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STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Presented by, M.Gnaneshwaran(08BCA40)

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Presentation on theme: "STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Presented by, M.Gnaneshwaran(08BCA40)"— Presentation transcript:

1 STOCK MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Presented by, M.Gnaneshwaran(08BCA40)

2 HARDWARE SPECIFICATION Processor:Intel core Memory:1GB RAM Hard Disk : 320 GB HDD Monitor: 15ColorMonitor Keyboard:104 Keys SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION Platform:Windows XP Front End:VB.Net Back End:SQL Server 2000

3 SYNOPSIS: The stock maintenance system is the inventory control where the product are purchase from the supplier and stored in the warehouse and again the products are sold to the customer by making bill. So this type of transaction is known as the stock maintenance. Some times the products is send to the another warehouse if they have branches in another place. Stock also has to be maintenance when the raw material are send to the job order to another place or when job work. Differently the stock is to be maintenance for raw materials, semi finished goods, finished goods so these types of transactions are done in garments exports, large industries where manufacturing is done Here the stock maintenance is the main process by which the stock is to controlled when purchase or selling products.

4 MODULES: Login User management Purchase order Sales order Purchase Sales Stock Transaction

5 User Management : We can add new user in this module by entering the name, address, phone,email etc. If a person want to login first the user has to be created using this module. Already existing user can also be changed using this module. The administrator can modify the list of user details and also the administrator can remove the unwanted user (user who last login was before one month). Login : The user has to login in to the system if he wants to make the transaction. If he is a new user it has to be created if he is already existing user he can login if he forgot his password a question will be asked or he has to enter email and then submit the password will be sent to his email

6 Purchase Order : The company places the purchase order to the supplier before making the item purchase. The supplier in turn places the order to the company and then the company purchases the item. Purchase : The company purchases the items from the supplier by placing the purchase order and then the items are purchased by quoting the itemname, quantity, rate etc.

7 Sales Order : The customer send us the sale order before selling the items to the customer or the customer without making the sale order he can purchase the items from the company. They will quote us the product name,quantity, rate for checking the quantity of that items is available or not. sales : The customer purchases the items from the company by making sale order or without making sale order. The customer has to enter all the details of his company and then he can order his items by entering the item name, quantity and rate. Stock Transaction : The stock adjustment can be made whenever the company receives the credit note and debit note and also the stock transaction like ware house to warehouse transfers can be done.

8 Stock Transaction : The stock adjustment can be made whenever the company receives the credit note and debit note and also the stock transaction like ware house to warehouse transfers can be done. Reports : The company can view the various reports like stock statement, daily sales statement, purchase made on this month etc can be viewed using this report

9 Login: User User Registration Register Validate Login Login Home Page Registration Database

10 PURCHASE: User Add Product Product Database

11 SALES: User Add supplier Supplier Databas e

12 DATA STUCTURE: User Add Product Product Databas e Add Supplier Supplier Databas e Purchase Item Purchase Store databas e View Report Sales No Sales Add customer customer Customer

13 Field Name Type User NameVarchar(50) PasswordVarchar(50) Field NameType User NameVarchar(50) PasswordVarchar(50) Table Name: Login Table Name: Add User Database Table

14 Field NameType User NameVarchar(50) Old PasswordVarchar(50) New PasswordVarchar(50) Field NameType IcodeVarchar(50) INameVarchar(50) IPriceVarchar(50) QantitiyVarchar(50) Table Name: Change Password Table Name: Stock Detail

15 Field NameType InvoiceVarchar(50) IcodeVarchar(50) InameVarchar(50) Unit PriceVarchar(50) QuantityVarchar(50) DateVarchar(50) PriceVarchar(50) Current StockVarchar(50) Company NameVarchar(50) Table Name: Purchasing








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