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1 Administrative structure of water management, implementation of EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and River Basin Management Approach in France Arnaud.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Administrative structure of water management, implementation of EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and River Basin Management Approach in France Arnaud."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Administrative structure of water management, implementation of EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and River Basin Management Approach in France Arnaud Courtecuisse (Artois-Picardie Agency) Ankara – 27 & 28 September 2012 TAIEX 48648 – Workshop on exchange of experiences through the Mediteranean Countries on water policy

2 2 Content of the presentation 1.Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois-Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management

3 3 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France 65 millions inhabitants 26 regions, 101 “departments”, 36 700 communes 6 river Basin 6 Basin Committee (+ corsica) 6 Water Agencies

4 4 Ministry in charge of Environment EU Commission Basin Committe Water AgencyDREAL Collect fees, finance water assets & measures Deliver and Control permits water abstraction & discharge National Assembly Translate Directives in French Law Endorse programmes of water agencies and fees level Set objectives and guidelines of water policy with coordination with other ministries Ensure reporting of Directives to EU Commission National Level Basin Level EU Level Prepare RBMP and PoM Endorse RBMP, PoM, Programmes and fees Follow up of the PoM and deliver to national level data for EU reporting Set Directives Control Directive implementation Build a shared vision of the River Basin and stakeholders dialogue

5 5 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France How the WFD was integrated in the French Water Law ? Water Law of 1964 Water Law of 1992 6 River Basin s : Basin Committe + water Agencies fees SDAGE (Masterplan) 6 SDAGE adopted in 1996 WFD transcript in 2006 WFD RBMP = revised SDAGE Water Law of 2006

6 6 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France The 6 french water agencies have been created through the french water law of 1964, revised in 1992 and 2006 The main mission of the water agencies is to implement the water policy, meeting national guidances but designed at basin level, by : collecting fees (environmental taxes) from the economic sectors (industry, households, agriculture) who abstract water or discharge polluted waters, giving subsidies or soft loans to municipalities, industrial or agriculture unit who invest for the reduction of pollution (i.e. waste water treatment plant, clean process,….). Annual budget of the French Water agencies in 2012 : 2 billions euros

7 7 fees Subsidies Households Agriculture Industry Fees collected by the water agency are used to subsidise water protection investment and operating costs 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France

8 8 Each of the 6 french water agencies is ruled through a basin committe composed of representatives from : State (representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Prefect, Navigation,….) Municipalities and local authorities Users (Industry, Agriculture, Consumer, Environmental NGO,…) The Basin Committe votes the Programme (5 or 6 years action plan), the level of fees, the Masterplan (SDAGE) 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France


10 10 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France The municipalities are responsible for the water and sanitation public services. They finance the water utilities (with subsidies from the water agency) and the price paid by households (and firms connected to public network) has to cover the costs (investment and operating) according to a specific law (M49). Thus the cost recovery for water and sanitation public services is quiet high (>95%)

11 11 1. Administrative structure of water management and River Basin Management in France Who is in charge of the water police? -The Prefect of the department through water missions (agricultural, urban and industrial directions, marine services, navigation services, social affairs,…) -The regional direction of environment (DREAL) is in charge of coordinating the water police at a regional level. -Fish guards of each department are in charge of identifying breaking of the law -The police is in charge the instruction and follow-up of demands (eg. water intakes on a river for an industry) -The police has the follow-up of regulations for sewage treatment plants in order to achieve the water quality objectives -Fire control is responsible for response when a pollution occurs -Navigation services are responsible when occurring on a navigable river -The mayor of a municipality can also take notice of a pollution on his municipality when it can be harmful for its inhabitants

12 12 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District - 20 000 km 2 (1/30 th of the national territory) - the smallest of River Basin in France - 4,7 millions inhabitants (235 inhab/km 2, twice the national mean value) - Average price of water: 4,00 €/m 3 in 2010 (one of the most important in France) - 97 % of drinking water comes from underground Artois-Picardie River Basin

