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Countable and Uncountable Nouns Mr. LO Chung-kwong TPGSS August,2005 Junior Forms.

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2 Countable and Uncountable Nouns Mr. LO Chung-kwong TPGSS August,2005 Junior Forms

3 Nouns It is a lion. It is a key I’d like to have some wine. Here is some paper.

4 Singular Nouns & Plural Nouns There is a tree. A singular noun I’ve got three cars. A plural noun

5 Which of the following are countable nouns ? AppleTable Hair Coin Water MoneyAir River Cup

6 RiceHairButter Jam AirHappiness

7 How to change a singular noun into plural There is a flower. There are three flowers. a. Add “s” to a noun

8 Exercise table chair mountain picture goat tables chairs mountains pictures goats

9 Add “es” to the noun b. Nouns ends in “s.. sh, ch, x” or “o” ClassesChurches BoxesBushes Potatoes

10 C.Nouns end with “f” – change to ves half - halves wolf - wolves loaf - loaves

11 D.Nouns end with “us” – change to “i” cactus - cacti nucleus - nuclei focus - foci

12 E.Nouns end with “is”- change to “es” thesis - theses crisis – crises analysis - analyses

13 F. Nouns end with “on” – change to “a” criterion - criteria phenomenon - phenomena

14 G. For some nouns, we change the whole word man - men foot - feet child - children person - people tooth - teeth mouse - mice

15 H. Some nouns are the same in singular and in plural Deer Cattle Sheep Fish ( Fishes – different species )

16 Tools: glasses, scissors, binoculars, forceps, tongs, tweezers Clothes: jeans, pants, pajamas, shorts, trousers I. Nouns that must take a plural form

17 Exercises 1.Book2.Tree3.Man 4. Knife5.Baby6.Person 7.Child8.Tomato9.Church 1.Books2.Trees3.Men 4.Knives5.Babies6.People/Persons 7.Children8.Tomatoes9.Churches

18 Useful links on countable and Uncountable Nouns

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