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Before we begin to read, let’s just take a look at the paper and make sure that it has the correct layout and information. As we go through each part,

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Presentation on theme: "Before we begin to read, let’s just take a look at the paper and make sure that it has the correct layout and information. As we go through each part,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we begin to read, let’s just take a look at the paper and make sure that it has the correct layout and information. As we go through each part, please do the following: Check off ( ) that you have seen it and it is correct Make suggestions or fix any items that are incorrect Put “Corrected By _____________” and your name! Rough Draft Research Paper

2 Header The very first page should have their last name along with the number 1. Each page after that should have their last name with the next consecutive number. The header spacing should be: ½ an inch down from the top of the paper and 1 inch in from the left of the paper. If it is correct put a check mark next to the header.

3 Personal Information On the left hand side there should be 4 items listed: Student Name Mrs. Baker English 11/Per. # Date (09 Feb. 2015) These should be: 1 inch down from the top of the page 1 inch in from the left hand side of the page. Double spaced. If it is correct put a check mark next to the information.

4 Title There should be a title after the personal information. It should be centered and capitalized. There should only be 1 space between the title and the beginning of the essay. If it is correct put a check mark next to the title.

5 Paragraphs There should be at least 4 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be indented. All lines should be double spaced. If it is correct put a check mark next to the first paragraph (in the margin).

6 Works Cited Page 1) Turn to the last page of their paper. 2) This page should have the header still on it (Last name and page number). 3) The title Works Cited should be about an inch from the top of the paper. (The word “Page” should not be in the title) 4) The entire page should be evenly double spaced…meaning that there are no triple spaces anywhere! If it is correct put a check mark next to the title Works Cited.

7 Works Cited Page (continued) 1) Look at the content on the page. 2) There should be NO bullet points or numbers listing the entries. 3) The entire page should be alphabetized based on the first letter of each entry. 4) The first line of each entry should be 1 inch in from the left side of the paper. 5) The second (and so forth) lines for each entry should be 1 ½ inches in from the left side of the paper. If it is correct put a check mark next to the first citation (in the margin).

8 Works Cited Page Get out your MLA Quick Help Sheet that I gave you. Look through the Works Cited Page Entries section and check their entries. Make sure they: Have the correct font (italics) Use the correct punctuation (periods, commas, colons) Did not leave out any piece of information. Tell them what information that they might be missing. Some of the information might be left out on purpose because it was not provided by the author/text. Book: Article/Chapter: Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article/Chapter.” Title of Book. Edition #. First Name Last Name (Of author of article). Place of Publication: Publisher Name, Date. Pamphlet: Last Name, First Name (or corporate name). Title of Pamphlet. Place of Publication: Publisher Name, Date. Website: Last Name, First Name (if available). “Title of Specific Webpage.” Title of Main Webpage. Name of institution /organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of creation(if available). Date of access. (when YOU went on the website).. "Housing & Campus Life." CollegeBoard. The College Board, 2014. February 9, 2014.. No publisher or site date = n.p., n.d. If it is correct put a check mark at the bottom of the page.

9 Parenthetical Citations – Direct Quotes Look through the body of the essay and find the parenthetical citations. Remember…those are the things in the (parenthesis)! Locate the direct quotes that the author uses (look for quotation marks!). Is there a parenthetical citation after it? (Every direct quote must have a parenthetical citation after it) A sentence should not start with a quote! If they are correct put a check mark next the citation for the direct quotes. Examples Twain lived a “life of luxury and was able to travel the world” (Smith 46). According to Smith, Twain lived a “life of luxury and was able to travel the world” (46). Mark Twain’s daughter “died during the height of his career” (“Twain Biography”). According to “Twain Biography”, Mark Twain’s daughter “died during the height of his career.”

10 Parenthetical Citations Paraphrase/Summary Look through the body of the essay and note the parenthetical citations. Remember…those are the things in the (parenthesis)! Locate the areas where the author paraphrased or summarized research (these will not have quotation marks!). Is there a parenthetical citation after it? There should not be the same parenthetical citation after each sentence. If they are correct put a check mark next to the citation for them. There are many undressing scenes within the comedy and one in particular is very historic. Mr. Warne, played by Clark Gable, begins undressing in front of Ellie and practically takes off every piece of clothing he’s wearing. He even breaks the norm by not wearing an undershirt, and strips down to his bear chest. This scene of Warne undressing was not essential to the plot, and the notion of him getting ready for bed could have been established in a different way (“It Happened”). This one scene hurt the actual sales of undershirts after the film was released and also resulted in undershirt manufacturers suing the studio for the loss of sales (Smith 26).

11 Matching Parenthetical Citations to the Works Cited Page If this is in the paper:Then this is what should be on the Works Cited page: Star Trek is “one of the best science fiction television shows” (Okuda 75). Book – 1 authorOkuda, Michael. Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993. Star Trek is “one of the best science fiction television shows” (Leakey and Leakey 92). Book – 2 authorsLeakey, Mary, and Louis S.B. Leakey. Some String Figures from North East Angola. Lisboa: Museu do Dundo, 1949. Star Trek is “one of the best science fiction television shows” (Bailyn et al. 84). Book – 4+ authors Bailyn, Bernard, et al. The Great Republic: History of the American People. Lexington: Heath, 1977. Global warming “will significantly impact the way we live in the next 40 years” (The Impact of Global Warming 29). This is a book with no author The Impact of Global Warming in North America. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2000. Global warming “will significantly impact the way we live in the next 40 years” (Lynch). Website with an author. No author? Leave it out and use the website title. Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review." Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club. Bradley University, 1996. 8 Oct. 1997..

12 Last Part! Read the paper! Read through the paper for its content. Is there a thesis statement in the introduction paragraph? Does the paper touch on (most of) the following subjects: Personal Interests of the author College Requirements (to get into the college) College Information College Cost Personal Interests at the college of their choice (clubs, social life) Put “Corrected By _____________” and your name!

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