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BELFAST - October 10 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference.

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Presentation on theme: "BELFAST - October 10 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELFAST - October 10 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

2 City and county seat of District, Viseu is located in a mountain range in the northern centre of Portugal. Viseu is the only Portuguese district that does not border with the sea nor with Spain. Over recent years, the city has become more accessible. The increase in road construction has made access easier, quicker and more comfortable. Viseu is about 3 hours to Lisboa, 1,5 hour to Porto and to Spain and 40 minutes to Aveiro coast. VISEU Presentation

3 The city has a population of 47.250 (2001 Census). The climate in Viseu is characterized by extremes of temperature, with rigorous wet winters and hot dry summers. VISEU Presentation

4 Being Viseu an historical city, human occupation is quite remote; although there are still some important reminders even from the Celtic civilization. The city was an important strategic point during the occupation of the Iberic Peninsula by the Romans. Viseu is related to Viriato, a brave leader of the Lusitanian tribe that fought the Romans during their presence in the Portuguese territory, who died in the year 139 BC. Viriato is also the name of our school. VISEU Presentation

5 The city, which stretches out into the green of the Beiras, comes across many points of interest from times gone by: - Historical centre, topped by the Cathedral and the Grão Vasco Museum, - Rua Direita, a typical commercial street, - Rossio, the central square, - Cava de Viriato, a roman natural monument, - churches, green parks, etc. The progress takes nothing away from the nobility of the spiritual granite of the cathedral or the flag- stoned streets which lead up to it. VISEU Presentation

6 Add to the richness of the region, the excellence of its cuisine, properly watered with mature wines of great quality of the limited region of Dão (name of the most important river of the region). Viseu river name is Pavia. More to read: VISEU Presentation

7 ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE VIRIATO Presentation Viriato´s High School, founded in October of 1985, is one of the 3 high schools in Viseu. It is situated in the limit of the city and it is composed by 4 buildings and another one for sporting activities, which usage is shared by the Town Hall of Viseu.

8 The School board, in 2010/2011, is formed by: +/- 150 teachers +/- 40 p. non-teaching staff. We are +/- 1100 pupils. ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE VIRIATO Presentation

9 In the 3rd cycle of the basic teaching, we have: - regular classes – 7 th, 8 th and 9 th, - Alternative Curricular Studies (PCA) classes, - a course of Academic Education and Training (CEF) for Civil locksmiths. In secondary level, we have courses such as: - Scientific-Humanistics: => Science and Technology => Art => Langages and Social sciences - Technological: => Sport - Professional, in areas like: => Turism => Markting => Socio- cultural support => Computers and ICT. We also have courses of Education and Training of Adults (EFA), at night. ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE VIRIATO Presentation

10 - Production of a questionnaire in order to monitor the process of achieving quality results through usage of project work and ICT. MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

11 In the context of the main thematic area of the Partnership Environment /Sustainable development, the students began to analyse school and local environmental problems. first problem: rubbish on the ground of the facilities and in the surrounding area need of developing ecological responsibility implemented solution: waste points participation in the project «Projecto Electrão» students brought from home old electric or electronic components (microwaves, mobile phones, etc.) to be collected participation in the project «Rolhinhas» we collected used corks in order to be recycled and help to decrease the cutting down of oak trees « Let’s clean the school. MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

12 “Rolhinhas” Cork-oak Recycling “Ecoponto escola” Paper, glass, plastic, metal Let’s clean the school “Projecto electrão” We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

13 second problem: existence of an abandoned field in school area 1.The Biology teacher and students developed a project called «Jardim» whose main objectives were to create an area for biology classes, making them more dynamic and laboratory classes funnier. This garden is divided in 4 different areas/gardens: Conservation (endangered species), Ethno-botanic (species that have medical properties and are used in Portuguese gastronomy); Systematic (plants divided by groups according their characteristics); Protists and Plants Kingdom (with a lake to protists’ survival). Plantation day Presentation of students works Conference for a well known Professor, about protected species Worm factory (The waste/compost from the worms will be used to add nutrients to the garden project.) Greenhouse project (in progress) MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

14 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

15 second problem: existence of an abandoned field in school area 2. To take school to the local community, the school also participated in the project: «Projecto Rios» because the city of Viseu is crossed by the Pavia River, which runs nearby the school. responsibility of checking the quality of the water put trouts into the river (because the University discovered that one otter was living in the river and they thought that it would be a good way to contribute to its survival) MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference




19 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

20 In the context of the main thematic area of the Partnership – Intercomprehension, the students have been producing some works/tasks about linguistic and cultural comprehension between (European) countries. 1. In French classes: Students introduced themselves (likes, dislikes, hobbies, music tastes, etc.) in a plurilinguistic document (in Portuguese, English and French). They also took some pictures about specific local environmental problems and wrote short descriptions for each picture (in Portuguese and French). The idea was to experiment Intercomprehension trying to understand/translate the Portuguese text. (The French text could be consulted to help like a “lingua franca”.) MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

21 2. In school, to all the community: “Language Day” - exhibition of documents/posters related to languages studied in our school (Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and German) and made by the students in their language classes. - exhibition of books, some little statues of the most important monuments, images and products coming from the different countries. - Taste of the typical gastronomic products from each country, like Berliners, Waffeln, Quiches, English tea, Scones, Tortillas, etc., baked by the teachers. “Language show” - the students performed some songs, dances, short theater plays and poetry in the languages they study, plus a Russian song by a Ukrainian girl. The aims of this activity were to make the community connect with different languages and to show that our school accepts all differences of each and everyone. MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

22 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference. We want to practise INTERCOMPREHENSION Communication with partners Document exchange Mad-moodle Production of mother thong documents Observation of other idioms documents / Linguistic and cultural comparison Exhibition “Dia das Línguas” - Cultural show for local community Classroom Mad-meetings Activities with partners Projects dissimination School We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

23 3. In school, to all the community: “ Europe Day” - exhibition of documents and products brought from the European countries participating in the Mad Comenius Project. - exhibition of works made by Art students about violence and human rights - posters about the European Day. (Some of these works were also part of a European contest). - conference: presentation of the MADproject activities in the first year by the students (posters and power-point; pictures). MAD_PORTUGAL ACTIVITIES – 2009 / 2010 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

24 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

25 We are not MAD. We are Making A Difference

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