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Individually, for 5 minutes, think about & note: Your personal teaching/training role in your organisation Your responsibilities within that role Your.

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Presentation on theme: "Individually, for 5 minutes, think about & note: Your personal teaching/training role in your organisation Your responsibilities within that role Your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individually, for 5 minutes, think about & note: Your personal teaching/training role in your organisation Your responsibilities within that role Your boundaries as a teacher/trainer (think about conduct, professionalism, codes of practice, sources of/for referral) Who else is involved at each stage of the teaching cycle? How do they impact on me? What qualities are required to fulfil my role & responsibilities. Now join your group & compare, contrast and discuss your individual thoughts and notes. (15 minutes inc. prep. time for presentation) Each group is to prepare a 5 min. presentation on their findings. You have 20 minutes in total to prepare your 5 minute presentation. Syndicate exercise:

2 Referrals You MUST Consider: Your actions as a teacher including limitations Possible sources of support for the learner (which may be internal or external),where and how to signpost Organisational support/processes for dealing with the situations including legal and contractual obligations Moral and ethical dilemmas for teachers

3 Legislation & Codes of Practice Activity: (10 minutes) Divide into two groups to complete the tasks: Group 1: Legislation affecting teachers – list and be prepared to explain it including what the teacher can do to uphold it. Group 2: What should be in a Code of Practice for Teachers and how could a teacher uphold it? Also what Codes of practice do exist for teachers ( some may be subject specific)? 10 minutes to discuss, then each group to feedback for 5 minutes

4 Legislation & Codes of Practice Equality Act 2010: The Equality Act brings together nine separate pieces of legislation into one single Act simplifying the law and strengthening it in important ways to help tackle discrimination and inequality. (Primarily this Act replaces the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and three major statutory instruments protecting discrimination in employment on grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation and age). Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Data Protection Act 1998 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Freedom of Information Act 2000 Human Rights Act 1998 Children Act 2004

5 Legislation & Codes of Practice Education and Skills Act 2008 Protection of Children Act 1999 Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006 The Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007 - Revoked Code of Professional Practice 2008 (Introduced by IfL to cover the activities of teachers and trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector – IfL membership is mandatory to ensure, amongst other things, CPD is maintained and recorded) Etc. This is not an inclusive list, merely an indication of the volume of legislation affecting teachers and trainers in the Sector!

6 EQUALITY making sure everyone is treated fairly and given opportunities not about treating everyone in the same way acknowledges and ensures that individual needs are met in the most appropriate wayDIVERSITY recognising and valuing individual differences respecting and valuing the different cultural backgrounds of learners, colleagues and the wider communityINCLUSION ensuring that all learners are able to participate and feel included working to remove any barriers to full participation by all learners

7 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Prejudice Is about holding an opinion based on inaccurate information or experience. Stereotyping Often leads on from prejudice. It means believing that people of a certain type have the same characteristics, e.g. women drivers Discrimination Is the way you act because of your prejudices and assumptions

8 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Activity: (10 Minutes prep. + 5 minutes presentation each group) In 2 groups, create a flipchart representing a “Trainer’s Good Practice Guide to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion”. Prepare a short presentation to the whole group. Your guide should provide tips and techniques on how to ensure effective E.D.I. in your training/teaching practice, e.g. use of jargon, cultural differences, preferred learning styles, ensuring participation, appropriate teaching materials, use of language, etc.

9 Functional Skills Definition of functional skills: “Functional skills are practical skills in English, mathematics and information and communication technology (ICT) that allow individuals to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life.” Department for children, schools and families

10 Functional Skills “These skills are part of lifelong learning and relate to all aspects of life, including employability and productivity. As a trainer / teacher in the lifelong learning sector, you may be expected to embed English, mathematics and ICT skills in all your training / teaching and learning activities.” Institute for Learning

11 Functional Skills

12 Functional Skills

13 Functional Skills Standards: There are three strands to consider: English, Mathematics and ICT English Speaking and listening Reading Writing

14 Functional Skills Standards: There are three strands to consider: Mathematics Process skills – calculating Representing – making sense of a situation and realising the problem in numerical terms Analysing – processing and using mathematics Interpreting – communicating the result of the analysis

15 Functional Skills Standards: There are three strands to consider: ICT Using ICT systems Finding and selecting information Developing, presenting and communicating information

16 Functional Skills Standards: Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry 3 Level 1 (equivalent to GCSE grades D–G) Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE Grades A*–C) Functional Skills are set at five levels:

17 Functional Skills Standards:

18 Government targets for functional skills: All adults to be able to work confidently at Entry 3 for Math’s and Level 1 for English

19 Approaches to Developing Functional Skills: discrete – taught by functional skills specialists apart from other subjects partly embedded – taught by functional skills specialists and applied in a range of purposeful contexts including other subjects fully embedded – taught and developed by all trainers / teachers within and across courses

20 Identifying Functional Skills Exercise: inviting guests finding recipes on the internet adapting to suit specific dietary requirements making a list of ingredients purchasing ingredients within a budget selecting suitable utensils planning preparation and cooking times preparing the meal following the instructions setting the table for the guests serving the meal Handout

21 Identifying Functional Skills: Activity: (15/20 minutes) Individually, then in pairs or small groups: Identify all the functional skills used in your subject area Choose one or two of the functional skills and break them down into the specific tasks that might be required Write one or two functional skills learning outcomes that you may use in one of your session / lesson plans

22 Learning quotes: The learning is in the wobbles. Dave Meier Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Henry Ford The only truly educated person is the one who has learned how to learn. Carl Rogers I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily. Thomas Szasz

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