13 13 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District

14 14 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District Basin Committe Water AgencyDREAL Collect fees, finance water assets & measures Deliver and Control permits water abstraction & discharge Basin Level Prepare RBMP and PoM Follow up of the PoM and deliver to national level data for EU reporting The development of the River Basin Management Plan & Programme of Measures : an integrated technical approach taking into account economic approach and important Public Consultation Process

15 15 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District 50 % GS 2015 50 % exemption(deadline) Ecological status objectives of surface water

16 16 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District 28 % GS 2015 72 % exemption (deadline) Chemical status objectives of groundwater

17 17 Programme of measures (cost in million euros) for Artois-Picardie River Basin Total Basic measures 700 Supplementary measures 4 000 4,7 billions of € to achieve the GES 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District

18 18 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District Urban sanitation (WWTP and Sewerage network) 3 800 M€ Diffuse pollution 525 M€ Drinkable water 18 M€ River management and hydromorphology 144 M€ Industry 178 M€

19 19 ORIENTATIONS (34) = political ambitions of basin declined in DISPOSITIONS (65) = actions rules and priority territories OBJECTIVES = Of status for each water bodie with justifications if exemptions 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District

20 20 2. Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive – illustration of the Artois- Picardie River Basin & Scheldt International District The International Commission for Scheldt has lead the process for the development of: Roof characterisation report Coordinated RBMP including a transnational catalogue of measures Two EU funded projets : SCALDIT and SCALDWIN on INTEREG fund Coupled with bilateral agreement (e.g. aquifer shared by France and Walloon region

21 21 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The implementation of the WFD (started on the river basin on 2002) have provided several strong inputs in the Water Management both at national and Basin leve l : The WFD process requires a strenghtened mix between several aproaches : ecosystem monitoring/analysis – Techniques – Economics – communication The role of economic analysis A strong Public consultation Process

22 22 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The role of economic analysis Total Basic measures 700 Supplementary measures 4 000 4,7 billions of € to achieve the GES IndicatorsDataObjectives Cost of PoM inv + op cost of measures per type (extracted from national catalogue) and at Water body level Assess PoM cost per type of measures and at each scale level (from Water body to basin) PoM/GDP GDP of Artois-Picardie (current + past value), forecasts of future values express measures in annual cost (inv + op) to be expensed Express the weight of the PoM regarding the GDP of Artois-Picardie River basin in order to assess the effort to be done in the coming years compared to what have been done in the past

23 23 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The role of economic analysis Evolution (1967-2012) of the economic weight of the works financed by the Water Agency Artois-Picardie compared to the Basin’s GDP Basic+Suplementary measures Basic measures

24 24 Cost impact on economic sectors IndicatorsDataObjectives Cost of PoM inv + op cost of measures per type (extracted from national catalogue) and at Water body level Assess PoM cost per type of measures and at each scale level (from Water body to basin) Cost of measures regarding water price paid by households current water and sanitation price at municipality level household’s mean avalaible income at municipality level assessment of volume consumed per capita assumptions on financial scheme of measures Assess the level of Water price at municipality level in 2015 regarding the measures (water and sewerage) that will be implemented Cost of measures regarding Industry and agriculture Added Value for Industry in 2006 past « Water prortection » investment from industry Added value for Agriculture Assess the weight of Industrial (Agriculture) measures regarding Industrial (agricultural) Added value 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The role of economic analysis

25 Evolution of the price paid by households of Artois-Picardie River basin for water and sanitation services – 1994 to 2011 Source: Artois-Picardie Agence water observatory 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The role of economic analysis

26 26 Water price survey (scale : municipality) Model Water price in 2007 Measures targeting urban sanitation Price in 2015 forcasting Programme of measures 2015 Water price Water bill/available income National statistics office Households mean income (scale: municiaplity) 3. Inputs of the EU WFD implementation in River Basin Management The role of economic analysis

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