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Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis

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1 Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis

2 Body’s center of gravity is located just anterior to the sacrum
Injuries to the hip or pelvis cause major disability in the lower limbs, trunk or both Low back may also become involved due to proximity History Onset (sudden or slow?) Previous history? Mechanism of injury? Pain description, intensity, quality, duration, type and location?

3 Observation Symmetry- hips, pelvis tilt (anterior/posterior)
Lordosis or flat back Lower limb alignment Knees, patella, feet Pelvic landmarks (ASIS, PSIS, iliac crest) Standing on one leg Pubic symphysis pain or drop on one side Ambulation Walking, sitting - pain will result in movement distortion

4 Palpation: Bony Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
Anterior inferior iliac spin (AIIS) Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) Pubic symphysis Ischial tuberosity Greater trochanter Femoral neck Poster inferior iliac spine

5 Palpation: Soft Tissue
Rectus femoris Sartorius Iliopsoas Inguinal ligament Gracilis Adductor magnus, longus & brevis Pectineus Gluteus maximus, medius & minimus Piriformis Hamstrings Tensor fasciae latae Iliotibial Band - Major regions of concern are the groin, femoral triangle, sciatic nerve, lymph nodes

6 Special Tests Functional Evaluation Tests for Hip Flexor Tightness
ROM, strength tests Hip adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, internal and external rotation Tests for Hip Flexor Tightness Kendall test Test for rectus femoris tightness Thomas test Test for hip contractures

7 Kendall’s Test

8 Thomas Test

9 Femoral Anteversion (A) and Retroversion (B)
Relationship between neck and shaft of femur Normal angle is 15 degrees anterior to the long axis of the femur and condyles Internal rotation in excess of 35 degrees is indicative of anteversion, 45 degrees of external rotation is an indicator of retroversion

10 Test for Hip and Sacroiliac Joint
Patrick Test (FABER) Detects pathological conditions of the hip and SI joint Pain may be felt in the hip or SI joint

11 Gaenslen’s Test Test works to push SI joint into extension
Test is positive if hyperextension on affected side increases pain

12 Testing the Tensor Fasciae Latae and Iliotibial Band
Renne’s test Athlete stands w/ knee bent at degrees Positive response of TFL tightness occurs when pain is felt at lateral femoral condyle

13 Nobel’s Test Lying supine the athlete’s knee is flexed to 90 degrees
Pressure is applied to lateral femoral condyle while knee is extended Pain at 30 degrees at lateral femoral condyle indicates a positive test

14 Ober’s Test Used to determine presence of contracted TFL or IT-band
Thigh will remain in abducted position, not falling into adduction

15 Trendelenburg’s Test - Iliac crest on unaffected side should be higher when standing on one leg - Test is positive when affected side is higher indicating weak abductors (glut medius)

16 Piriformis Test Hip is internally rotated
Tightness or pain is indicative of piriformis tightness

17 Measuring Leg Length Discrepancy
Ely’s Test Used to assess tightness of rectus femoris Athlete is prone, w/ pelvis stabilized and knee on the affected side is flexed If hip on that side extends as the knee is flexed, rectus femoris is tight Measuring Leg Length Discrepancy With inactive individual, difference of more that 1” may produce symptoms Active individuals may experience problems w/ as little 3mm (1/8”) difference Can cause cumulative stresses to lower limbs, hips, pelvis or low back

18 Apparent or functional
True or anatomical Shortening may be equal throughout limb or localized w/in femur or lower leg Measurement taken from medial malleolus to ASIS Apparent or functional Result of lateral pelvic tilt or from a flexion or adduction deformity Measurement is taken from umbilicus to medial malleolus

19 Leg Length Discrepancy Measures

20 Recognition and Management of Specific Hip, Groin, and Pelvic Injuries
Groin Strain Etiology One of the more difficult problems to diagnose Injury to one of the muscles in the regions (generally adductor longus) Occurs from running , jumping, twisting w/ hip external rotation or severe stretch Signs and Symptoms Sudden twinge or tearing during active movement Produce pain, weakness, and internal hemorrhaging

