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES  Everglades Royal Field Trip video:  Everglades Conservation video: environment/conservation-in-action/everglades environment/conservation-in-action/everglades  Direct link to habitat descriptions:  South Florida/Everglades plant and animal picture cards pgs 197-213:

24 Big Idea 17 Interdependence Online Resources sis.htm sis.htm m m htm htm mersgame.htm mersgame.htm

25 References Polk County Public Schools Plant Adaptation Site Animal Adaptation adaptation.htm 93830 cience/plants/plant-adaptations.htm

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