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Caseload Management The WIC program is funded to serve eligible participants When funding does not allow for all eligible participants to be served, the.

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1 Caseload Management The WIC program is funded to serve eligible participants When funding does not allow for all eligible participants to be served, the State Office may implement a caseload management policy

2 Funding background The WIC program is a domestic discretionary program WIC is funded annually through US Senate and House Appropriations Committee WIC is not part of the Farm Bill

3 Funding background USDA FNS drafts WIC’s annual budget for the federal fiscal year Congress determines the level of funding the program will receive each year Once the appropriation passes Congress and is signed into law, grants are provided to each region The region allocates the funds to each state

4 WIC Regions

5 Funding Continued Each state receives base funding for 3 grants ◦ Food ◦ NSA ◦ Peer Counseling In addition to the base grant, each state receives quarterly reallocations in the food and NSA grants based on caseload

6 The BIG PICTURE Most of the time, states are funded according to their caseload Occasionally, especially during an election year it can be difficult to pass budgets ◦ Sequestration ◦ Continuing resolution ◦ Debt ceiling

7 Federal shutdown If the proposed budget does not pass in time, WIC cannot serve it’s participants Regional offices can implement last minute temporary emergency measures ◦ Closing our fiscal year grant to issue spend forward money ◦ Using formula rebate money ◦ Contingency Funds

8 Caseload management If a proposed WIC budget is reduced, cost saving measures would need to be implemented. Depending on when the information is received will determine the impact. For example, if we do not receive news of our FY budget until the summer of that FY.

9 Administrative Considerations Food ◦ Require lowest cost brand ◦ Turn off substitution packages in WISPr for cheese and PB ◦ Encourage RDs to work with healthcare providers to challenge exempt/medical formulas if appropriate ◦ Not required to provide exempt/nutritionals ◦ Breastfeeding equipment considerations

10 Administrative Considerations NSA ◦ Review state office budget to determine cost saving measures  Essential verses non essential costs  WISPr contractors  Handouts/printing  Contracts  Reduce contract amount for agencies not meeting caseload standard of 97%

11 Local Agency Considerations: If administrative measures do not account for known reduction, next step is implementing a waiting list Local Agencies must have State approval prior to implementing a waiting list Chapter 3 in IWPPM

12 Local Agency Considerations: State office will use WISPr priority participation report (505P): ◦ Estimate amount to be reduced ◦ Which priorities in each agency will be impacted  No change  Put on waiting list  Benefits suspended  Not served

13 Waiting Lists: Considerations Agencies may continue to certify and provide services to new applicants at higher priorities while placing lower priority applicants on waiting lists Waiting lists must be imposed starting with the lowest priorities and working upward without skipping priorities or sub priorities

14 Waiting Lists: Considerations The waiting list must include: ◦ Applicant’s name ◦ Address or phone number ◦ Status (e.g., pregnant, breastfeeding, age of applicant) ◦ Date placed on the waiting list Applicants must be notified: ◦ Placement on a waiting list ◦ Right to a fair hearing  Within 20 days of requesting benefits

15 Waiting list: Considerations Participant attrition rate as it relates to the number of potential participants Using a simple system that is easily understood by participants to reduce the risk of fair hearings Ensuring WIC staff are communicating/ counseling the waiting list message correctly to applicants

16 Caseload Management Toolkit: Introduction To Forms Clinic procedures Brief interview Waitlist notification Waitlist log

17 Clinic Procedures: Prescreening Designed to provide procedures in the event a waiting list needs to be implemented Cannot use WISPr currently for the entire process ◦ Goal is to avoid additional time spent by staff and participants ◦ The local agency may decide how to handle the pre-screen process Form includes: ◦ Procedure, example and reference to the policy Divided into phases: ◦ Phase 1: Eligibility ◦ Phase 2: Priority/Probable Priority ◦ Phase 3: Data Collection Notification to participant Procedures to maintain the list Enrolling from the waiting list Current participant coming up for a subsequent cert


19 Brief Interview: Priority Used after staff have determined the applicant has met eligibility for: ◦ Income ◦ Residency ◦ Catg. Collection of applicant/participant information ◦ Quick questions to ask:  All catg. (Ex. Medical conditions or health problems?)  Specific to catg. ◦ Responses should lead to priority level  Put on a waiting list or complete the Certification Back page has the priority list “cheat sheet”


21 Waitlist: Notification The participant will complete their contact information and sign at the bottom ◦ There is a box for consent to call in the event the R,R&C form is not used The box on the upper right hand side will be complete by staff and also sign at the bottom A copy needs be kept by the clinic and one given to the participant for their records Ensure this information matches the waiting list log


23 Waitlist: Priority Log Applicants will be recorded on the waiting list according to their potential priority and in the order in which they apply for services One log for each clinic ◦ Sheet for each priority level (A-G) The procedures document includes definitions for what is expected in each column For example: ◦ Initial contact date:  This is the date the applicant contacted the program to receive benefits, whether in-person/in-writing or via phone call. ◦ Date of placement on the waiting list:  The date staff added the applicant to the waiting list.


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