21 Groin Strain (continued)
Management RICE, NSAID’s and analgesics for hours Determine exact muscle or muscles involved Rest is critical; daily whirlpool and cryotherapy, moving into ultrasound Delay exercise until pain free Restore normal ROM and strength -- provide support w/ wrap

22 Trochanteric Bursitis
Etiology Inflammation at the site where the gluteus medius inserts or the IT-band passes over the trochanter Signs and Symptoms Complaint of lateral hip pain that may radiate down the leg Palpation reveals tenderness over lateral aspect of greater trochanter IT-band and TFL tests should be performed

23 Management RICE, NSAID’s and analgesics
ROM and PRE directed toward hip abductors and external rotators Phonophoresis if pain doesn’t respond in 3-4 days Must look at biomechanics and Q-angle Runners should avoid inclined surfaces

24 Sprains of the Hip Joint
Etiology Due to substantial support, any unusual movement exceeding normal ROM may result in damage Force from opponent/object or trunk forced over planted foot in opposite direction Signs and Symptoms Signs of acute injury and inability to circumduct hip Similar S & S to stress fracture Pain in hip region, w/ hip rotation increasing pain

25 Management X-rays or MRI should be performed to rule out fx
RICE, NSAID’s and analgesics Depending on severity, crutches may be required ROM and PRE are delayed until hip is pain free

26 Dislocated Hip Etiology Signs and Symptoms Management
Rarely occurs in sport Result of traumatic force directed along the long axis of the femur (posterior dislocation w/ hip flexed and adducted and knee flexed) Signs and Symptoms Flexed, adducted and internally rotated hip Palpation reveals displaced femoral head posteriorly Serious pathology Soft tissue, neurological damage and possible fx Management Immediate medical care (blood and nerve supply may be compromised) Contractures may further complicate reduction 2 weeks immobilization and crutch use for at least one month

27 Avascular Necrosis Etiology Signs and Symptoms
Result of temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to proximal femur Can be caused by traumatic conditions (hip dislocation – disruption of circumflex artery), or non-traumatic circumstances (steroids, blood coagulation disorders, excessive alcohol use compromising blood vessels) Signs and Symptoms Early stages - possibly no S&S Joint pain w/ weight bearing progressing to pain at times of rest Pain gradually increases (mild to severe) particularly as bone collapse occurs May limit ROM Osteoarthritis may develop Progression of S&S can develop over the course of months to a year

28 Avascular Necrosis (continued)
Management Must be referred for X-ray, MRI or CT scan Must work to improve use of joint, stop further damage and ensure survival of bone and joint Most cases will ultimately require surgery to repair joint permanently Conservative treatment involves ROM exercises to maintain ROM; electric stim for bone growth; non-weight bearing if caught early Medication to treat pain, reduce fatty substances reacting w/ corticosteroids or limit blood clotting in the presence of clotting disorders may limit necrosis

29 Hip Problems in the Young Athlete
Legg Calve’-Perthes Disease (Coxa Plana) Etiology Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in child ages 4-10 Trauma accounts for 25% of cases Articular cartilage becomes necrotic and flattens Signs and Symptoms Pain in groin that can be referred to the abdomen or knee Limping is also typical Varying onsets and may exhibit limited ROM

30 Legg-Calve’-Perthes Disease (continued)
Management Bed rest to alleviate synovitis Brace to avoid direct weight bearing With early treatment and the head may re-ossify and revascularize Complication If not treated early, will result in ill-shaping and develop into osteoarthritis in later life

31 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Etiology Found mostly in boys ages who are characteristically tall and thin or obese May be growth hormone related 25% of cases are seen in both hips, trauma accounts for 25% Head slippage on X-ray appears posterior and inferior

32 Signs and Symptoms Management
Pain in groin that comes on over weeks or months Hip and knee pain during passive and active motion Limitations of abduction, flexion, medial rotation and presents with a limp Management W/ minor slippage, rest and non-weight bearing may prevent further slippage Major displacement requires surgery If undetected or surgery fails severe problems will result

