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12.12.2015 Easy ETL with 12.12.2015. Thank you to our AWESOME sponsors!

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1 12.12.2015 Easy ETL with 12.12.2015

2 Thank you to our AWESOME sponsors!

3 12.12.2015 Andrzej Kukuła  20 years of professional experience in IT  Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert  Biml Expert  System Architect  C#, F# Developer by heart  Leader of local PLSSUG/PASS chapter  Long-time Contributor to pymssql project  Passionate about many aspects of IT world 

4 12.12.2015 Marcin Szeliga  Data Philosopher  BI Expert and Consultant  Data Platform Architect  20 years of experience with SQL Server  Ph.D. Candidate at Politechnika Śląska 

5 12.12.2015 Agenda  The ETL  SSIS and its problems  Introduction to Biml  BimlScript and its features  Code generation described  Interesting functionalities  Digressions  Demos  Summary

6 12.12.2015 The ETL  ETL is a significant cost in DW project  But it‘s not going to disappear tomorrow  It is still the foundation of many big Enterprise Data Warehouses  Thus the goal: simplify ETL to lower cost  SSIS is very good ETL solution  but...

7 12.12.2015 SSIS and its problems  Manual package creation using visual editor + drag & drop  Slow, boring, error prone  Not adaptable to requirements (think about changing logic in 10/100/… packages)  Not developer-friendly  Not generic  Version control is hardly possible  No easy API  No code templates/design patterns/DRY  No CI/CD  Should we really spend our time fighting this?

8 12.12.2015 Example Package

9 12.12.2015 Example DTSX Is this reasonable amount of code to accomplish the task?…

10 12.12.2015 Enter

11 12.12.2015 What’s Biml?  Business Intelligence Markup Language  A really easy XML-based language to describe BI assets  Connections, Tables, Views  SSIS Packages, SSIS Projects  Dimensions, Measure Groups, Cubes  and more…  Smart default values and behavior  Don’t bother with SSIS metadata (most of the time)  Easy to integrate with VC (TFS, Git, and more)  Easy to organize code into reusable libraries  Available for free in SSDT-BI with BIDSHelper Demo!

12 12.12.2015 Example Biml elements  Familiar and pretty easy to remember, aren’t they?

13 12.12.2015 Biml and BimlScript  Biml = XML Domain Specific Language  BimlScript = Biml + C# code nuggets  called template Demo!

14 12.12.2015 BimlScript  We have full power of.NET at our disposal  Execute code during compilation  Read files  Access remote data  Even create database objects (e.g. semi-temporary tables)  Reference external.NET assemblies  Supports including and calling other Biml files  Can reference external.NET assemblies  Extensive.NET Biml API built-in

15 12.12.2015 BimlScript Expansion  First, BimlScript is expanded to Biml  Then Biml is compiled to DTSX

16 12.12.2015 Biml Compilation  Biml is compiled to DTSX + DTProj  The process is repeatable  Can be directly opened in SSDT-BI (BIDS)  Execution using DTExec / SSISDB / SSDT  No additional runtime or runtime license required to execute package  Compilation is just automation of SSIS  The same rules apply  Objects must exist in database (so that code generator can create SSIS metadata and mappings)

17 12.12.2015 The process Biml + BimlScript source files C#/VB compiler BimlScript expansion to Biml Population of in-memory Object Model Single, in-memory, expanded, compiled and merged Biml Code generator …

18 12.12.2015 RootNode  The.NET object which represents all assets and metadata  Populated during parsing of Biml files  Useful in BimlScript  Allows creation of very dynamic solution  RootNode.Connections  RootNode.Databases  RootNode.Tables  RootNode.Packages  and many many more

19 12.12.2015 Code Reuse  Can be used anywhere in Biml file  Expands file given in argument and return Biml string  Can specify additional arguments  Include (expand) specified Biml file (or.NET resource) before current file

20 12.12.2015 Interesting features   Lightweight metadata, can be associated with any asset  Documentation annotations  Interesting use case: SQL extended properties  ObjectTag  Property of all BimlScript.NET objects  Accessed programmatically from BimlScript  Very convenient and extensible object storage

21 12.12.2015 Extending BimlScript object model  Contains plain C# code (no templating)  Can interact with Biml object model  Can use extended methods  Can define new classes  We can subclass original Biml classes to change/extend their behavior

22 12.12.2015 More features  Transformers and „Frameworks”  Ability to change Biml after it is already expanded  Can „reverse engineer” DTSX packages into Biml  It’s possible to write custom code generators  Different target runtime than DTSX

23 12.12.2015 Source object types - digression  Views in custom schema, e.g. BI.Person  Isolation  Doesn’t need to modify production objects  Can be in different database than production on the same instance (if absolutely no modification of production is allowed)  Abstraction  Rename columns  Convert data, create new columns  Model data – e.g. join with other sources  Filter data  Add extended properties  Security  Dedicated ETL user can be granted access only to views in this schema, doesn’t need access to underlying tables

24 12.12.2015 Separation of duties  External metadata  Business analysts don’t touch the packages  Programmers don’t model the business  Easy storage  MDS – Excel client!  Extended properties  custom

25 12.12.2015 Complete demo  Complete ETL solution  Storage of metadata (connections, mappings) outside of code  Dynamic import of database table definitions  Dynamic generation of stage tables  Annotations and SQL extended properties as a metadata source  Execute SQL during BimlScript expansion  LogicalDisplayFolder as a metadata source  Conditional logic  Type conversion on the fly  Nonstandard column mapping  Master package  Dynamic package project  Dynamic rename of objects during ETL  Package to create stage tables  Tiers  MSBuild Demo!

26 12.12.2015 How to benefit it?  BI Project Decision Makers  Faster initial delivery  Lower cost of change  Immediate Biml/Mist ROI  BI Architects  Reusable Design Patterns with Biml/BimlScript  One project compatible with SQL Server 2005-2014  Easily manage large BI code base, tasks, and issues using TFS  Plan for BI Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery

27 12.12.2015 How to benefit it?  ETL developers  Fast Biml learning curve  Generate your DTSX faster with Biml instead of drag’n’drop  Embrace DRY in BI development  Use proper version control to manage your sources  BI consultants  Increased productivity  Build your Biml/BimlScript code library and reuse it in different projects  No runtime license costs for customers

28 12.12.2015

29 Thank you to our AWESOME sponsors!

30 12.12.2015 Questions?

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