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Notebook #11. Step one  Research a topic  Determine what you will be arguing about the topic. (analysis, comparison, evaluation, problem/solution or.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook #11. Step one  Research a topic  Determine what you will be arguing about the topic. (analysis, comparison, evaluation, problem/solution or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook #11

2 Step one  Research a topic  Determine what you will be arguing about the topic. (analysis, comparison, evaluation, problem/solution or cause/effect)  Gather your information  Highlight important facts, data, statistics and details. (using a T-chart helps with this process)  Determine which side of the argument is stronger  Always plan to argue on the side with more evidence.

3 Step two  Do more research  Find as much information as possible to support the claim you plan to make.  The more facts, data and statistics, the more credible you and your paper will be.  Find information for your counterclaim or counterargument.  Use a different color highlighter to show the difference between sides.  Remember, a credible argumentative paper must be able to argue both sides of an argument.

4 Step three  Plan what you will write in your essay.  What reasons are the best and most credible for your argument?  What evidence will you use to back those reasons up?  How will you analyze the evidence you have presented?  Does it help your argument? Does it make you more credible?  Use the graphic organizer to list your reasons, evidence and analysis

5 Step four  What will your counterargument be?  What reason(s) is/are the best and most credible?  What evidence will you use to back those reasons up?  How will you analyze the evidence you have presented?  Does it help your argument? Does it make you more credible?

6 Step five  Consider your conclusion.  What do you want the reader to leave with?  Do you want them to take action in regards to your topic?  Do you want them to simply be informed?

7 Step six  Locate all evidence you plan to use in your essay.  Label each piece of evidence with a number so it is easy to find (ex. 1, 2,3, etc.)  Make sure you know if your evidence supports your argument or your counterargument.  Use different highlighter colors if necessary

8 Step seven  Begin writing your rough draft  You may write on binder paper or you may use a graphic organizer to help you through the process.  Be sure to use precise language to help make your paper more credible. (see list of signal verbs)

9 Graphic organizer example

10 Signal verbs that fit the action Making claims argueassertbelieveclaimemphasize insistobserveremind usreportsuggest When summarizing or introducing a quotation, use vivid and precise signal verbs as often as possible Expressing Agreement acknowledgepraiseendorsereaffirmadmire celebrate the fact that extolsupportagreedo not deny corroborateverify

11 Signal verbs that fit the action When summarizing or introducing a quotation, use vivid and precise signal verbs as often as possible Questioning or disagreeing complaincontradictcomplicaterejectqualify denyquestionrenouncecontendrefute repudiatedeplore the tendency to Recommendations advocateencouragepleadwarncall for exhortrecommenddemandimploreurge

12 Step 8  Check your work as you go.  Does your evidence and analysis for your argument match with your claim?  If yes, then continue writing your essay  If no, then review the evidence you have and choose a better fitting piece of evidence  Does your evidence and analysis for your counterargument provide a logical rebuttal for your claim?  If yes, then continue writing your essay  If no, then review the evidence you have and choose a better fitting piece of evidence

13 Step nine  Review and edit your rough draft. (can be done by yourself, a peer, parent or teacher)  Check for spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar errors.  Check for sentence fragments and run-on sentences.  Make sure you have no personal pronouns (I, me, my, you, your, etc.)  Make sure all citations are properly cited (author’s name, page number and any other necessary information is available)

14 Step ten  Write your final draft  Make any necessary corrections to the paper.  Type if required  If handwriting, make sure your final draft is neat and legible and you do not go over the margins on the sides of the paper.

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