33 The Snapping Hip Phenomenon
Etiology Common in young female dancers, gymnasts, hurdlers Habitual movement predispose muscles around hip to become imbalanced (lateral rotation and flexion) Related to structurally narrow pelvis, increased hip abduction and limited lateral rotation Hip stability is compromised Signs and Symptoms Pain w/ balancing on one leg, possible inflammation Management Focus on cryotherapy and ultrasound to stretch musculature and strengthen weak musculature in hip region

34 Pelvic Conditions Athletes can suffer serious, acute and chronic injuries to the pelvic region Pelvis rotates along longitudinal axis when running, proportionate to the amount of arm swing Also tilts as legs engage support and nonsupport Combination of motion causes shearing and changes in lordosis throughout activity

35 Contusion (hip pointer)
Etiology Contusion of iliac crest or abdominal musculature Result of direct blow (same MOI for iliac crest fx and epiphyseal separation Signs and Symptoms Pain, spasm, and transitory paralysis of soft structures Decreased rotation of trunk or thigh/hip flexion due to pain Management RICE for at least 48 hours, NSAID’s, Bed rest 1-2 days Referral must be made, X-ray Ice massage, ultrasound, occasionally steroid injection Recovery lasts 1-3 weeks

36 Osteitis Pubis Etiology Signs and Symptoms Management
Seen in distance runners Repetitive stress on pubic symphysis and adjacent muscles Signs and Symptoms Chronic pain and inflammation of groin Point tenderness on pubic tubercle Pain w/ running, sit-ups and squats Acute case may be the result of bicycle seat Management Rest, NSAID’s and gradual return to activity

37 Athletic Pubalgia Etiology Signs and Symptoms
Chronic pubic region pain caused by repetitive stress to pubic symphysis from kicking, twisting, or cutting Forced adduction, from hyperextended position, creates shearing forces that are transmitted through pubic symphysis to insertion of rectus abdominus, hip adductors and conjoined tendon Result in microtears of tranversalis abdominis fascia, aponeurosis of obliques, or conjoined tightness Create weakening of anterior wall and inguinal canal Signs and Symptoms No presence of hernia Chronic pain during exertion, sharp and burning that laterally radiates into adductors and testicles

38 Signs and Symptoms (continued)
Point tenderness on pubic tubercle Pain increased w/ resisted hip flexion, internal rotation, abdominal contraction, resisted hip adduction (adductors not painful = adductor strain) Management Conservative treatment (even though rarely effective) Massage, stretching after 1 week of surrounding musculature 2 weeks, strengthening of abs and hip flexors and adductors 3-4 weeks begin running progression Aggressive treatment involves cortisone injection or tightening of pelvic wall surgically

39 Stress Fractures Etiology Signs and Symptoms
Seen in distance runners - repetitive cyclical forces from ground reaction force More common in women than men Common site include inferior pubic ramus, femoral neck and subtrochanteric area of femur Signs and Symptoms Groin pain, w/ aching sensation in thigh that increases w/ activity and decreases w/ rest Standing on one leg may be impossible Deep palpation results in point tenderness May be caused by intense interval or competitive racing

40 Stress Fractures (continued)
Management Rest for 2-5 months Crutch walking for ischium and pubis fractures X-ray are usually normal for 6-10 weeks and bone scan will be required Swimming can be used for training -- breast stroke should be avoided

41 Avulsion Fractures and Apophysitis
Etiology Traction epiphysis (bone outgrowth) Common sites include ischial tuberosity, AIIS, and ASIS Avulsions seen in sports w/ sudden accelerations and decelerations Signs and Symptoms Sudden localized pain w/ limited movement Pain, swelling, point tenderness Muscle testing increases pain

42 Avulsion Fractures and Apophysitis
Management X-ray If uncomplicated, RICE, NSAID’s, crutch toe-touch walking After control pain and inflammation, 2-3 weeks of gradual stretching When 80 degrees of ROM have been regained a PRE program should be instituted. With full return of ROM and strength athlete can return to play

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